Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 264 Insect Mother Niyadra

Chapter 264 Insect Mother Niyadra
After confirming that the means of transportation named King Worm can operate smoothly, Chen Lu temporarily handed over the command of the worm nest to Tony, and prepared to go on the exploration journey of Naruto World.

"Don't worry kid, I'll take care of your new toy." Tony curiously inspected all kinds of strange-looking living buildings in the Zerg base, and patted his chest to make Chen Lv feel relieved to give him the bug.

Chen Lu could only smile and shook his head and said, "Tony, the Zergs are not toys. Believe me, they will be the scariest race you have ever seen. After you let them develop, you will find how terrifying these monsters are. "

Tony just shrugged: "Isn't this what you want? Alien creatures that can evolve infinitely, but have more loyalty than domestic dogs. There is simply no more perfect war race than this."

"No, they can become even more perfect." Chen Lu said confidently. In his eyes, the possibilities that the Zerg have are not limited to this.

A few minutes later, Kiriganyuki, who set off to search for clothes, and Hawkeye, who was sorting out her equipment, both returned safely. Humans from three different worlds formed a special team to start the preparations for pulling the Naruto world back into the abyss of war. journey.

The king worm with a huge body like a hot air balloon floated leisurely over the land of waves, relying on the king worm's sharp nerve senses to avoid the sight of others and head towards the mainland.In the transport cavity of the king worm, the space for Chen Lu, Wu Yinxue, and Hawkeye who were sitting quietly was not too crowded.It's just that Wu Yinxue's complexion is still very ugly, not only because of the disgusting color of the internal organs of the transport cavity, but also because of the deformed bug that is traveling with them.

This is a Zerg creature with an ugly humanoid upper body and three pairs of slender legs like a spider in the lower body.Although the upper limbs of this bug can be seen with human-like structures such as arms and waist, and there are even hair-like organs on the top of the head, but other than that, there is nothing similar to humans.Her skin was covered by a substance similar to the cuticle, and there were two branch-like bone wings growing on her shoulders, her appearance was ferocious but she also revealed a sense of reason.

The most eye-catching thing is her insect-specific insect sac, under the thin skin is filled with high-protein bodies that can promote the growth of larvae, so she can directly send out larvae eggs from the body to create various Zerg units, The equivalent of a mobile Zerg hatch.That's right, this bug is not a Zerg auxiliary unit named Queen, but a bug mother who truly has self-awareness and can command a part of the Zerg.

It was also an accident for Chen Lu to create such a thing. When he asked a larva to evolve into an ordinary Zerg unit queen, the system suddenly reminded him that he could carry out another branch of Zerg mutation.

[The split pool has absorbed enough ordinary intelligence animal genes to provide a new evolutionary unit: insect mother. 】

[Attention, the worm mother has the ability to act independently without the consciousness of the swarm master, and has the potential to be rebellious. Please use it with caution. 】

As a mobile hatchery, the Zerg Mother is much more powerful in performance than the Queen, a proto-Zerg unit that can only promote the production of larvae in the hatchery, but correspondingly, the Zerg Mother and the Zerg it hatches also have the ability to act without the consciousness of the master , Compared with other Zerg units that simply obey orders without any self-awareness, they are naturally more dangerous.It's just that Chen Lu's understanding of the Zerg is still at a very superficial stage, and it is indeed necessary for a native Zerg unit to inform him of the details of the Zerg currently under his command.

This worm mother calls herself Niyadra. She has a self-awareness and also has a certain understanding of the zerg race before Chen Lu controlled it, which just satisfies Chen Lu's desire for information about the zerg race.

"Niyadella, according to what you said, you should have died, right?" Chen Lu asked the giant worm mother who was two or three times taller than him.

"Yes, Your Majesty the new Ruler." Niyadella explained to Chen Lv in an extremely humane and respectful manner. Her clear self-awareness made her behave very differently from other Zerg races. I took down a Protoss battleship, but after I wiped out all the enemies on the battleship and destroyed its power plant, I lost contact with the original swarm. During the drifting in the universe for many years, I gradually lost my ability due to the lack of The energy lost consciousness until it was awakened by you on this planet. That's all I remember, Your Majesty the Lord."

It seems that the story Niyadella told happened in the "StarCraft" world, the native land of the Zerg. She was abandoned and completely forgotten by the Queen of Blades, the ruler of the Zerg there. He recovered from the base of the new swarm and continued to fight for Chen Lu as the worm mother.

"Do you have any clue as to why I was able to hatch you again on this planet?" Now that Niyadella has retained the memory of the world of "StarCraft", it is much easier for Chen Lu and her to talk.

Niyadella did not disappoint Chen Lu, and quickly explained clearly: "Memory is just a kind of information that can be passed on to the Zerg. My past body has indeed been lost, but the information about my memory still remains. In the genetic material of the zerg, so when you re-hatch a new worm mother, my memory is attached to this body."

Unsurprisingly, Su Sheng, the deceased, was not difficult for a race like the Zerg who was proficient in biological structures. As long as the memory information was still preserved, the body was something to be discarded.However, Chen Lu noticed that Niyadella seemed a little displeased with her current body, so she asked her, "What's the matter? Do you have any opinions on your new body?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I feel that the Zerg genes in my body have undergone long-term degradation, and all the improved genes obtained by the Zerg under the leadership of the Queen of Blades have disappeared." Niyadella replied honestly with a sad face, She danced her limbs in disgust and said: "This barren carapace, thin limbs and weak reproductive ability, I feel that your swarm has declined to the time when the swarm was just born, and all gene sequences still need to be improved. Why would the swarm be so weak?" Such a decline! Have we ever been destroyed by the enemy?"

"Uh... maybe." Regarding the final fate of the Zerg in the world of "StarCraft", Chen Lu can only pay attention to the period of Legacy of the Void, and later under the rule of the new queen Zagara Chen Lu knew nothing about what the swarm had experienced.Perhaps, as Niyadella guessed, it was destroyed by the gods or humans, and the genes that induced mutations were completely degraded and became "harmless to humans and animals". A giant Zerg warship, Leviathan, was built a long time ago. Once a proton cannon blasted the planet, there is no need to absorb ninja genes to give Zerg evolution materials.

(End of this chapter)

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