Chapter 343 Hulk Returns

"Stupid mortal, do you want to continue fighting with me?" Odin shouted to Chen Lu angrily. Where does the king's dignity go?He ordered the soldiers without hesitation: "Catch them! If that's the case, I'll get rid of you first, and then deal with Loki."

"You won't have this chance again." Chen Lu replied succinctly, facing the swarming Asgardian soldiers, he snapped his fingers lightly.

"Destroy as much as you want, Hulk."

Suddenly the ground under his feet shook like an explosion, and a huge figure suddenly appeared in front of Chen Lv. This was a humanoid monster with green skin and muscles that were beyond ordinary. Warrior's eardrums.This burly giant returning from the center of the earth is undoubtedly the ultimate creature buried in the center of the earth by Magneto - the Hulk Hulk.

Those soldiers who still rushed towards Hulk without knowing what to do, immediately tasted the power of this undead monster. With a wave of the Hulk's big hand, dozens of Asgardian fighters were easily blown away like mosquitoes, and their bodies melted. There is no chance of survival for meat sauce.However, when the soldiers' swords slashed on Hulk's skin, they couldn't even leave skin trauma. Hulk completely ignored the symptoms that were milder than mosquito bites, and continued to launch a violent attack on the "weak" soldiers. .

In fact, until now, Chen Lu has not found a good way to control Hulk, he can only temporarily suppress his anger and let him continue to stay obediently under the surface.But this situation must be temporary, one day Hulk's anger will erupt like a volcanic eruption, and Chen Lu chose to let Hulk completely release his anger today.

In the rage, Hulk does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, but this is not a problem for Chen Lu, because there are hundreds of thousands of Asgardian soldiers surrounding them now, as long as the luck is not too bad, Chen Lu does not have to worry I will be targeted by the Hulk, as long as I let the Hulk wreak havoc in the crowd is enough.

Seeing that no matter how many soldiers there were, he couldn't suppress the crazy Hulk, so Heimdall quickly went into battle and fought him with his giant sword.However, even his mighty giant sword can only leave a shallow scar on Hulk.

Green blood splashed onto the ground, and the pain made the Hulk even more irritable. He clenched his sandbag-sized fist and slammed down towards Heimdall.Suddenly, a large crater like a meteorite crash exploded where Heimdall was standing, and the whole person was buried in the raised dust.

Normally, even the flesh of an Asgardian can't withstand such a terrible punch from Hulk, and it should have turned into meatloaf mixed in the soil long ago.But Hulk seemed to be aware of the extraordinaryness of the opponent in front of him. After this punch, he did not stop the attack confidently, but continued to swing his fists frantically at Heimdall's body.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The sound like the explosion of a cannonball continued to ring out as Hulk's fists fell one after another, and soon the two of them were buried by the soil pressed out by the fists, and quickly pushed toward the depths of the ground.During this period, Hulk was always pressing on Heimdall, and every time he punched, Heimdall's body went deeper into the ground.

Not long after, Hulk took Heimdall to the depths of the mantle close to the center of the earth. This is where he stayed for a long time, and it can be said to be his home field of battle.In the case of thousands of degrees of high-temperature mantle covering the whole body, neither of them lost their mobility because of this, and they were still fighting fiercely.

After being punched countless times, Heimdall still punched Hulk away from his body with a tenacious will, and then slashed Hulk's forehead with a sword, the blade penetrated into the skull more than an inch deep, It also failed to split the Hulk's head with a sword.

Green blood slid down from Hulk's forehead along the bridge of his nose, and was quickly evaporated by the high temperature of the mantle.He grabbed the blade of Heimdall's greatsword, tightly biting the blade of the greatsword with five fingers, and refused to let Heimdall take it back despite the blood dripping from his palm.

With Heimdall's strength, even if he grabbed the hilt, he couldn't grab the Hulk who was holding the sword tightly with one hand. He took the giant sword from Hulk's hand with a strong pull, and threw it away without knowing where it was. .

At this time, Heimdall, who was at a disadvantage in physical ability, completely became a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of Hulk. In the depths of the mantle where outsiders could not hinder him, he was ravaged by the Hulk punch after punch, and was wantonly vented by Hulk. A long-suppressed anger arose, and he swallowed his last breath until his body was distorted beyond human appearance.

After beating Heimdall to death in the center of the earth, the anger in Hulk's heart still hasn't completely disappeared. He rushed back to the ground again like swimming, and the entire Asgard army was already in chaos.

A large number of suture zombies besieged from all directions in Boston, making this king's army, which was exhausted by various incidents, almost powerless to fight back. In order to win this final battle, Chen Lu also invested a lot of money to make the U.S. Nearly [-] million zombies were all transformed into stitched zombies and put into this battle.In any case, the zombie army participating in this battle will definitely be wiped out. The question is just how many Asgardians can be taken away when the time of death comes.

While the Hulk and the army of stitched zombies were dragging the others down, Chen Lu also found Odin, who was weak and disfigured, and was about to put this high and mighty god king to death.It was hard to push the opponent to this point. If this opportunity is missed, I am afraid that there will be no time to kill Odin so easily in the future.

At this time, Odin also felt unprecedented embarrassment, as if he was personally assassinated by his proudest son, and then another cunning rebellious son wanted to go back to Asgard to seize his throne, and now he is still being hunted down by Chen Lu.If he can use [-]% of his usual strength, no, I'm afraid [-]% of his strength will be enough, and things won't evolve to this point.

Now Chen Luzheng is standing in front of him holding a pure Adamantium alloy sword and vibrating gold dragon pattern shield, there is no place to escape, his space fleet, loyal guard Heimdall, and his proud son Thor Thor, have been unable to respond to his call.Compared with the majestic appearance when he first attacked the earth, he is now a loner.

On Chen Lv's side, zombie heroes came to gather constantly, and it was clear at a glance which one was better.

(End of this chapter)

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