Chapter 230 Mirror Space
In a sense, Chen Lu must thank Dormammu, the tough villain who was tortured by the Time Stone to death but never stopped making trouble. If it weren't for him attracting Doctor Strange's attention, maybe even an ant The one who can't be trampled to death is Chen Lu, the Destroyer.

In return, Chen Lu will also solve the big trouble of Doctor Strange for him.

In a bar occupied by Tony near the London Temple, Chen Lu led Magneto, Scarlet Witch, and Tony to observe the situation inside the temple while drinking.At the same time, in the zombie spirit link, these four people are also having secret conversations that are not known to outsiders.

After Chen Lu explained the basic situation of the time gem, Scarlet Witch first raised a question: "Chen, if you say so, if Doctor Strange uses time reversal when we are about to succeed, wouldn't it be a waste of effort?"

"It's true, so we can't rush in or try to clear up the doubts here. If we do this, we will be 100% in vain." Chen Lu told the truth, if it wasn't for the fear of the ability of the time system, it would destroy Marvel. The world of cinema doesn't take much effort at all.

"So this time, we need to avoid confronting him in the real dimension."

"According to what you said, there is another world for us to fight with him?" Magneto immediately understood the meaning of Chen Lu's words, and asked rationally.

"In fact, that's it." The team's scientific brain Tony, who answered instead of Chen Lv, entered a magical image into the minds of others: a man dressed as a magician opened his eyes in front of him. It was like a strange space made up of countless mirrors, and walked into the space gap where his face was reflected like a broken mirror.

"This is a spell I found from their so-called 'magic', Mirror Gate." Tony explained his reflection for everyone, and at this moment he suddenly entered the state of a mad scientist again, "Through this Taoism, we can go to a place called the mirror space, although this space exists, but it cannot be detected without relying on magic. Except for objects that are not in this space, everything that happens there has nothing to do with the real world.”

"Entering the mirror space is the foundation of all magicians, so that they can fight the monsters on the earth without being noticed by anyone, and drag the enemy into the mirror space. Simply put , No matter what happens in this mirror space, the explosion of the earth, the deorbit of the moon, or the impact of Mars on the earth, it will not affect the real world, only the people who enter there from the real world will die."

"So?" Magneto interrupted Tony's explanation, and asked sharply: "As long as you enter this mirror space, can you prevent the other party from going back in time?"

Tony, who was just talking, was caught off guard by the question and stopped for half a second. He breathed a sigh of relief before continuing: "Actually, that's it. Strictly speaking, this is not to restrain the other party from using the time gem's power, but The other party can't interfere with reality with time magic in the mirror space, but I have a way to make us interfere with the mirror space in the real world."

"Sounds good. It is much more difficult to affect the real world from the mirror space than from reality to the mirror space, and no one can even do it at present." Scarlet Witch nodded in agreement. Although she is a mutant, she also uses a name. For the energy of chaos magic.Although the genre is different from mainstream magicians such as Doctor Strange, they do understand some principles of magic.

"So the plan is like this," Chen Lu was finally responsible for summarizing the whole plan, and said to the other three team members: "We first enter this temple through the mirror space, and introduce Doctor Strange into the mirror space. Then Tony will use the machine to put Our bodies are transformed into projections of reality into the mirror space, thereby being immune to the power of time magic from Doctor Strange. There, we will kill him, take the time gem, and launch a general attack on the entire temple."

"Projection? Will this be life-threatening?" Scarlet Witch caught a key word in Chen Lu's words and raised a more important question.

As a result, Chen Lu asked back with a smile, "What do you think?"

"Okay, I understand." Looking at Chen Lu's eyes, the Scarlet Witch knew that things would not be so easy, and said timidly.

"Then let's go, I don't think there is anything more worth listening to." Magneto grabbed his cloak gracefully and stood up. He was proud and not afraid of the unknown power of magic.

Tony pressed the remote control in his hand, and with the roar of machinery and the friction of metal, a vertical circular mechanical ring automatically deformed and started like a Transformer in the bar.As the current passed through the entire mechanical ring, something like a crack in a mirror appeared in the center of the ring, which was originally empty, and the reflections of Chen Lu and the others also appeared in the ring.


It's just that the situation of this phenomenon does not seem to be very stable. From time to time there will be some TV snowflake-like white spots, and its reliability is somewhat doubtful.

"I just fixed it a few hours ago, and there are some minor glitches." Tony explained with an embarrassed look on his face. Even a genius like him will inevitably make some small mistakes under the tight schedule, "Just kick it." , not affected."

"I hope so, Tony." Chen Lu could only say with a wry smile.

From the results, the machine made by Tony did not have any major problems after all, and the four of them entered the mirror space from the real world very smoothly, which was the first step in completing the beheading plan.It's just that this glitch is not as innocuous as Tony said, it caused a small fluctuation in the gap between the real world and the mirror space, just like throwing a small stone into a lake as smooth as a mirror. quietly spread out like ripples.

This extremely slight influence cannot be sensed by most of the magicians in the London Temple, but for the supreme mage Doctor Strange who stands at the pinnacle of magic, it is natural that he cannot escape his eyes.

"My lord, I think it's time for us to prepare to welcome our guests." Doctor Strange put on the magic floating cloak again, put on the Eye of Agamotto, and entered the state of preparation.

Seeing Doctor Strange suddenly becoming vigilant, Wang was taken aback, hurriedly picked up the staff, and asked, "Strange, do you need to sound the alarm to get everyone ready to fight?"

"No?" Doctor Strange waved his hand proudly, and opened a green magic circle in his right hand, which is the unique color of time magic, "There are only a few assassins who are not proficient in mirror magic, and I alone can solve it." Even if there are any casualties, the Eye of Agomotto will resurrect him."

(End of this chapter)

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