Chapter 378 Batman's Fight
Although the field of vision was immediately obscured by the white mist, Chen Lu easily detected all attacks from Batman from the dark by virtue of his spider sense.As soon as he stretched his wrist, several spider balls were ejected, hitting every incoming bat dart precisely.Once again, these bat darts exploded with characteristics of electric shock, venom, or even kryptonite radiation, but naturally none of them could get close to Chen Lu's body.

In the end, Batman in power armor rushed up to Chen Lu in person, and punched Chen Lu on the forehead with a fist emitting red sun rays. Unfortunately, the red sun radiation used to deal with Superman would naturally not For Chen Lu to produce any hero, he only needs to wrap his hand around the power armor, and a huge spider web will wrap Batman's iron fist.

Afterwards, Chen Lu stood firm, and with the strength of his waist, he swung the spider silk wrapped around Batman's arm, and Batman was swung by Chen Lu like a meteor hammer.The terrifying centrifugal force impacted his power armor. Naturally, this kind of blow did not cause any damage to the solid power armor, but it was different for Batman sitting inside.

After all, Batman, who is made of human flesh and blood, couldn't help but feel his stomach churn during the extraordinary rotation, and a strong sense of dizziness washed over his every nerve. That's right, this set of power armor may be able to withstand the old age. Law's brute force toss, but as a normal human being, he can't afford to toss.Being played by Chen Lu like this, even if the outer power armor remains intact, the Batman sitting inside will spit out every internal organ of him.

This is an extremely clever attack method.

The thermal power generator can't concentrate its firepower to burn a large amount of spider silk gathered on the arm in a short time, so Batman can only choose to abandon one arm of the power armor decisively.He clenched a fist with his unbound right hand and slammed down on his left shoulder joint. The entangled power armor wristband was separated from his arm as the flames splashed, and stayed on the spider web constructed by Chen Lu, allowing him to Escape from the near-fatal centrifugal force.

So Batman was thrown off the roof like a hammer ball and fell down from the tall building.However, before he had time to catch his breath, Chen Lu, who was fixed to the edge of the building with spider silk, flew towards him in the posture of a pendulum, and his legs folded together, leaving a deep footprint on Batman's chest, and then he Kicked into the building.

The huge powered armor was rolling across the floors at high speed like a huge football, and it slowed down and came to a stop after crashing an unknown number of office chairs.The power armor suffered most of the damage, but his left arm, which had just been torn off by himself, was not so lucky.This arm has long been severely deformed under the strong impact, and the broken bones even pierced the skin and came out of the body, and the dripping blood dyed the pitch-black bat suit into a blood red.

Batman didn't have a good treatment method for this level of injury. He could only inject himself with a stimulant through the power armor, and then a freezing grenade hit the broken arm, and the strong cold coagulated the blood in the wound.This method of treatment can prevent him from weakening due to excessive blood loss, but whether the arm can be thawed in time to save it is unknown.

Batman doesn't have time for that, and if necessary, he can rip his own arm off without blinking.No injury can stop him from continuing to fight until his death. This is Batman.

Chen Lu followed and jumped into the floor where Batman was. Although the interval was only a few seconds, it was enough for Batman, a master tactician, to set up doubts.All of a sudden, ear-piercing sound waves erupted all around, and the sonic boom, which was almost visible to the naked eye, shattered the glass of the entire building.The purpose of this burst of sound waves was to destroy Chen Lu's possible sonar positioning ability, so a kryptonite spear shining with green light roared from the blind spot of Chen Lu's vision.

It's a pity that Chen Lu's ability to detect danger does not rely on vision or hearing at this time, and even blocking all his five senses is useless, because the spider sense is completely independent of the five senses. Fantastic sixth sense.So the kryptonite spear was caught firmly by Chen Lutou, and he returned it to the hidden Batman with a backhand.

Batman hastily took an evasive action, but Chen Lu also expected this. He connected a spider thread to the end of the kryptonite spear, and exerted force on the spider thread to change the trajectory of the spear, making it A brilliant arc of green light was drawn in the air and hit Batman's abdomen accurately.

The sharpened kryptonite tip successfully broke through the protection of the power armor, and perfectly staged a tragedy of attacking the shield with the spear of the son, but scarlet blood splashed everywhere, and Batman's blood Contaminated the entire handle of the gun.The shattered organs and large globs of blood spurted out of Batman's mouth. For a superhero with only normal human strength, this kind of injury is too serious.

Although this blow could almost immobilize Batman, the dark knight with a strong will like steel launched a counterattack immediately.He struggled to hold the kryptonite spear that pierced through his body with his only remaining right hand, and slid over the handle until he caught the spider silk used by Chen Lu to control the trajectory of the spear.

"You've been tricked."

Following Batman's weak sigh, Chen Lu discovered that at some point, a wire was pulled out of Batman's power armor and connected to the power distribution box of the building. Let him see, and the spider sense won't respond to such non-obviously threatening behavior.

When the spider sensor in Chen Lu's brain buzzed like a boiling kettle, it was too late to dodge.Through this power distribution box, Batman draws the electricity of Gotham City's entire urban grid, and pours it all into this tiny spider silk.Originally, spider silk made of protein cannot conduct electricity, but the sound wave impact just now shattered the glass windows of the building, allowing rapid raindrops to float in, causing the entire spider silk to be covered with rainwater, and the material containing inorganic salts and other substances Rainwater is of course an excellent conductor.

An intense electric current that is more terrifying than the thunder in nature passed through the spider silk at the speed of light and poured into Chen Lu's body on the second floor. At this moment, the power grid of the entire Gotham City was paralyzed by this heroic electric shock. Winding around Chen Lu's body, it is impossible to imagine how many volts of voltage penetrated his body.

After calculating step by step, Batman's gamble finally succeeded.

(End of this chapter)

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