Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 274 The Art of Necromancy

Chapter 274 The Art of Necromancy
After the smoke dissipated, there were three huge psychic beasts in front of Tayuya, whose appearance was very similar to the ghosts in Japanese mythology.Among the three ghosts, one ghost held a thick mace;

"What is this, some kind of space jump technology?" Hawkeye immediately understood that the essence of psychic art is a space jump similar to the teleportation of the Rubik's Cube in the universe. The three angry ghosts summoned by Tayuya actually lived in Some kind of natural creature on this planet was only sent here temporarily to fight for Tayuya.

It's a pity that space transition is also a technology that has not yet been clearly interpreted for the scientists of the Marvel movie world, so of course Hawkeye will not carry a weapon that is just right for this kind of necromancy.Looking at it now, it is still inevitable to confront these three angry ghosts head-on.

Tayuya once again blew the flute in her hand. Having suffered so much, she would no longer use illusion, a ninjutsu that would only make herself suffer. At this time, the tune she played was to command the three angry ghosts to fight.After hearing this piece of music, among the three ghosts, the mallet ghost and the bone claw ghost rushed towards Hawkeye, leaving only the handless ghost to stay beside Tayuya as a human shield.

Fortunately, although these three angry ghosts are powerful, they are far inferior to ordinary ninjas in agility. Therefore, with their eagle-eyed physique, they can barely dodge the opponent's attack dangerously. It was difficult to shuttle between the mace and the sharp bone claws.

Konoha Shinobu, who defeated Jirobo, was too tired to lift his hands, so Hawkeye couldn't count on the support of this young man.With the intense exhaustion of physical strength, bead-sized beads of sweat began to drip from Hawkeye's head and fell to the ground. He tried to find a plan and shot a few arrows at Tayuya, but they were all shot by the handless ghost with his huge body. Blocked, unable to give Tayuya who was hiding behind the handless ghost a deadly offensive.

If things go on like this, it's only a matter of time before Hawkeye's physical strength weakens and he is hit by the mallet ghost and the bone claw ghost and then dismembered. He must find a way to break the deadlock to avoid the doom of death!
Hawkeye noticed that every action of the three angry ghosts was accompanied by subtle changes in the tune played by Tayuya, and it was obvious that the one who directed the actions of the three ghosts was the tune she used.However, in order to prevent the action patterns of the three ghosts from being analyzed, the melody is deliberately complicated, and people who do not have a natural sense of pitch cannot hear anything from the syllables.

Hawkeye is not a musician, of course he doesn't have a sense of pitch, but the creativity of science is limitless, and the era of data analysis with the human brain alone has long since ended in Marvel.

The smart computer chip installed in Hawkeye started data analysis through the tune captured by his ears, and reported to Hawkeye: "The note code has been captured, sound frequency analysis is in progress, password complexity: medium, in progress Deciphering...deciphering is complete."

Unsurprisingly, the complex music tunes that sound to the human ear are nothing in front of a supercomputer chip that runs trillions of times per second. It doesn't even take a second. What the three ghosts have demonstrated All the actions completed in accordance with the tune were transmitted to Hawkeye's brain.No matter what action Tayuya ordered the three ghosts to take next, Hawkeye would know it in advance.

Relying on this method of approaching predictive actions, Hawkeye easily avoided the pursuit of the mallet ghost and the bone claw ghost and distanced themselves from them, sprinting towards Tayuya.Without the hindrance of these two angry ghosts, Hawkeye can finally concentrate on finding a way to launch an offensive against Tayuya.

Manyu knew that the enemy had clearly cracked her own music, but she had no way out now, so she manipulated the handless ghost to protect herself and buy time for the other two ghosts to catch up with Hawkeye. The speed of playing the music has also become obviously impatient.

When Tayuya entered the range of his maximum power, the two earplugs protruded from the battle suit and inserted into Hawkeye's ear holes. Since he was at a certain distance from the three angry ghosts, he didn't have to worry about losing his hearing. During this period of time, Tayuya commanded the angry ghost to attack him.As for why he wears earplugs, it is naturally the same as putting on sunglasses before using the Flash Arrow.

The arrow of a spherical arrow was placed on the mechanical compound bow by Hawkeye, and shot directly at Tayuya's human shield, the Handless Ghost.When the smooth, hornless arrow hit the body of the Handless Ghost, it naturally couldn't penetrate it. Instead, it shattered and made an earth-shattering noise from inside.

It's a sonic boom arrow!

The powerful sound waves visible to the naked eye shattered the glass of the entire commercial street, and the windows, wine bottles, and cups all burst into pieces.Relying on his strong physical fitness, Duoyou also didn't reach out to cover his ears under the impact of this huge sound, but continued to play the music and ordered the three ghosts to attack Hawkeye.

"Oops!" Only then did Tayuya realize that in the midst of this overwhelming high-decibel noise, it was impossible for Sangui to hear the music she was playing.The angry ghosts will continue to attack Hawkeye according to her previous order, but at this time Hawkeye has already distanced itself from the three ghosts.

The deadly arrows shot from Hawkeye's bowstring and shot at the vital points of her body, but the handless ghost didn't know how to continue to cover Tayuya without an order.

The arrow pierced through Tayuya's head, exploding bright red blood on her forehead, completely ending her life.So far, the four Otonin have been subdued by Hawkeye with the high-tech of the Marvel world, and there are no other revived enemies on the commercial street.

Hawkeye turned around and glanced at Shinobu Konoha, who was so tired that he was lying on the ground. He seemed to have finally recovered from his fatigue.Just taking out Jirobo made him overdrawn Chakra and suffered serious injuries, but Hawkeye standing in front of him killed the remaining three without any injuries, which almost completely subverted the power of this forbearance under the name. perception of power.

"How did you do it? You knocked down the three of them even without Chakra?"

"What is Chakra?" Hawkeye patted his quiver and said, "I only believe in my own bow and arrows."

It is undeniable that in terms of physical fitness, all four of Otonin can beat Hawkeye dozens of streets, and their magical power after receiving Orochimaru's physical transformation makes them even more powerful.It's a pity that they don't know anything about the high-tech equipment on Hawkeye. These arrows with diverse functions designed to deal with the star-like supernatural creatures in the Marvel world, coupled with Hawkeye's years of combat experience, form an extremely good Cooperating with the effect, fighting against illusions in the way of dealing with telepathic people, dealing with mutants in the way of dealing with mutants, and using supercomputer chips to analyze and deal with action methods, each of them has exerted unparalleled suppression.

This is Hawkeye's way of fighting, a seasoned agent armed with technology.

(End of this chapter)

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