Chapter 35 It's All Trap
The wind blowing on the roof was getting stronger and stronger, and the sound of howling wind could be heard all over the body, and the cold air seemed to scratch people's faces.At this time, Chen Lu's body was covered with wounds of all kinds, large and small, and his back was scorched black by the heat arrow, looking very embarrassed.However, Hawkeye would not give him a chance to breathe. A cylindrical arrow pierced through the air again, and exploded into a huge trap before hitting Chen Lu.

Why don't these superheroes like to kill directly?

Chen Lu easily shredded the trapping net, let it turn into fragments and scattered around him, and at the same time frowned and challenged Hawkeye: "Why don't you just kill me? You still think I will Correct the evil and return to the right? Or do you want to ask something out of my mouth?"

"The few people you saved in the supermarket before, none of them were sincere?" It seems that Hawkeye is still concerned about Chen Lu's various behaviors in the supermarket before, maybe he still feels that the young man in front of him There is still a tinge of goodness in the hearts of Hydra agents.

However, Chen Lu's next words immediately shattered Hawkeye's fantasy: "You—yes—yes—yes! They are all my pawns. Wow——!"

A sharp arrow quickly hit Chen Lu's chest, but he narrowly dodged it with a twist of his body.It seems that Hawkeye's arrow was shot out with hatred, otherwise Chen Lu couldn't have dodged the arrow so easily.In order to continue looking for a way, Chen Lu had no choice but to roll and hide in the next bunker, but any bunker would not last long in Hawkeye's hands.

Not to mention the helicopter is still 15 minutes away.

"Oh, troublesome guy." Chen Lv was watching Hawkeye's attack while looking for props that could be used on the roof. Soon his eyes caught a gas pipe, a one that killed one thousand enemies and damaged eight hundred. A simple strategy came to mind.

"You can't hide for a lifetime." Two arrows that could bend due to the strong wind flew directly behind Chen Lu. Chen Lu quickly rolled on the cover to avoid the blow, but he was also forced to leave the cover. shelter.Three silver metal shurikens took shape between Chen Lv's fingers. The moment his body was exposed to Hawkeye's range, Chen Lv threw them out violently. The three silver arcs hit Hawkeye like shooting stars!

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Hawkeye just raised the compound bow slightly, and the three shurikens hit the bow at the same time and bounced off, nailing them to the wall behind him in vain.However, Chen Lu's long-range attack itself was just to delay time. He strode towards the gas pipe on the roof, and his right hand turned into a long knife to cut it open. A large amount of gas leaked out instantly. The lighter prepared to burn the forged files was thrown towards the pouring gas without hesitation.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The flames of the gas explosion instantly engulfed Chen Lu's whole body, making him disappear from Hawkeye's hearing, vision, and even airflow sensing. At the same time, the gas pipeline continued to explode in chains, and waves of explosions followed the pipeline. Attack on Hawkeye.

This level of explosion can only be regarded as trivial to Hawkeye. He easily predicted the location of the chain explosion, and avoided the explosion pipe with a light flash of his body, letting the blasting flames rub his hair handsomely out of the way.But at this moment, a scorched figure suddenly emerged from the flames, rushing menacingly towards Hawkeye from the flames!
A silver metal iron fist expanded rapidly in front of his eyes, and even the flames of the explosion were blown away by the violent wind of the fist. Hawkeye was just in a state of rigidity after dodging, so he had to barely raise the compound bow to block the attack. fist.The iron fist slammed heavily on the compound bow that Hawkeye held tightly in both hands. Just the force from the bow made him feel a shock in his internal organs, and his body couldn't bear the strange force, and his feet flew off the ground. , backed up until it slammed into the wall behind it and left a large depression on it.

Ten times the Iron Fist!
Chen Lu's hidden killer move finally worked on Hawkeye. Even if he wasn't hit directly, it would be impossible for a normal flesh and blood body like Hawkeye to defend against an iron fist ten times as powerful as the human body's limit.Now Hawkeye was being hit deeply into the wall by this blow, his body suffered heavy injuries and he was temporarily unable to dig himself out of the wall.

[The remaining biological energy is less than 10%]

In order to restore his body from the gas explosion to the level where he can launch an attack, Chen Lu also consumed a lot of biological energy. Now the remaining energy is not enough for him to fire another sharpshooter to end Hawkeye.The only way is to continue to rush up and beat Hawkeye hard with melee combat. Seeing how weak the opponent is, this shouldn't be a difficult task.


Just when Chen Lu was about to take another step to approach Hawkeye, he suddenly found that his legs could not move at all!Looking down, there were two more arrows vertically embedded in the ground under his feet at some point, and several ring shackles were formed on the shafts of the arrows, which clasped Chen Lu's feet and locked them in place.

This is the trap arrow arranged by Hawkeye in advance!

As an experienced veteran hunter, Hawkeye has long seen through the shortcoming of Chen Lu's lack of effective long-range offensive means. Therefore, he also predicted that no matter what methods Chen Lu uses next, he will eventually be defeated. The purpose must be to find a way to approach and fight hand-to-hand with himself.So he took advantage of the moment when Chen Lu hid in the bunker and couldn't see his side, he inserted two trap arrows into his feet in advance, and waited for Chen Lu to throw himself into the trap!

Except that Chen Lu's terrifying ten times iron fist was not expected to be temporarily incapacitated, all of Hawkeye's arrangements were very successful.

Now the two still kept a certain distance for Hawkeye to snipe, and Chen Lu was trapped and imprisoned on the ground by the trap arrows. At the same time, the biological energy had bottomed out, and it could be said that it had reached the end of the mountain.After finally catching an opportunity that Hawkeye couldn't dodge and using his hidden killer move, he never expected to fall into his trap.

Chen Lu and Hawkeye looked at each other and panted heavily. Both sides in the battle had reached the bottom of their physical strength, but the difference was that Hawkeye was slowly recovering from the injuries caused by Ten Times Iron Fist, while Chen Lu's creature Energy may not be replenished temporarily.Immediately, Hawkeye would be able to draw his bow and shoot arrows again, and indeed knock down the immobile Chen Lu, if he wanted to.

"So you think you've won by doing this?"

Chen Lu put the last biological energy into the healing of the injuries, barely healed all kinds of wounds on his body, pretended to be completely uninjured and forced a bluff.But the other party didn't seem to accept this, and Hawkeye scolded him coldly:
"Really? Then you can come and beat me, if you can."

Two nearly exhausted people are talking ridiculously.

(End of this chapter)

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