Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 313 The Memory of the Wolf

Chapter 313 The Memory of the Wolf
On the earth where human civilization has been destroyed, Wolverine Logan wanders in the desert blankly and ignorantly. The land under his feet was once the most prosperous city in the United States - New York, but now, it is just a desert with no grass.The air is permanently permeated with deadly nuclear radiation, yet this is no more dangerous to Wolverine than a casual bath.

After the battle at the Mutant Academy, he began an endless wandering. As a superhero, he saved the world again, but at the cost of killing his most beloved woman—Jean Grey.Although the latter died gloriously in a gesture against the personality of the Black Phoenix, Wolverine still couldn't forgive himself easily. He embarked on a journey to a distant place, hoping that time would make him forget everything.

However, there is still nothing in the distance except the distance.

During this long journey, he looked back to the horizon more than once, hoping that there would be a figure of a former companion there.Cyclops, Storm, Phantom Cat, whoever appears, pull him back to the X-Men again, tell him what must be done for him, who is waiting for him to save, or just a simple sentence: "Logan, we need your help."

But no one came.

No one told Wolverine he was right, and no one came to tell him you were wrong, so he wandered forever in the nightmare of the past, and walked a long journey without knowing it.Along the way, he witnessed with his own eyes the process of human beings being destroyed by zombies, and watched cities turn into dead cities with no survivors overnight.However, those ferocious zombies were the only ones who were not interested in him, a down-and-out wanderer, and let Wolverine go as easily as if they were his own kind.

At the beginning, Wolverine would try his best to save innocent people from the minions of the zombies as much as possible, and use his body as a shield to kill the blood of these vulnerable people, but Logan soon discovered that it was all futile. , Even if they hide in the ends of the earth, there is no place for human beings to stand.After countless attempts to settle and then being disturbed by waves of zombies, the last ordinary person in this survival team also committed suicide. Since that day, Wolverine has never bothered to try to save the remaining humans.

The human worlds have been destroyed, and Logan is powerless to save even one of them.

So Wolverine began to understand what happened to the X-Men who failed to catch up with him. In this brutal doomsday war, the superheroes lost the war and the zombies ruled the world.And he, Wolverine Logan, may be the only survivor among superheroes.

But this incident does not make Logan feel lucky. If all his colleagues have paid the price with their lives to save the world, what face does he have to live alone?Therefore, he tried countless methods of suicide, drinking bombs, hanging himself, poisoning, jumping into the sea... Even when he came to the desert of New York, which was completely polluted by nuclear radiation, he hoped that the radiation would make him His body no longer healed itself.

But how could this tough body, which even the black phoenix couldn't destroy, usher in death?Logan still has to continue to bear the curse of immortality and wander in the world.He who has lost all the meaning of existence is like a rotten old man with no fighting spirit at this moment, but the effect of the self-healing factor in his body is still strong and vigorous.

In the end, he successfully crossed this New York desert, and the deadly radiation that made people dare not set foot still couldn't hurt him.In front of him was another plain full of zombies. These zombies who had lost their prey also wandered around all day long, just like Logan. They were almost in the same state of walking dead.

Even if Logan took the initiative to attack this group of zombies and chopped off their heads one by one with Edman's claws, it would not cause any resistance from these zombies. They did not regard Logan as an enemy at all. It's been that way since recovering from a coma in the Battle of New York.Soon Wolverine gave up this futile work, because even if he spent his whole life, he could not kill half of the zombies on the earth, and besides, there was no one worthy of him.

Wolverine walks through this zombie line just as he did through the crowd, and he will continue this endless wandering until he finds a new meaning of existence or death luckily arrives.

Inadvertently, Logan discovered a glamorous small town, right next to this group of dangerous corpses, and it seemed that it had not been attacked by zombies.He hesitated for a moment whether he should meddle in his own business, but the habits formed in the past made his body move there involuntarily.Maybe he couldn't save anyone in the end, and even made them suffer more in their terrified life of fleeing, but Logan still decided to at least warn them in advance that there was a wave of corpses approaching nearby.

Soon Logan dragged his tattered clothes and approached the outermost house in this small town. As he expected, there were still traces of human life in this small town, and there were even a few scattered pedestrians walking on the street. Looking relaxed.Just as Logan was about to go up to warn them, a woman stopped him. The woman was surprised by Logan's appearance, but asked in a calm tone:
"Oh, are you a survivor too?"

"Ma'am, it's not safe here, you must immediately..." Logan warned the woman that the tide of corpses was approaching according to the original plan. At this moment, he suddenly found a single zombie wandering here with him. , the sharp Adamantium alloy claw protruded from between his fingers like an instinctive reaction, and he felt that he was about to repeat the same mistakes of the past.

"Hey, calm down, I'll deal with it." Unexpectedly, the woman stopped Logan calmly. Under Logan's unbelievable eyes, she went straight to the dangerous zombie and waved at the zombie like a wild dog. With a wave of his hand, the ferocious monster obediently left.

At this moment, Logan felt that the sight of zombies eating humans in the past was just a dream. He immediately realized that the woman in front of him, like himself, would not arouse the desire of zombies to attack. He put down his fists and asked dully: "Could it be the same for you?"

"You mean you won't be attacked by them?" The woman pointed to the well-behaved zombies going away, and said as a matter of course: "They won't attack humans a long time ago, and now these guys will just wander aimlessly."

Although Logan still couldn't believe it was true, everything that happened in front of him seemed to prove the woman's point of view.In the house behind this woman, two children, a man and a woman, are playing happily, and they don't look frightened in the last days at all.

(End of this chapter)

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