Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 237 Fighting and Guessing

Chapter 237 Fighting and Guessing

Chen Lu grabbed the magician by the neck like a chick and pressed him on a long table suspended in the air, then stabbed the magician by the side of the throat and asked him: "It seems that because of time, Because of the gems, you are not worried that you will not be able to resurrect after death."

"Hmph, no matter whether there is a way to revive or not, I will be loyal to the Supreme Mage." The magician who was held down by Chen Lv gritted his teeth and responded. It was probably impossible to ask something from his mouth.

"It doesn't matter, as long as your supreme mage cares." Chen Lu slowly moved the Edman alloy samurai sword stabbed into the table at a constant speed. The magician's skin was cut open, and the muscles were cut and pushed deeper into the neck.

Although such behavior is fatal, the victim will definitely not die for a while.The icy blade was cutting millimeter by millimeter in the magician's neck, getting closer to the throat and cervical spine bit by bit. This feeling of not killing all at once but gradually approaching death is undoubtedly an extremely harsh torture. .

"Cough, cough, cough..." The magician whose neck was slowly cut open coughed violently. Obviously, now he was starting to be out of breath with fear, and the Edman alloy katana was only embedded in the The third of his neck took more than ten seconds.

Just as Chen Lu continued to push the blade forward, a bronze spear was thrown towards him at the speed of a bullet. With strong golden sparks on it, it was known that this was a powerful move of a different level from other magicians.Chen Lu quickly drew his saber to block it, but his whole body was sent flying more than ten meters away by the kinetic energy carried by the spear.

"Cut, he's really a soft-hearted person." Chen Lu stabilized his body and stood up again. Looking up, such a powerful magic attack really wouldn't come from someone else, and the supreme mage Dr. Strange appeared in front of Chen Lu In front of him, the Eye of Agamotto on his chest was still shining with green light.

"You are such an inhuman person." It seemed that Doctor Strange didn't intend to continue to entangle with Chen Lu and the others, and was only planning to find a way to return to the real world.But seeing Chen Lu treat his magicians like this, he finally couldn't help confronting Chen Lu head-on.

"Thank you for the compliment." Chen Lu didn't care about Doctor Strange's accusation, and pointed the Edman alloy samurai sword at him and shouted: "Wanda, don't stand still!"

Immediately, the crimson thought power will wrap up Doctor Strange's whole body, and the crimson witch has tried her best to make him unable to move.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Lu jumped to the top of Doctor Strange's head, and slashed at his forehead!

I saw the green light flashing on the eye of Agamotto, and the Adamantium alloy blade smoothly drew a light in the air, as if it wanted to tear the space into two halves.However, amidst the flashes of swords and swords, Doctor Strange has long since disappeared.And after Chen Lu swung the knife, he was immediately pierced through the abdomen by a powerful thrust, and a large amount of blood gushed out like a fountain.

Taking a closer look, Doctor Strange had already dodged more than ten meters away at some point, holding a blood-stained golden long sword in his hand.

"Did you first break free from Wanda's control during the still time, and pierce my body before retreating into the distance?" Even though he didn't see Dr. Strange's movements at all, Chen Lu still judged what the other party was doing. action.But what's the point?If he couldn't react at all when all this happened, even if he found out afterwards, he could only be slaughtered by others.

The wound on the abdomen didn't mean to heal at all. According to common sense, this kind of injury should have been repaired by the super-speed regeneration ability, but this time it didn't even stop the bleeding.Chen Lu knew what was going on when he glanced at the mysterious golden pattern on the long sword in Doctor Strange's hand. A great magician like this who has been fighting in various dimensions for many years has already seen countless strange creatures. , I must have prepared a way to fight the self-healing ability.

"I thought that this sword could at least make you unconscious." Doctor Strange flicked the blood from the long sword, and said coldly to Chen Lv.

However, Chen Lu didn't care about Dr. Strange's meaningless speech at all, his brain was running quickly to analyze the current situation.

(He did not immediately stop the time to launch an attack, indicating that this move is at least not unconditional and unlimited. If there is a cooling time, then 1, 2, 3, 4!)
At the moment when Chen Lu silently counted to the fourth second, the figure of Doctor Strange disappeared very abruptly.When Chen Lu came to his senses, there was a sharp piercing sound from behind his head, and he quickly put the saber behind him to block it, intense sparks shot out immediately, and a huge force came from the fingers holding the hilt of the saber .

Compared with the result of his back being cut open with a knife, Chen Lu was even more surprised that he was able to block the blow.But Doctor Strange immediately launched a furious pursuit, forcing Chen Lu to concentrate on fighting him.At this moment, the Scarlet Witch regained her strength, lifted up a magician's body with her thoughts, and threw it at Doctor Strange as a weapon.

At this moment, time stopped again.

When the flow of time resumed, Chen Lu found that his arm holding the Adamantium alloy katana had been cut off completely, and he was flying and falling in the air.And Doctor Strange steadily caught the magician who was thrown by the Scarlet Witch, stood on the wall of another building and slowly lowered him.

The rescued magician was not only the one thrown out by the Scarlet Witch, but all the magicians who were trapped by the Scarlet Witch's mental power in Buckingham Palace before were rescued and lay neatly behind him.Doctor Strange snapped his fingers, and the wall under his feet worked like a machine to bury these fallen magicians, completely disappearing from the sight of Chen Lu and Scarlet Witch.

It is self-evident what the other party has done in this still space.

Chen Lu still didn't mind the fact that he lost an arm, so he let the arm that was cut off in the air throw back the sword in his hand, and then caught it with his left hand.

(He seems to have done a lot this time...)
Cutting off Chen Lu's arm now, and then saving all the magicians from the scarlet witch's mind-power imprisonment, such a big project is obviously much more troublesome than the previous time-out time.It can be quite sure that the length of Doctor Strange's pause time is not unlimited, so how to determine the extent of this limitation?

(End of this chapter)

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