Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 298 Cockroaches and Flying Dragons

Chapter 298 Cockroaches and Flying Dragons

Chen Lv deeply agrees with Tony's suggestion of temporarily retaining his energy to return to the Marvel world. He has always advocated taking precautions to save the future, and not to take all the chips unless it is a last resort.Since the recent actions of the Asgardian Protoss are so active, he may have to consider leaving the progress here first and going back to stabilize his foundation.After all, in this Naruto world, he has not yet reached the point of becoming the target of public criticism, and is far less imminent than the imminent crisis of the menacing Asgardian Protoss.

"Then we need that tailed beast even more." Chen Lv concluded, "Only an energy source at the level of a tailed beast can meet our need to send as many Zerg troops back to Earth as possible. This planet has also become food for the Zerg, so we have to consider how to send them back."

"Well, if you can do it, it's worth our trip." Tony turned back and continued to sort out his new mech. They might not be able to afford to lose this battle as before. What was planned was more urgent.

After understanding the current situation, Chen Lu quickly left Tony's laboratory, and now he urgently needs to allocate a sufficient army of Zerg to storm the Ghost Lamp City.Once a huge energy source like the Tailed Beast is obtained, it will be much easier to resolve the crisis facing the Marvel World and the next step of the Naruto World. This time he must succeed!

The cerebrate Abathur is adjusting various excellent genes newly acquired by the Zerg in front of the evolution room, and is constantly improving various units of the Zerg.Now that the Zerg had regressed to its primitive state, he was busy again.Every new unit needs him to deploy the gene sequence to exert the strongest combat effectiveness, so he knows better than Chen Lu the abilities of Zerg units.

"New master, welcome back, the Zerg is ready, just waiting for your order." A group of new-faced bugs gathered behind Abathur, waiting for Chen Lu's order as if waiting for a named soldier.

The first Zerg to come out was a tank-like creature wrapped in a thick chitin shell. It was slightly larger than the Hydralisk, but it wasn't too big. giant.With three pairs of hypertrophic jointed limbs crawling on the ground, and a pair of sharp forelimbs growing on the turtle-like back, it really looks like a six-legged deformed tortoise.

Abathur introduced to Chen Lu: "The Zerg cockroach has a three-layer chitin shell, which can withstand heavy fire bombardment. The alienated salivary glands secrete acidic mucus, which is highly corrosive and effective against metal and flesh. The forelimbs can dig and hide, silently. Infiltrate the target area."

Accompanied by Abathur's introduction, this giant tortoise-like Zerg cockroach opened its big mouth shrunk in a three-layer thick shell, and when it opened its mouth, it spit out a green acid like a water cannon. On a shield made of Naruto World's special metal, there was only a long "squeak" sound, and this large shield, which was one person tall, was corroded into a pile of semi-liquid residue in a blink of an eye.

Although it does not have the venomous thorns of the Hydralisk, which are instantly deadly and have an extremely fast attack frequency, the acidity of the cockroach is obviously superior in attacking ability. These insects will undoubtedly have miraculous effects when destroying the enemy's defense measures. They His attack style is also very difficult to block.

"Then what about improved genes?" Chen Lu knew that what Abathur just introduced was just the ability of primitive cockroaches. In this new world, cockroaches, like Hydralisks and Zerglings, have obtained the organelles for producing chakra, and have the ability to use the so-called tolerance. The instinct of art.

Abathur had anticipated this question a long time ago, he beckoned a springtail, and let it evade in front of the cockroach with the most agile steps.With the Zergling's enhanced mobility, the slow acid sprayed by the cockroach became very difficult to hit, and only a few drops of acid managed to splash on the Zergling.

Naturally, this level of injury couldn't limit the Zergling's movement, and it was still running extremely nimbly on the creep.But only a few seconds later, something bad happened to the springtail, and a burst of frost began to emerge from its body, and its original dexterous movements slowed down, and finally the springtail, which was originally faster than a cheetah, It was frozen abruptly into a snail-like movement, and was completely dissolved by the cockroach's unhurried mouthful of acid.

"The cockroach ice escape gene is strengthened, and the acid has a freezing effect, which has a miraculous effect on agility enemies." Abathur introduced to Chen Lu, and he did not have the slightest sympathy for the springtails that died as test subjects, because the evolution of the Zerg always Born with a great deal of sacrifice.

The decelerating acid is not a particularly fancy evolution, but it is very practical. Obviously, cockroaches will become the backbone of this siege battle, and practicality is the best.

The second new bug is a maggot-like creature that flies through the air with wings, and it is the most commonly used air combat unit of the Zerg - the dragon.These insects that can fly freely in the sky do have a western dragon-like head, but the thick snake-like lower body has nothing to do with dragons at all.

The entire tail of the flying dragon has mutated into a gun-tube-like egg-laying organ, which constantly hatches a kind of parasite with a blade-like back. Explodes, thereby purposefully attacking multiple enemies section by section.It can be said that they are the biological shells of the Zerg, and at the cost of smashing their bones, they can complete the feat of dying together with the enemy.

Therefore, Abathur endowed the parasites produced by these flying dragons with the strengthening of the eight-door armor technique that Chen Lu had just obtained, so that these cute little things could release the restriction of the sixth scene door in the body before hitting the enemy, so as to obtain Tracking ability beyond the speed of sound and incredible penetration ability.In the case of a large number of flying dragons bombing at the same time, this is a round of peacocks that have been strengthened several times and have their own tracking effects, almost like the effect of a meteorite rain.

Originally, Bamen Dunjia, a thing that liberates body restrictions, is in exchange for strength by infringing on the user's body, and falling into the hands of the Zerg can be said to be in the arms of the Zerg.Among the Zerg, most of the fighting methods that hope to exchange lives with the enemy have gone to the sea, where they will care whether the bugs are mutilated or dead.

Chen Lu personally experienced the power of these eight-door dunjia parasites. They can adjust their attack positions with physical skills, and they can return faster when Chen Lu dodges the first round of bombing. In the end, Chen Lu himself could only block it with a vibrating gold shield for an endlessly deadly super-seeking missile. If he wanted to evade the pursuit of these bugs, only the super speed of Kuaiyin could do it.

(End of this chapter)

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