Chapter 21

In just half an hour, Chen Lu greeted almost all the survivors in the entire supermarket, leaving a good impression on them.He used some cold jokes, witty performances and an optimistic attitude to make the originally dead atmosphere in the whole supermarket a little bit more lively.On the other hand, Alex, who came in together with him for refuge, was just the opposite. He had been silent all the time, nestling coldly in the dark corner of the supermarket, muttering some strange things to himself.

"Father in heaven, you have broadened me in my pain. Have mercy on me now and hear my prayer..." Although Alex seemed to lower his voice, he actually kept his voice down. The volume control is at the point where others can hear it too.

At this time, Chen Lu looked at him with disgust and said to everyone: "Everyone, don't listen to this lunatic. In fact, he is really weird. It makes me feel scared."

At this time Alex took out another notebook and began to frantically write and draw on it, continuing to babble incomprehensible sentences: "God, please curse Satan again so that he cannot do whatever he wants. I beg you, put him back now under the power of the cross, so that he cannot move."

This kind of crazy behavior naturally aroused the disgust of other people, and even a religious person could hardly bear others praying loudly in such a situation.After all, the most important thing for them to survive at this time is to unite and fight against the enemy together. One person who does nothing but only prays for himself will undoubtedly affect the morale of the team.

This is actually what Chen Lu is happy to see.

Mutant Infected Mental Link

Chen Lu: Not bad, Alex, your acting skills are enough to win several Oscar winners.

Alex: Overrated, master.I will continue to work hard.

Chen Lu: Very good, are the zombies assembled outside?

Female Infected Person: Master, three hundred zombies are on standby at any time, gathering behind the opposite building.

Chen Lu: Very good, we are proceeding according to plan.

When everyone stayed away from Alex because of disgust, only Hawkeye approached him friendly, knelt down beside him and said in an unhurried tone: "Hey, hey, are you okay? Look I heard the zombies kept us here, their names might be bobby, they might be charles, but they're not satan. everyone's trying to hold this place, we can't fight and coax the kids, you It doesn't matter who you pray to, your God must want you to pick up a gun, because then He will not lose a believer."

However, it seems that Hawkeye's persuasion did not reach Alex's ears at all, and he became even more frantic, holding his head in fear and screaming heartbreakingly: "There is still half an hour, they are coming It's coming! They're going to kill all the blasphemers! They're coming! In 29 minutes..."

Facing this kind of guy who doesn't understand human language at all, Hawkeye was also very helpless, so he had to evacuate the curious crowd around him to avoid them being influenced by Alex.At present, no one will believe these ghostly things, after all, they have all experienced fighting here for several days.If you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself!At least that's what all the survivors think now.

Chen Lu glanced at Alex and said to Hawkeye: "I warned you, we'd better lock up this annoying guy, so as not to cause a catastrophe in the future."

At least Hawkeye, who has received an American-style liberal-democratic education, naturally cannot accept this reckless behavior that is no different from a lynching. He shook his head and defended Alex: "He's just too scared. Besides, he hasn't done anything yet."

Did nothing?Stupid eagle eye, you will soon understand that language is the most terrible weapon.Chen Lu secretly laughed in his heart.

For the next half an hour, Chen Lu continued to chat with other people, trying to make a more positive and deep impression on more people, while Alex continued to chatter like a magic voice. Generally brainwashing everyone who comes close to him has rightfully caused dissatisfaction among many.

Chen Lu looked at his watch and found that it was almost time for the planned zombie wave to strike. He walked to the window and looked out, just in time for the first zombie to rush out.Turning to look at Alex again, the latter was repeating over and over again: "They're coming! They're coming! They're coming!"

Everything is ready, don't owe Dongfeng.

Chen Lu pulled out his [-]mm pistol and fired a few empty shots at the window. The sudden sound of gunfire woke up the drowsy people. He opened his throat in panic and shouted: "They are coming!"

The sudden attack in the middle of the night doubled the terror of the crowd, with some screaming loudly and not knowing where to go.At this time, Hawkeye stood up again, quickly jumped to the highest shelf in a few steps, took out a flashing arrow from behind and shot it at the ceiling, and the intense light illuminated the entire supermarket like daylight in an instant, terrified people He also stopped shouting and instinctively covered his eyes with his hands.

"Listen up, everyone!" Hawkeye shouted in the dazzling white light, full of leadership qualities: "We must not let our guard down no matter it is day or night! It doesn't matter whether the zombies come during the day or at night, we treat them the same way." Push back. Now, I need you all to stick with me and hold the line! Get it!"

A leader who can keep calm and take the lead can always stabilize the morale of the team at critical times. Obviously Hawkeye is such a talent.Chen Lu believed that as long as Hawkeye was here, even thousands of zombies would die in vain, until they ran out of ammunition and food.But now, he only intends to pay three hundred ordinary zombies of no importance to settle here.


Amid Hawkeye's roar of battle, almost all the survivors picked up their guns and leaned against the window, firing vigorously at the zombies emerging from the streets and alleys opposite.A few more daring youths, as well as Chen Lu and Alex, who had other plans, ran to the first floor to defend against the zombies breaking through the wooden boards.

Chen Lu: Are you ready, Alex?
Alex: Feel free to start, master.

Chen Lu: Very good, first wait for our extras to be in place, you go to the window and wait.I tried to trick a few people first to make them a little more scared.

Alex: Follow your orders.

Fierce gunfire continued to roar on the second floor of the supermarket, and countless bullets poured towards the tide of incoming corpses.All kinds of pistols, assault rifles, and submachine guns vibrated crazily according to their own rhythm, like the prelude to a giant orchestra's symphony.The first act of the first big play planned by Chen Lu officially opened here.

 Thanks to book friend Jia Xu, the poisoner of the Three Kingdoms, for the reward of 500 starting coins and book friend I want to go crazy for the reward of 100 starting coins. Thank you very much for your support, so that the second week of this book has a good start.

(End of this chapter)

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