Chapter 339 Begin to Evacuate

After the Aether Stone's reality-altering abilities drove Ultron out, all Asgardians, including Odin, crashed into Earth, forcibly landing near Boston.When Odin stood up from the ground again, these soldiers who had been forced to land attacked the city of Boston. For these soldiers who lost the space fleet, the only way out was to take the city from the enemy. Otherwise, they would not even have a foothold on the earth.

"Your Majesty, you don't look well."

The sudden sound made Odin vigilantly turn his head and point the Eternal Gun at the comer, and it was only discovered by others so close, which also showed how weak Odin was at this time.Fortunately, it was not the enemy standing behind him, but Heimdall who was imprisoned in the flagship cell by his own orders. Odin also knew that Heimdall could come out at any time if he really wanted to escape.

"Your Majesty is using the power of the ether gem. You seem to have aged a lot." Heimdall continued. Originally, for a powerhouse of Odin's level, lifespan is not a problem to worry about at all, but once When it comes to the cost of using infinite gems, it really doesn't matter how long the lifespan is.Therefore, Odin is not willing to use the power of the ether gem if it is not a situation where he is really forced to have no choice.

"Make sure that no one else understands my current situation." Odin urged Heimdall. It is really inappropriate to appear in front of the soldiers with a weak side, which is too big a blow to morale. up.But at the same time he had to show his face, otherwise the troops attacking Boston would be left without a leader.

Heimdall naturally knew the predicament Odin was currently facing. He immediately knelt down on one knee and asked Odin for orders: "Your Majesty, please allow me to command the frontline war. I will ensure that you will not be harmed in any way."

"Don't treat me as a useless old man." Odin complained a little, but still acquiesced to Heimdall's request, "It's a pity that I don't have a better candidate, Heimdall, I allow you to make up for it this time , take me to the battlefield."

On the front line of Boston, the Asgardian forces, which had been unable to attack for a long time, naturally became more difficult to march after losing their space battleships. , The morale of this army should have collapsed a thousand miles ago.

Looking at the crashed Asgardian ships in low-Earth orbit, Chen Lu did not expect that the fierce battle between Ultron and Odin would end in such a way that both sides would suffer. Gem's Odin was better, but in fact he suffered a big loss.Ultron is an intelligent program, as long as Chen Lu agrees, Tony can recreate it as many times as possible. Even the reality modification ability of the ether gem cannot prevent the birth of Ultron, which is also a product of the infinite gem.Therefore, for Chen Lu, it doesn't matter how many times Ultron is eliminated.

Now that the entire Asgardian coalition force has crash-landed on the earth, Chen Lu just has the opportunity to wipe them all out in his own territory. The only question now is whether Odin will still use the power of the ether gem.Although this gem requires a huge price to use and the effect is not easy to control, but if Chen Lu really pushes Odin into a hurry, the consequences will still be disastrous.

The Asgardian soldiers who landed in a lifeboat from the universe fell down like raindrops. The Scarlet Witch, who was in charge of fighting for air supremacy, took the opportunity to hit tons of output. Every time a lifeboat was destroyed, it was equivalent to killing hundreds of enemies. Therefore, during the time when the enemy landed, the Scarlet Witch alone killed tens of thousands of enemy troops.It's just that this also caused her mental power to be consumed sharply, and even with a superpower enhancement device, she couldn't support such a huge energy consumption.

As a result, the Scarlet Witch didn't have enough energy to crush an entire lifeboat, so she could barely change its landing trajectory so that these ships collided in pairs to destroy them.The Scarlet Witch standing in the super power enhancement device was even paler and sweating profusely, and might faint at any time.

Suddenly Chen Lu's voice came from behind the Scarlet Witch: "Wanda, it's okay, stop."

Only then did the Scarlet Witch withdraw her mental power from the battlefield, dissipating all the crimson energy covering the entire Boston sky.She turned her head wearily, and immediately passed out and fell into Chen Lu's arms.Her ability has long been overdrawn to the limit, and she doesn't know what will support her to stay here.

Chen Lu shook his head helplessly. In this kind of confrontation between cosmic races, it is extremely rare for only one person to influence the situation to such an extent.Now that air supremacy has once again fallen into the hands of the enemy, continuing to hold on will only increase consumption. It is time to retreat from Boston.

He picked up the fainted Scarlet Witch and took the weak girl onto the transport plane.The zombie army below is still fighting hard, but zombie heroes such as Doctor Strange retreat first.

After Chen Lu took away the Scarlet Witch Wanda, Magneto took her place and walked into the super power enhancement device.This device was not designed for him, so Magneto itself cannot use this machine to enhance his abilities.But this is not a problem for this king of magnetism. In his long life, he has mastered more than just how to use magnetism to kill people.

The parts of the entire device were disassembled and then reassembled, which of course made its amplification effect much weaker than when the Scarlet Witch used it, but relatively, it allowed Magneto to gain control of the machine.

"Now, come and accept a little gift."

Magneto aimed at a lifeboat in the sky as the origin, and greatly increased its magnetic force to an extremely exaggerated state.As a result, the spaceships in the sky were naturally attracted by this lifeboat like a black hole, collided with each other and quickly twisted and compressed under the action of magnetism, crushing all the Asgardians inside into meat sauce .

More and more metals were sucked onto the lifeboat, making it gradually form a huge metal meteorite, which ruthlessly fell into the inner city of Boston with countless squashed flesh and blood inside.The fall of the man-made meteorite immediately caused great casualties to the Asgardian troops that had already landed smoothly, and those compatriots who did not have time to land on the ground became part of this dangerous weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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