Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 241 Doctor Strange's Dead End

Chapter 241 Doctor Strange's Dead End

Although time has stopped, the bloody flames wrapped around Doctor Strange's body show no sign of stopping. While burning Doctor Strange's body with high temperature, they are also frantically sucking the blood in his body as fuel to make the flames burn even more vigorously. .

This is an inevitable result of the ability to suspend time. Even if the Eye of Agamotto stops time except Doctor Strange, the air he breathes, the weapon he holds, and the blood flowing in his body Of course they are still in motion.In other words, at least some of the objects that are in contact with Dr. Strange will not be affected by the stillness of time, which is also a necessary condition for him to be able to move during the still time, otherwise the frozen air will make Dr. Strange immobile.

So the result is that even if Doctor Strange stops time, he can't escape the fate of being burned by blood flames, let alone rely on this trick to get rid of the flames on his body.At this time, the only thing Doctor Strange can do is to try to use magic to extinguish the flames on his body as soon as possible, otherwise it would be very difficult for him to survive such a terrifying burning with his defensive power.

Soon a huge water ball came from Doctor Strange's palms and wrapped him all over, trying to use the water to extinguish the flames all over his body.However, this behavior is futile. Before the blood used as fuel is exhausted, there is no way to extinguish the blood inflammation.Leaving aside the blood flowing in Dr. Strange's body, the large amount of blood splashed on Chen Lu's body when he charged was enough to keep the blood burning for a long time.

Doctor Strange, who realized that his blood was being continuously swallowed by the flames on his body surface, immediately guessed the burning conditions of this blood-red explosion, and quickly used magic power to sew up all the wounds on his body to prevent blood from being drawn Come out for fuel, which is a no-brainer for Doctor Strange, who was once a genius surgeon.In this way, the most urgent wound to be blocked is the Edman alloy katana that penetrates the abdomen under the control of Magneto.

But at the moment when Dr. Strange held the blade hard, the time suspension that existed on the Edman alloy katana was also lifted. This is also a matter of course, otherwise he would not be able to pull the blade out of his body.

As a result, Doctor Strange was surprised to find that besides his own grip, the katana sword held by him also had a strong repulsive force that resisted the blade and did not allow him to pull the sword out of his body.

"This is... Magnetic force!"

Doctor Strange, who had some understanding of his ability to pause time, immediately understood the nature of this power. He was able to see things with his eyes in a static space-time because of the electromagnetic waves moving at the speed of light, or light waves. The limitation of static time and space, otherwise in this static world, it would be pitch black where nothing can be seen.The magnetic field, of course, also belongs to this non-static category.

Unfortunately, Magneto's ability is not to manipulate metal, but to manipulate magnetic fields!

Therefore, under the action of Magneto's ability, the Edman alloy samurai sword restored to the state of motion could not be pulled out from the body no matter how much Dr. Strange struggled.Even though the Time Gem truly stopped time, Doctor Strange could only watch helplessly as his body was gradually burned to nothingness by the bloody flames.

After a few seconds of futile struggle, time also resumed its flow, and Doctor Strange, who was tortured to the brink of death by the blood flames, fell powerlessly from the sky.

Under the drag of the Edman alloy katana, Doctor Strange's body just fell to the feet of Magneto, and was nailed to the ground by the blade.At this time, Magneto was also standing precariously, his body covered in bruises was definitely not in a good state, not counting the time suspended by Doctor Strange, he had only just woken up for less than a few seconds.

Just now, Chen Lu also noticed from the zombie spirit link that Magneto just woke up from a coma, so he took such desperate actions, although the price was that his whole body was blown into powder.

It's just that soon on the empty ground, a little dust-like substance quickly gathered, and quickly restructured into a substance similar to a piece of meat.

Death resistance: When the body is completely dead due to non-spiritual attacks (including completely crushed, completely scorched or even decomposed into atoms), 33% of the biological energy can be consumed to fully restore the body.Each activation of Death Resistance will temporarily reduce the upper limit of biological energy by 33%, which lasts for 24 hours.

Under the effect of this skill, Chen Lu's figure slowly appeared in front of Magneto, and even the clothes were constructed into a silver garment under the effect of the metallization ability.The whole process only took a few minutes, and Chen Lu was resurrected from the dead with a brand new attitude.

"It seems to be going well." Chen Lu said, looking at the corpse of Doctor Strange who was burned by the flames on the ground.

[The trigger of the virus is triggered, the target: Doctor Strange, the zombie virus has been successfully injected... Infected, the magic superhero has mutated.Since the target is dead, the mutation speed is accelerated.Doctor Strange will mutate into a mutated infected person that retains the original human mind within 3 hours, please pay attention to tame it or eliminate its consciousness]

The system prompt also confirmed Chen Lu's thoughts. In this mirror space battle, Chen Lu and the others won.

He walked up to Doctor Strange's body, took off the Eye of Agamotto worn around his neck, and held the Infinity Gem with the power to control time in his palm.Having this time gem means that Chen Lu's army of zombies can finally no longer be afraid of the threat of the restart of the timeline, and carry out global virus infection operations recklessly.At this moment, nothing can stop them.

In the real world, the London Temple has also been declared to have fallen. After all, the magicians have not been able to wait for the return of their supreme mage, let alone use the power of the Time Stone to turn things around.The zombies dragged a large number of corpses into the ground, and they will also become a member of the new army of zombies in the future.

After the death of Doctor Strange, the magic he applied to the mirror space quickly lost its effect, the surrounding scenery changed drastically, and the chaotic space became tidy again.Soon, everything returned to the scene in the London Temple compound. Magneto, Scarlet Witch, and Tony all returned to Chen Lu's side again, looking at the body of Doctor Strange on the ground with him.

Humanity's last line of defense finally collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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