Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 333 Completely out of control

Chapter 333 Completely out of control
In the process of wantonly killing these zombie heroes who got in the way, Thor felt that his body was getting lighter and lighter. The shackles were all released because he finally faced himself.He no longer needs any high-sounding reasons to cover up his behavior, he just wants to redeem everything for himself.

Now that he has got one of the Infinity Stones he needs, and endowed him with unusually powerful powers, this makes him even more convinced that as long as he gets the remaining few, he will have a way to bring everything back to the past, so that everything has never happened before. occur.

But just as Thor was fighting against the zombie army with his newly acquired abilities, the voice of his best friend Valkyrie Sif came from his ear: "Thor, stop quickly and let go of that scepter!"

"Sif, where are you?" Thor quickly raised his head and looked around, but he couldn't see Sif anywhere. The only thing that caught his eyes was holding a green psychedelic Chen Lu of the jewel of light stood not far from him.

Chen Lu raised the time gem in his hand to Thor, and asked provocatively: "Are you looking for this?"

"Give it up!"

Thor shot out a burst of yellow energy from the tip of Loki's scepter and poured it towards Chen Lu, but before the energy ray hit Chen Lu, he felt a blur before his eyes, and the ray hit the empty ground and exploded into a scorching heat. , while Chen Lu stood in another position as if he hadn't been targeted in the first place.

Chen Lu tossed the Time Gem in his palm, and said to Thor unscrupulously: "You don't think that such a precious thing can be easily obtained by you, do you think I will give it to you without any precautions? "

"There's no difference, you can't keep it!"

Thor filled his whole body with the yellow energy of the Mind Gem, turned himself into a void state and was not affected by any physical attacks, and then rushed towards Chen Lu at the fastest speed, and the tip of the scepter aimed right at Chen Lu rhythm heart.

The green ripples spread out again, and under the action of the time gem, the whole world froze again.Chen Lu avoided Thor's pursuit in the still world as easily as if he was taking a walk, as if he was deliberately teasing him, he never kept a long distance from him.

"Is it only to this extent?" Chen Lu continued to irritate Thor while holding the time gem.

Seeing that he couldn't get close to Chen Lu's body under the protection of the time gem, Thor couldn't help drawing more energy from the mind gem, and the dazzling yellow light poured into his body from the Loki scepter continuously, and the gem seemed to be As if to merge with him.

At this time, Sif's voice came again: "Thor, you must stop! Give up that gem!"

But at this moment, Thor had no time to care about the sound. He raised Loki's scepter high, and slammed it on the ground with the handle, and a yellow shock wave spread rapidly.The range of this shock wave is so large that even if time stops, Chen Lu still has no time to escape the distance of the shock wave, but he did not suffer any damage when he was hit, but his body was covered by a wave of yellow ripples That's all.

"I got you."

Thor suddenly rushed towards Chen Lu like a raging beast. At this time, he no longer had the power of lightning, but instead completely became the host of the power of the Mind Stone, just like in the movie "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron". The superhero in The Vision in general.

As a matter of course, Chen Lu activated the time stone's ability to freeze time and space again, but after the green light flashed and the time stopped, he still stayed in place, and Thor grabbed his throat and lifted him up like a chicken.

This is again the effect of density control. Even in static time and space, the user of the time gem will still be affected by gravity. Therefore, when Thor imprisons Chen Lv in place by increasing the density, even if time is used to stand still, it will still be affected by gravity. Still can't break free.

At the same time that Chen Lu was caught straight, a group of zombie heroes who were also hit by the yellow shock wave were all crushed into a meat paste by the severely increased gravity, and even the bones were crushed into powder by their own weight while clinging to the ground. .

Thor grabbed Chen Lu's neck with a smirk and asked triumphantly, "Do you still want to protect this gem?"

Suddenly Chen Lu's voice in front of him became blurred, as if it had become another person's voice, this voice was slightly sharp and painful: "No...what I want to you······"

Thor didn't care about Chen Lu's response at all. While lifting his feet off the ground with his left hand, he grasped the Loki scepter with his right hand and stabbed hard towards his chest with all his strength. The sharp tip of the scepter smoothly It pierced through Chen Lu's heart, and brutally crushed it without leaving any chance of survival.

For a moment, Thor's face was stained red by the gushing blood, making his face suddenly hideous and terrifying. Now he looks like a vicious tyrant without the mighty demeanor of Thor in the past.

In the blood-red vision, Thor saw a person who should not appear slowly walking towards him. That person was the master of the scepter in his hand and his brother Loki, who was also an enemy and friend. Thought he was killed in the battle for the ether gem.

"My dear brother, is my scepter still usable? I never dared to exert such astonishing power." Loki said to Thor in a homely tone. The corpse of the zombie hero walked close to him.

Thor asked in surprise: "Loki, why... I thought you were dead!"

"It's just a little trick. Compared with my business, you should care about what you did first." Loki said with an ominous smile on his face. Usually when he shows this expression, it usually means that he is going to do something. What a prank.

It's just that this time the mastermind of the prank was not him.

"Me?" Thor looked back at himself suspiciously. In the fierce battle just now, the blood of the dead had already stained his whole body.Just as he began to recall everything that happened after he obtained the Mind Stone, a sudden headache hit the scene in front of him and made the scene in front of him extremely psychedelic.

"Don't you really think that you alone defeated all the culprits of the loss, regained the time gem and saved the world..."

Following what Loki said in his ear, Thor looked at the battlefield in confusion, and saw that it was not some zombie hero infected with the virus that fell on the ground, but his friends and soldiers who had fought with him all the way to this point.Each of them died tragically, just like the zombies he slaughtered just now...

The ranger Hogan was stabbed with a big hole in his chest, and the dwarf Vostagg was cut in half by a laser, just like how Thor dealt with Magneto and Quicksilver just now.The body of the Valkyrie Sif, who had been tempting him just now, was not seen on the ground. Thor continued to turn his head dumbly, knowing that his eyes were on the scepter he was holding tightly.

"Do not--!!!"

Thor's wailing resounded throughout the New York desert, with tears and blood streaming down his face.

(End of this chapter)

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