Chapter 291 Kuaiyin vs Xiao Li
At this moment, Xiao Li realized that the drop of blood had slipped from the wound on his neck, and he held his neck in disbelief, where a cut about one centimeter deep was continuously bleeding out, while As long as this wound goes deeper, his throat will probably be brutally severed.

There is no doubt that the assailant came aiming for a fatal blow, and the exaggerated evasion action taken by Xiao Li just now really saved his life.

Chen Lu glanced at Kuaiyin who had returned to his side, and blamed coldly: "You cut shallow."

"No, to be precise, only the airflow brought by the end hit him." Kuaiyin said helplessly spreading his hands and shaking his head, it seemed that he was also very troubled by Xiao Li's ability: "How should I describe him? Should I say pure beast-like intuition, or something similar to the spider sense of a little spider? Anyway, this guy's reflexes are the most exaggerated ones I've ever seen, and his physical fitness is ridiculously abnormal."

All in all, although Xiao Li has not been able to keep up with the speed of Kuaiyin, a super runner, he can detect Kuaiyin's movements in the speeding field with incredible reflexes and make appropriate dodges with his physical fitness that completely crushes him.As one of the Konoha Twelve Ninjas who have experienced the Fourth Ninja World War, Rock Li is really not a guy with a name in vain!

At this time, Xiao Li's fingers holding the wound began to tremble rapidly, and then the trembling of his fingers spread rapidly, causing his whole body to tremble violently. When the mist cleared, Xiao Li raised his head and let out a maniacal laugh:
"Hahahahahaha... Teacher Kai, after so many years, I finally meet again. I need to let my body bear the pain of the battle! It's been a long time, let the youth burn! Fifth Dumen, open!"

With the opening of the fifth door in the eight-door Dunjia, Xiao Li's skin all over his body turned red like blood, as if what was flowing in his body at this moment was not blood but molten lava. With a large number of blood vessels jumping up, one knows how heavy this move is on the body, but Xiao Li has long been used to it, completely forgetting the side effects of Bamen Dunjia.

Since the advent of the peaceful era, there have been almost no battles that require Xiao Li to use this taboo physical technique. Even meeting an enemy who will hurt him is already a luxury, so he left a team with himself in Kuaiyin. After the wound on his vitals, instead of feeling the slightest fear, Xiao Li became extremely excited.For the first time in a long time, he was able to let go of his hands and feet and display the powerful physical skills that he had pursued all his life.

"Damn, can his physical fitness be further improved?" In Kuaiyin's view, being able to dodge his high-speed attacks is already an outrageous physical fitness, but the opponent can improve further, which is not something that can be described as even more powerful.

Before Chen Lu could warn Kuaiyin, Xiao Li's attack had already begun.Obviously at this time, he has reached the high-speed field above the speed of sound. Chen Lu can't see his movements clearly and can only lift the shield based on experience.

There was a loud "boom", and a shock wave visible to the naked eye exploded from Chen Lu's vibrating gold dragon pattern shield, blowing away a large area of ​​surrounding buildings like a typhoon.If it weren't for Zhenjin's ability to absorb kinetic energy, the punch just now would have turned all the bones in Chen Lu's body into powder.

After blocking the sudden heavy punch, Chen Lu hurriedly swiped his sword back, but Xiao Li was no longer in front of the shield, and Kuaiyin, who was standing beside Chen Lu, also disappeared.After a short while, a shock wave suddenly appeared out of thin air in the air not far from Chen Lv. Only the sound was heard but no confrontation was seen. It seemed that before the movement happened, the two combatants had already completed a series of actions such as meeting, confronting, and retreating. .

In an instant, a series of invisible collisions happened around Chen Lu almost at the same time. In the continuous confrontation, only the two confronting each other knew each other's movements. In just half a second, Kuaiyin and Xiao Li had already started countless Ten times of physical games, for the time being, neither side got any benefits.

Facing Xiao Li who was in the fifth door state, Kuaiyin still managed to retain the advantage in speed. In Xiao Li's eyes, Kuaiyin's movements were still quite vague, and he could only rely on his strong reflexes to move almost instinctively. evade.However, this is the only advantage that Kuaiyin has in this duel. Xiao Li is far superior to Kuaiyin in terms of destructive power, endurance, and ability to resist blows. If his actions If Xiao Li catches him for a few milliseconds, the battle can be declared over immediately.

"To the limit!"

Kuaiyin, who was dealing with Xiao Li with the advantage of speed in the speeding field, felt that the muscles of his whole body were protesting crazily with pain. Every once in a while, Kuaiyin had to get out of the speeding field to recover his strength. It is because this weakness was defeated by Chen Lu, and so far this shortcoming has not been overcome so easily.On the other hand, on Xiao Li's side, maintaining the speed of sound doesn't seem to have any effect on his body.

Kuaiyin had no choice but to quickly hide behind Chen Lu to avoid Xiao Li's pursuit, but as soon as he left the speeding area, he undoubtedly seemed to be stationary in front of Xiao Li, and immediately the opponent's fierce fists and feet swung in hot pursuit. When they hit, every blow contained a terrifying power enough to split mountains and ground.

Metallized Tenfold Iron Fist!
Chen Lu, who sensed that Kuaiyin had reached the limit from the zombie spirit link, swung his iron fist ten times ahead of time. The target was not Xiao Li, who he couldn't catch, but the ground under his feet.Suddenly, a gust of high-pressure fountain-like soil was squeezed by a strange force and rushed to the sky, and the dust all over the sky temporarily blocked everyone's sight.Xiao Li could only launch a fierce attack on Chen Lu's position in his memory, but naturally he fell short.

"I won't let you escape, Konoha Goriki Whirlwind!"

Once again, the tornado caused by Xiao Li's roundabout kick swept away all the shaken soil and blown them away in one go. The force of this gust of wind was so strong that Chen Lu and Chen Lu who were hiding in the dust Kuaiyin and Kuaiyin were also blown away for more than ten meters, and their feet plowed two mud marks on the ground before they were able to stop.

"How are you, are you ready to continue?" Xiao Li, who had repelled Chen Lu and Kuaiyin, was not in a hurry to continue the attack, but asked them in a generous tone full of powerhouses.Possessing such terrifying physical skills, coupled with the eight-door armor that can make his body reach the level of a monster, if he wants to surpass Xiao Li in terms of pure physical fitness, only Hulk, who has never been defeated by Chen Lu head-on, can do it. can do it.

(End of this chapter)

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