Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 239 Reliable Reinforcements

Chapter 239 Reliable Reinforcements

After time fell apart and restructured again, the Scarlet Witch beside Chen Lu disappeared, and Doctor Strange, who was an enemy, was buried by endless houses and could not be seen at all.Even the current mirror space is not even considered London, and all kinds of weird things are placed in this world in a chaotic manner.Pyramids, the Statue of Liberty, the Great Wall, the Eiffel Tower, and iconic buildings all over the world are littered like garbage, making it impossible to tell where this place corresponds to in the real world.

However, it is meaningless to find a correspondence in the real world. In the purely idealistic world of the mirror space, the so-called geographical location is meaningless at all.As long as the magicians cast a spell, they can change the world beyond recognition at will.Not to mention something on the earth, even if it looks like the moon, there is no need to be surprised.

It's just that in such a chaotic world, it is very troublesome to find lost teammates and hidden enemies.

Now Chen Lu is standing on the tip of the Eiffel Tower, standing quietly as if waiting for someone.After a while, the entire Eiffel Tower was uprooted from the ground and lifted into the air by a powerful magnetic force. After rising to a certain height, the figure of Magneto appeared in front of Chen Lu.

"It's too slow, you should have sensed the bio-metal on my body, shouldn't you?" Chen Lu asked Magneto calmly as if he had expected it, relying on his metallization ability to say that the creatures created Metal is unique in the entire mirror space, so Magneto, who can sense the position of metal by magnetic force, can easily find Chen Lu's position.

Magneto said without apology: "I was blocked by a group of bastards for a while, and their ability to hide is worthy of praise."

Apparently, Magneto, Chen Lu and Scarlet Witch were all attacked from the shadows by the magicians under Doctor Strange. Judging from the delay, they also caused a little bit of trouble for Magneto.

"Where is that person?" Magneto continued to ask, of course he was referring to Doctor Strange.

"He ran away after fighting for a while. He is indeed a very troublesome guy." After that, Chen Lu briefly told Magneto about the shortcomings of the time-pause ability, and discussed the countermeasures a little.

After listening to Chen Lu's explanation, Magneto said softly, "It's still a very convenient ability, but if he pauses the time every time and then hides, there's nothing you can do with him within 4 seconds. "

"How could it be possible for him to hide? It's our side who are in a hurry!" Chen Lu said with a contemptuous smile. As time goes by, the power of the Time Stone will also recover stronger. If Doctor Strange really escaped , then things will become extremely troublesome.

"I put a piece of biometal on his cloak before he ran away. Now you can still sense the location of this piece of biometal." The throwing knife that Chen Lu threw before Doctor Strange disappeared naturally It's the piece of biological metal he mentioned. Although the magic floating cloak has almost unlimited defenses, it is still easy to stick things on it.

Magneto nodded and said in affirmation: "Of course, I can find it even if it's only as big as a grain of sand."

After saying these words, the entire Eiffel Tower was magnetically manipulated by Magneto to fly like an aircraft.Traveled through a distance of hundreds of kilometers at an extremely fast speed, and finally landed next door to a pyramid.Magneto took his hand, and dozens of steel bars extracted from the iron tower were shot out like rockets, smashing the top of the pyramid in front of him to pieces.And Doctor Strange, whom Chen Lu and the others were looking for, used magic in the pyramid to try to break through the blockade of the mirror space placed by Tony to the real world.

"Don't waste your skills, I won't let you escape from here." With only one arm left, Chen Lu jumped down from the top of the iron tower, and slashed at Doctor Strange's body with the momentum of his fall.Of course, Doctor Strange also immediately activated the Eye of Agamotto's ability, and after a flash of green light, he completely disappeared from Chen Lu's knife.

"You are enough to pester me endlessly." Dr. Strange stood in the air under the effect of the magic floating cloak, looking down at Chen Lu from a height and said.


While Chen Lu was chatting with Dr. Strange to attract each other's attention, Magneto took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack on Dr. Strange. Compared with Scarlet Witch's unpretentious move of trapping the enemy with her mind, it has a stronger power. Magneto's shot was obviously heroic.

The entire Eiffel Tower was lifted up horizontally by Magneto with magnetic force, and then spun like a strategic missile and threw it towards Doctor Strange with its tip.This 7000-ton big thing doesn't need an explosion to increase its destructive power at all. This meteor-like speed alone is enough to bring about earth-shattering destructive power.

The magic levitating cloak was as loyal as ever trying to withstand the attack for Doctor Strange, but despite its extremely indestructible toughness, it did not have the all-kinetic energy-absorbing characteristics of the captain's vibrating gold shield.As a result, Dr. Strange was pushed by the spire of the Eiffel Tower and fell to the ground. Under the magnetic control of Magneto, he drilled into the ground like a drill until half of the Eiffel Tower sank to the surface. "Giant missile" stopped its forward momentum.

It's just that Chen Lu didn't think that this level of attack was enough to deal with Dr. Strange, a supreme mage with various artifacts and powerful magic. After Magneto's attack seemed to succeed, he was still vigilant.

(4 seconds have passed!)

Suddenly, Magneto was shot down from the air by a magic missile, and landed firmly on the wall at the bottom of the pyramid.Chen Lu looked up and saw that Dr. Strange was not instantly killed by Magneto's surprise attack, and went behind Magneto during the still time and fought back.

But now the magic floating cloak on his shoulders is nowhere to be found. It seems that while the cloak blocked the rotating thrust of the Eiffel Tower for him, it was carried by the tower to a depth of several hundred meters underground. It took time to pause, and Doctor Strange didn't have time to dig out his cloak again.

In other words, Magneto's attack just now was not in vain, he successfully abolished the magic floating cloak, an artifact that can defend itself.

Although Magneto himself was seriously injured by Doctor Strange's counterattack, Chen Lu couldn't care less about his safety.Seizing the gap where Doctor Strange appeared, he picked up the Adamantium alloy katana sword and leaped as hard as he could.

(End of this chapter)

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