Chapter 252 Tony Arrives
After the establishment of the first Zerg hatchery, Chen Lu chose a worker bee and let it continue to manufacture the next production building.Soon another huge insect egg bulged up from the creep blanket like a hill, slowly using the living structure to produce the next building.

While waiting for the building to be completed, Chen Lu continued to order the larvae produced in the hatchery to evolve into worker bees, and then went to another experiment that required research.

In the blink of an eye, he caught a civilian wandering in the Kingdom of Waves, knocked him unconscious and carried him to the Zerg base.The reason for doing this is of course not to feed the bugs, but to test the availability of the zombie virus in this Naruto world.

Chen Lu's finger pierced the neck of this unlucky ghost, and immediately a huge amount of zombie virus was poured into the body of this original world resident.Of course, the zombie virus still exerted its terrifying infectivity, but there was still a small problem.

[The trigger of the virus is triggered, and the target is successfully infected.Due to the presence of abnormal human genes in this target, the speed of body mutation is slowed down, and the mutation will be completed within 96 hours. 】

"Abnormal human genes."

Indeed, for the aborigines of the Naruto world, the civilians of the wave country in front of them are absolutely ordinary human beings that cannot be more ordinary.But compared to Chen Lu or the humans in the Marvel world, these residents of the Naruto world who are capable of practicing Chakra Ninjutsu and whose body meridian structure is quite different, it is too strange to be called "normal humans".

After all, the zombie virus is a biochemical weapon researched against "normal humans". Even if it is used to deal with ordinary animals, it is not effective in terms of infectivity. It would be too naive to directly apply it to the strange humans in this world.

In any case, 96 hours, or four days, was too long a mutation time.Chen Lu also tried to kill the infected to shorten the time it takes to mutate into a zombie. Even so, the incubation period of the virus was only reduced to 75 hours, which is completely incomparable with the 3-hour mutation speed in the Marvel world. , the effect of continuing to rely on viruses for human infection must be greatly reduced.

In addition, the level of medical science and technology in this Naruto world is unexpectedly very advanced. It is not so rare to perform rebirth treatment of severed limbs on the battlefield. The consequences of releasing it may lead to serious counter-effects. If it is not absolutely necessary, Chen Lu does not intend to build an army of zombies again.

After all, he has a new Zerg army as his backing in this world, and the zombie army should be left to the Marvel world to fight in the universe.

Chen Lv, who made up his mind, immediately incinerated the experimental product he brought with a blood-red flame, leaving not even a trace of smoke.Then he proceeded to the next step non-stop, taking out his most powerful artifact from the jacket—the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and infusing the biological energy in his body into it.

Then, as if the radio was suddenly tuned to the correct channel, a long-lost communication came from the long-silent zombie spirit link. This was the voice of Tony Stark, who had been paying close attention to Chen Lu's movements:
"Finally connected, hey boy, is everything ok?"

"It's okay." Chen Lu replied concisely. It seems that the power of the Rubik's Cube allowed the spiritual link between them to penetrate the barriers between dimensions. "Tony, I need you to come and help me and tell me what to do." .”

After all, it is Tony, not Chen Lu, who is in charge of researching the Rubik's Cube, so Tony is better at how to use the Rubik's Cube.And he did not disappoint Chen Lu, and quickly responded step by step:

"Understood. I have already deployed the teleportation activation device here. You only need to provide a stable energy supply. Note that it is a stable energy supply. Don't try to rely on your own biological energy to provide it. If you lose energy halfway If you do that, you'll be in trouble!"

"Let me just ask, what will happen if the energy is exhausted halfway?"

Tony muttered and said: "Probably drifting in the cracks of space for tens of thousands of years, you wouldn't want this to happen, would you?"

"Not bad." Chen Lu said with great interest.

"Hi!" Tony called anxiously from the other side.

"I mean see if I can throw the enemy in there."

After understanding how to use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Chen Lu took out the only stable energy supply source he brought with him - the small ark reactor.This thing was originally an energy source for recharging Iron Man's mech. It is excellent in terms of power and stability, so it naturally became the trial product for this transmission.

Chen Lu connected the tail end of the small ark reactor to one side of the Rubik's Cube, and activated the reactor to make it run at a high speed like a dazzling blue light.Under the action of the controllable nuclear fusion of the palladium element, a huge amount of energy was poured into the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Suddenly, a large number of light spots appeared on the ground in front of Chen Lu's eyes. This scene was exactly the same as when the buildings of the Protoss were jumping.At this time, a large amount of white smoke began to emerge from the small ark reactor. It wasn't the golden sparks bouncing up and the feeling that a strike might strike at any time.

In the end, the scene of space distortion reached the extreme. With a sound like thunder and lightning tearing through the space, Tony Stark in casual clothes finally appeared in front of Chen Lu. It took a second or two to realize that I had completed interdimensional space travel.

"Successful?" Tony stretched his fingers to make sure that no part of himself was missing, and then he laughed excitedly.This kind of miraculous plane travel is more important historical event than humans landing on the moon, but it was easily completed by Tony Stark at this time!
"Ha, boy, everything is in my calculations." Tony said proudly. Being able to use the Infinity Stone to accomplish such a feat is undoubtedly a high degree of affirmation of his scientific research technology, and it is enough for this mad scientist to boast for a while.

But Chen Lu immediately poured a plate of cold water on it. He picked up the small ark reactor on the ground, threw it to Tony and said, "Really? You figured it out."

Of course, Tony is very familiar with the things he invented. He took a look at the small ark reactor, and saw that the core of the reactor, which was exuding blue light, was now pitch black, and the precision instruments were a mess of fragments.

"Overloaded? How is this possible?" Tony removed the outer wall of the reaction furnace, and as a result, there was only an unpleasant smell of stinky glue. possibility of repair.

"Congratulations, you almost became the first human being to drift in space." Chen Lu spread his hands and said sarcastically to Tony.

(End of this chapter)

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