Chapter 24 Rescue?

Under the watchful eyes of several confused and ignorant people, Alex lowered his head and covered his face with a hood, and prayed devoutly to the god who was created out of nothing: "Let me, come and save these people. The world should understand your truth." Truth, bathe in your holy light. They are not all bad people, there must be someone who deserves to receive your grace and be saved. Although most people should be tormented in the lake of fire forever..."

Several passers-by of the Practical Group cast contemptuous glances at this boring theory of gods and ghosts, and walked past this group of superstitionists with a sneer.They may not have realized it, but the survivors in this supermarket were indeed on the road to division.

Chen Lv counted the number of superstitionists, and there are only seven or eight people at present, the number is still too small, so let's think of ways to continue to improve Alex's reputation.Thinking of this, Chen Lu said to Hawkeye: "I'll take a few people to the back warehouse to see if there are any zombies running in. You can take care of Alex's affairs as you like."

After finishing speaking, Chen Lu pointed to a few young men who were dressed in thick clothes and were also strong, and motioned for them to move with him.Chen Lu, who showed great strength in the round of battle just now, has become the second in command of this group of survivors besides Hawkeye. The young people followed him to the dark and messy warehouse behind without thinking much. go.

When I came to the warehouse at the back, I turned on the weak light bulbs, and there was a musty smell in the air. I glanced under the yellow light and found no signs of zombie invasion, and all the wooden boards on the windows were well nailed and not damaged.This is a matter of course, because Chen Lu didn't control the zombies from attacking here at all, but it just didn't happen just now.

"Everyone, go and check if the wooden boards are loose or damaged. Look carefully, and report to me as soon as possible if you find any holes." Chen Lv directed the young people who came with him, and he ran to the window sill and groped with his fingers. Board to see if there are holes.

Zombie Spirit Link
Chen Lu: Alex, how is the situation on your side?
Alex: Hawkeye is trying to convince me to tell the secret to avoid being attacked by zombies, but I fooled it.

Chen Lu: Great, are the outside props, files, compound bows and corpses ready?

Female Infected: Master, everything is ready and ready to use.

Chen Lu: Okay, I'm almost done here, let's make the second act even crazier!

Chen Lu quietly pulled out the nails on the window sill that were holding the wooden boards together one by one, and soon the fortifications on the window became meaningless decorations.Then he deliberately stayed away from the passive window, and mentally controlled the zombies lurking outside, waiting for the prey to take the bait.

It didn't take too long, and soon a muscular young man in a thick rugby uniform approached the window, and followed Chen Lu's order to check for loopholes in the window's defense.Naturally, he immediately discovered that all the nails on it had been pulled out, and it was obviously not the work of zombies, but the mischief of a survivor in the supermarket.

The young man broke out in a cold sweat. Could it be that some of the survivors were plotting to let the zombies in?Just when he hurriedly turned around and wanted to report the incident to Chen Lu, Chen Lu called out his name in advance:
"Armstrong, your complexion is not very good, is there something wrong?"

Armstrong shook his head violently, organized his words in a panic, and planned to explain his conjecture to Chen Lu: "No, no, it's like this, Chen, I found out—ah!"

Suddenly, a zombie easily knocked open the wooden board from the window behind Armstrong and hugged him!He opened his terrifying teeth and gnawed at his shoulder, and dragged the poor guy out of the window forcefully.All this happened so suddenly that even the few companions standing beside Armstrong failed to react. Instead, Chen Lu, who was farthest from him, took the first action.

"Help me!!!" Armstrong shouted hoarsely, because the defense on the shoulders of the football uniform was very dense, and the teeth of the zombies couldn't break through his flesh and blood.

Chen Lu accelerated his sprint, crossed the window sill like a hurdler, and chased after Armstrong who was dragged away by the zombies. Zombies come in!"

Suddenly several zombies rushed out from the dark corner of the nearby building, surrounding Chen Lv as if deliberately trying to stop him.Chen Lu had no choice but to slow down and pull out his pistol to shoot the zombies to death one by one. During this time, Armstrong was dragged into the alley by the zombies.Although he didn't know how many zombies were hiding around the corner, Chen Lu resolutely chased after them, and disappeared from the sight of the survivors together with the zombies that captured Armstrong.

A survivor who was stupefied by what was happening in front of him looked around and asked, "Should we, should we follow?"

Another survivor immediately waved his hand and refused, lest the group of people would take him out for an adventure in a twitch. He hurriedly used the task that Chen Lu gave him last as an excuse and said: "It's too dangerous, if we go out too To guard the warehouse? Please trust Chen, after all, he came to us after crossing a large number of zombies."

Although the so-called trust is just an excuse for this group of people to give up Chen Lv, it is very convincing at this time. They have just witnessed the death of two companions in the attack of zombies, and they are full of fear outside. Be a hero at this time.

"Should we tell Hawkeye?" one survivor seemed to have an idea that gave him the best of both worlds.

This idea was immediately recognized by everyone, and they all nodded in agreement: "Yes, Hawkeye will definitely be able to save the two of them back! I will guard this gap, you guys go find Hawkeye!"

On the other hand, Chen Lu had already caught up with Armstrong, who was taken away by the zombies, and the latter was struggling to ask him for help with earnest eyes.Chen Lu also accelerated and sprinted to approach him, while comforting Armstrong and said, "It's all right! I'll deal with him!"

Chen Lu pulled out a sharp steel bar from the half-destroyed wall next to it, grabbed the steel bar with both hands tightly like an ancient spearman, and stabbed at it with all his might!
Seeing Chen Luyong's momentum to block and kill the gods, Armstrong seemed to see the hope of survival for a moment, and he smiled happily to cheer Chen Lu: "Yes! Stab it to death! Come on... ? Chen, you..."

The smile froze on his face, the sharp steel bar did not pierce the head of the zombie that bit his shoulder as he expected, but pierced straight through his abdomen.Blood spewed out like a faucet turned on, and Armstrong fell to the ground weakly with a puzzled and sad expression.

(End of this chapter)

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