Chapter 347 The Swarm Arrives
Seeing that everything is going smoothly, Loki is looking forward to what he will do after he controls the entire Asgard.But at this moment, a sudden change happened.The small portal that was originally supposed to be opened only for the passage of the Rubik's Cube suddenly doubled in size. It seemed that both the Loki Scepter and the Rubik's Cube had been injected with enormous energy, so that the power of the portal was suddenly amplified. Things weren't part of Loki's plan.

"How could this be?" Loki hurriedly stopped the energy input to the scepter, thinking that this would prevent the portal from continuing to expand.However, doing so was of no use at all. Loki's Scepter and the Rubik's Cube continued to work efficiently, as if they had been programmed to operate faithfully and mechanically.

Only then did Loki realize that the scepter in his hand had been filled with an extremely large amount of energy before he got it, and this energy was undoubtedly preparing for this task.He immediately realized that his plan had been used by others, and that the scepter would be snatched back to Asgard by him, not because of his clever calculations, but because someone deliberately let him back!
"Damn it, stop!" Loki, who understood that he was the one being used because he thought he had used Chen Lu, frantically hit the scepter, trying to shatter it to prevent subsequent things from happening, but he That weak power has no possibility of destroying the soul gem at all, no matter how hard it struggles, it will be futile.

Loki never expected himself to be as destructive and brute force as Thor, because he never considered that he would be so used by others one day.He did trigger the final decisive battle between Odin and Chen Lu and snatched back Loki's scepter, but all of this was also within Chen Lu's calculations.

The huge energy made the portal bigger and bigger. Loki, who felt the danger was coming, abandoned this precious scepter and ran away from it. This was the last thing he did as a cunning evil god. A very sensible decision.

Intense blue light shone, and finally filled the entire barren wilderness and enveloped everything.When the light gradually dissipated, a huge army appeared on the surface of Asgard's planet.This is an army composed of ferocious insect-type monsters. Zerglings, Hydralisks, Cockroaches, Flying Dragons, Flying Snakes, all the Zerg units used by Chen Lu have appeared on this planet in tens of thousands. Looking at the Asgard Palace in the distance, ready to go.

The person leading this ferocious swarm army is the super agent hero left by Chen Lu in the Naruto World. At this time, he is riding on a cockroach with a cosmic Rubik's Cube, looking at Aspen with the entire zerg army. Gard's city.He was entrusted with such an important mission as soon as he returned, which really made him a little unexpected.But there is nothing to be embarrassed about, he is not fighting alone.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube does not need the Loki Scepter as a beacon when it is transferred in the same dimension, so Hawkeye casually raised the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and after a flash of blue light, Chen Lu's figure appeared in front of him.

"Good job, Hawkeye." Chen Lu, who was teleported over, praised lightly. He took over the Cosmic Rubik's Cube from Hawkeye. This infinite gem has already realized its maximum value.

Hawkeye just smiled wryly and shook his head: "I didn't do anything, maybe I need to thank the person who brought me to this planet?"

"Ah, he should listen. Thanks for leading the way, Rocky, and then you can exit."

Hearing Chen Lu's sarcasm, Luo Ji deeply felt that he had already been fooled. He thought he was the final winner, but in the end he was just a pawn leading the way for Chen Lu.And since Chen Lu can appear in Asgard so freely, it also means that Odin who stayed on Earth has completely failed.

Now that the Asgard Palace, which is almost full of nests, does not have enough strength to resist Chen Lu's Zerg army, now Loki's dream of ascending the throne of Asgard has also been completely shattered.Under the ravages of Chen Lu's swarm, there would be no kingdom left for Loki to rule.

"I should abandon this place." Logic told Loki, there was no hope here, and he was responsible for it.The most sensible thing to do now is to run away, and don't let Chen Lu catch himself, the traitor who tried to betray him.

But when it comes to this, Loki can't make up his mind. After all, this is the hometown where he was raised. Even if he is full of resentment towards fake relatives such as Odin and Thor, he hopes that King's Landing or guarding this land The ideal is real.All he has done is to make himself a competent king of Asgard, how can he shrink back at this critical moment?

At the same time when Loki was extremely entangled in his heart, Chen Lu had already waved the insect swarm to attack the Queen of Asgard. The mighty army of Zerg rushed to the city wall of Asgard like a flood, and counterattacked Asgard. Sgard's tough battle is about to begin.

At this moment, a dark red light fell into Queen Asgard like a shooting star, and landed impartially on the throne that originally belonged to Odin.Although he didn't see the visitor's face clearly, Loki knew that this was the effect of the ether gem, and there was only one person worthy of Odin's use of this power-Thor, the god of thunder, was back.

Loki, who had already believed that Asgard no longer had hope, could not help but feel a little expectation from the bottom of his heart after seeing this ray of light. Perhaps this hero who has repeatedly thwarted his own plots can also save Asgard this time. , I don’t know why he, who is Thor’s old enemy, believes so.At this moment, Loki made up his mind, and with the last bit of hope, he rushed to the Asgard palace.

In the palace, the people of Asgard were also shocked by the sudden return of the prince. Shouldn't he have contributed to the expedition of God King Odin on Earth?How could the god king send this important helper back from the earth? No one thought that Odin was dead so absurd.

But no matter how others questioned him, Thor, who was sitting on the throne, still stared blankly and didn't say a word. The ether gem did eliminate the manipulation of the mind gem on him, but everything Thor experienced had no effect on him. It cannot be eliminated by force.Abandoning soldiers, killing companions, and sneak attacking his father, all these experiences have completely closed Thor's heart, and he is not as good as any light at all.

Outside the city wall, the swarm attack also started. Under Chen Lu's command, the swarm attacked Asgard's defenses in the simplest and most brutal way. For these strange creatures that came from nowhere, Asgard The guards of Germany panicked and didn't know how to deal with it.

If no miracle happens, Asgard will soon be devoured by the swarm.

(End of this chapter)

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