Chapter 213 X-Men vs Avengers

"That's not something I can solve alone." Captain America said helplessly. After all, he is not a mutant. What position should he take to help mutants resist human oppression?Even if he is the leader of superheroes, he cannot intervene in the struggle between humans and mutants.

"Yeah, no matter which side you help, it will make you a bad person inside and out, so just do nothing." Cyclops caught the pain of Captain America and continued to sarcastically. Now, he feels that he has finally grown from the greatness of Captain America. Out of the shadow of light and justice.From now on, he would no longer believe that any human would sincerely solve the mutants' problems.

"Scott, I'm here to propose a solution, you have to trust me." Captain America is still making a final effort to win back Cyclops' opinion, but unfortunately in this environment, his language is so pale.

"Then I respectfully ask you to get the hell out of my academy," Cyclops replied curtly, drawing cheers from a large crowd of mutant students behind him.

Captain America felt that things were rapidly developing in a more ominous direction, and hurriedly stepped forward to try to ask Cyclops to have a more in-depth conversation with him.This action seemed to be misunderstood by a mutant student as a threatening action, and he decisively launched an attack on Captain America.

A scorching fireball formed from the mutant student Pyro's palm and shot towards Captain America, who was blocked by Captain America's responsive shield.He has long been accustomed to this level of sneak attack, and he doesn't think it's a big deal.However, today's identity determines the nature of the matter, and it is no longer as simple as Captain America can solve it alone.

"Protect the President!" Two U.S. soldiers shouted desperately and rushed in front of Captain America, and frantically pulled the trigger on the mutant trainees who launched a sneak attack. The dense rain of bullets wounded several people who had no physical protection. Students, just like what the sentinel robot did to them.

After the two attacks started back and forth, the all-out war between the X-Men and the Avengers was imminent.

The accompanying U.S. troops immediately fired at the mutants with full firepower, and the backup sky carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D. was also suppressed in an instant. Under Tony's suggestion, they regarded the backup carrier as a rebuilt Avenger The alliance's new base now seems to have caused great trouble.

Seeing the U.S. military attacking the college together with the sky aircraft carrier that had attacked before, the mutants who had been suppressed for a long time broke out in an instant, and all kinds of abilities followed the roar of the students and threw them at the U.S. soldiers beside Captain America. And explosions once again flooded the academy.

"Everyone, stop!" Captain America shouted loudly, but unfortunately his voice was so weak in the face of the compact gunfire and roaring artillery fire.Several soldiers tried to pull him back into the presidential car for evacuation, but he retreated angrily, "Get out, I'm not the one who needs your protection! They are!"

Cyclops took advantage of the moment when Captain America was distracted and launched a sneak attack on him. A blazing and powerful laser beam shot out from his goggles and hit Captain America's head directly, threatening to knock him out of action with one blow. power.

At this moment, General Ross bravely stood in front of Captain America, and swallowed Cyclops' beam shock wave with his old flesh and blood.The powerful light beam tore apart the neat military uniform on General Ross, exposing the still healthy body inside to the air.

"Ross!" Captain America supported Ross, who was shot back a few steps by Cyclops, and checked his injuries very worriedly, but was surprised to find that there was no scar on General Ross's muscular body at all!

"Captain, this is not a problem that can be resolved through negotiation. As before, you have to decide which side you stand on." Although he had taken Cyclops' full blow, General Ross was able to tell Captain America nonchalantly My own opinion: "It's a pity that no one can tell which side is right this time. This is probably the retribution of our indifference to mutants for a long time."

After saying these words, General Ross left Captain America and walked to the front line.Suddenly, a huge shadow appeared under the sun.I saw General Ross's whole body turned red, and his muscles swelled at a high speed, turning him into a giant like Hulk.Every step of the heavyweight body is a small earthquake. Two giant fists the size of sandbags are clenched in front of him. Unlike the Hulk who finally has a ferocious and angry face, the face of the red giant transformed by General Ross is still indifferent. And calm.

The red giant, this terrifying superhero, finally appeared as a member of the Avengers.

Cyclops unconvincedly sprayed a more intense laser beam at the giant that suddenly appeared, and the red beam exploded even dyed the entire sky red.However, the red giant still endured all the attacks of Cyclops without dodging or dodging, and marched towards the army of mutants without hindrance.While withstanding Cyclops' attack, the muscles on his body became more exaggerated.

"Thank you for providing me with the energy to transform." The red giant said while pressing the beam of Cyclops, and then sent him flying with a single slap.

It is different from the characteristic that the angrier Hulk is, the more powerful he becomes.The red giant transformed by General Ross can absorb radiation energy, such as cosmic radiation, laser rays and so on.The more energy he absorbs, the stronger he becomes.The laser beam of Cyclops happened to be within his absorption range, so it instead contributed to the transformation of General Ross and made him stronger.

The Red Giant accelerated into the mutant army, relying on its invulnerable skin and the ability to absorb radiation energy, it was invincible in the siege of many X-Men to come and go freely.A fist with a power of up to 100 tons can generate a shock wave enough to destroy the wall even if it is swung into the air. The mutants who are directly hit are extremely miserable and die on the spot.

Although General Ross's violent rise gave the Avengers a great advantage, Captain America, as the leader, was still unhappy.He was still muttering to himself: "Why did it become like this, I just want to have peace talks with you!"

The sound of guns and guns continued to roar in the academy of mutants, and the dripping blood determined that this was not a war that could be stopped obediently if someone called it to stop.From the moment the first casualties began, neither side had any restraint, and only life and death could be the end of this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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