Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 330 The beginning of collapse

Chapter 330 The beginning of collapse

Thor's Thor's hammer hit the anti-Hulk armor helmet again and again, denting and flattening the head and gradually deforming it until it couldn't fit a human head.Red and white liquid flowed out from the gap in the helmet, and Tony's head inside was completely smashed to pieces.

But Thor still didn't feel relieved. He knew that among the zombies there were monsters that could regenerate even if their heads were cut off, and now Tony had become one of them.So Thor used his left hand to tear off pieces of the anti-Hulk armor, exposing the fragile flesh and blood inside to the air.Then he raised Thor's hammer high and smashed Tony's body into pieces.

The Hammer of Thor repeatedly hit Tony's body, and the flesh exploded violently. The splashed blood even splashed on Thor's face, but he still didn't want to stop.At this moment, he seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, ferociously crushing Tony, his former companion, into meat paste.

After beating for an unknown amount of time, Iron Man's body under Thor's hammer has completely merged with the metal of the mecha, and the twisted battle suit is a bloody scene.At this time, even the venom symbiont parasitic on Tony's body lost its activity due to the death of the host, maintaining the appearance of the metal battle suit and letting Thor ravage it.

Thor didn't stop knocking until the whole laboratory was bleeding.What came into view now was the unrecognizable body of Tony.His fingers gradually relaxed, allowing Thor's hammer to fall heavily to the ground.

"I'll kill him." Thor muttered looking at Tony's body. His body was covered with blood, and he looked more like an evil spirit returning from hell. Although he had killed countless powerful enemies along the way, But it was the first one that made him feel stinging in his heart. After all, this person was his former friend.

However, he really didn't have time to continue to grieve, and soon Thor recovered from his self-blame and grief, stood up again and walked towards the Loki scepter he had been looking for for a long time.In the process of advancing towards this cold scepter, Thor felt more and more that he could not turn back. He was indeed full of sins. Only by successfully redeeming everything with the power of the infinite gem can he complete the atonement , otherwise he will be buried on Earth as a sinner of Asgard.

Thor gently grasped the end of Loki's scepter and pulled it out of the machine. This scepter, which was inlaid with the mind stone and connected with the two infinite gems of cosmic magic, exuded a magical allure. Let Thor can't help but indulge in it.

But soon he recovered from his sluggishness, and he must bring this important staff back to Asgard.Just when he was about to turn around and leave here, a violent explosion blasted him out of the laboratory. At the same time, strong flames emerged from a higher place in the underground laboratory. Obviously, the self-destruct device has been activated here. .

Just when Thor was in a hurry to leave the experimental base that was about to self-destruct with Loki's scepter, a boy he was familiar with but unfamiliar stood in his way. Moreover, standing behind Chen Lu was a group of super villains who had turned into zombie heroes.

Dr. Lizard, Green Goblin, Dr. Octopus, Killian, and other vicious people Thor has learned from the S.H.I.E.L.D. archives are all on Chen Lu's side, so there is no need to ask Chen Lushi to be a superhero .

"Chen, I didn't expect such a day to come." Thor, who was still grateful for Chen Lu's contribution to the Sokovia battle, said in a sad tone, but he just dismissed his friend Iron Man who had known him for a long time. Killed, so now he will not have any hesitation.

"Come on then, Thor."

As soon as Chen Lu's words fell, Thor, the God of Thunder, threw Thor's hammer at him preemptively. Doctor Octopus quickly used his four steel tentacles to protect Chen Lu and took the initiative to take the blow. However, these fragile tentacles How could he resist the atomic bomb-like power of Thor's Hammer? He was instantly deformed and torn apart by the hammer, and his body, which was actively protecting Chen Lu, was also blown apart like a balloon by the hammer.

After killing Dr. Octopus with one blow, Thor quickly cheered Thor's Hammer and hit Dr. Lizard's head with another blow, crushing his lizard's head as fiercely as a watermelon, leaving only one Stop the twitching headless body.

The Green Goblin was about to drive the skateboard to attack Thor from the air, but was directly hit by a lightning thick as a water snake and turned into a charred corpse, which shattered and scattered together with his proud Green Goblin skateboard.

In front of Thor, who was fully fired, an opponent of this level couldn't even consume his physical strength.Under Thor's counterattack, all three super villains fell and died in an instant.

But Chen Lu didn't seem to care about the life and death of these super villains at all, so he just watched Thor kill the three of them one after another calmly.Just after Thor pressed Killian to the ground and flattened him, he gestured behind him, and then more zombie heroes broke in from the upper floor.

"Fight with me, Chen!" Thor roared at Chen Lu while fighting fiercely with these zombie heroes. He could see that Chen Lu was leading these zombie heroes, but he still kept Chen Lu's evil Thanks to the cruel plague, he still did not expect that this young man who had made great contributions to the Avengers was the culprit of everything.

Captain America, Black Widow, Nick and others who were dragged down by Thor's three friends also ran downstairs one after another and joined the siege of Thor.After Iron Man's lesson, Thor no longer had any illusions about these former friends returning to sanity, and killed them one by one in the fastest and cruelest way just like he did with Doctor Octopus and others.

In a short while, Thor slaughtered half of the Avengers. Except for himself, Hawkeye and the Hulk, all the remaining founding members died in his own hands.After killing Captain America's body hiding behind the shield with a hammer, he also picked up the symbolic shield and put it on his arm, as if it would make him feel better.

And to be honest, now Thor has no time to care about how many former comrades-in-arms he has killed. Facing hordes of zombie heroes attacking him, he can only concentrate on the crazy fight.Whether these zombie heroes were righteous or evil, and whether they fought side by side with him, Thor soon stopped distinguishing.

Endless killing is the only thing he can do now.

(End of this chapter)

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