Chapter 206 Little Resistance

The mutant students stared blankly at the sudden end of the battle. Although they had heard of the legends created by Magneto before, they realized that humans would have the power of mutants after seeing such a terrifying ability. The fear is not without reason.

After all, on this planet, a government group with nuclear weapons needs the public restraint of the whole world, so why should an individual who can produce nuclear weapon-level effects at will or even surpass it, why not make people feel extremely scared? ?
Now the gray-haired Magneto has even declined in ability. You must know that in the movie "X-Men: Apocalypse", when he was young, he possessed the ultimate power to use magnetism to destroy the inner structure of the earth and cause the destruction of all mankind. , you can expect humans to have a good look at such a ruthless character.

All the mutant students present are glad that Magneto is on their side, and his power will only be used to safeguard the interests of the mutants. At this critical juncture, there is nothing like having such a powerful and yet Reliable teammates feel at ease too.

This time he can completely disintegrate the attack of the S.H.I.E.L.D. sky carrier with one wave, so the next attack will definitely be the same.Although out of awe, this group of mutant students didn't dare to get close to this former enemy, but in their hearts, the status of this dignified old man in front of them could even surpass that of Professor X who had always been just talking on paper.

This is the last thing Cyclops wants to see.

Magneto looked around, and what he saw in the eyes of these students was admiration and love. Unfortunately, he was not as eloquent as Professor X, so he could only say indifferently as usual: "Let the wounded receive treatment and take care of them." Be yourselves."

After speaking, he turned and left, leaving a group of students in deep thought.At this moment, an unknown person said, "He's not as scary as we imagined."

Cyclops almost couldn't control his situation when he heard this sentence, turned around and shouted: "Don't whisper! Everyone go back to the basement, tomorrow each of you will submit a review for disobeying orders Report it up!"

Seeing how excited he was, Storm quickly went up to persuade him, "Scott (Cyclops' name), let's forget about it, they did it out of good intentions. If they hadn't come out to help, the X-Men would have died .”

"What are they doing? Aren't they all...Damn it!" Cyclops realized that talking about it would only make his leadership position more shaken, and angrily left everyone and walked away.

Cyclops is too young after all, and he still needs to go through more things before he can truly mature and be worthy of the heavy responsibility placed on him by Professor X.At present, he is obviously not enough to grasp the overall situation. Although Magneto is not good at words, at least he is much calmer than him in dealing with things. It is self-evident who the students will choose.

The X-Men who were left behind had to deal with the post-battle with Cyclops. Because Magneto made a timely move at the last moment, the casualties were not very serious, but since the establishment of the X-Men, it has really caused students There are not many deaths, and it is very difficult for these inexperienced young people.

Chen Lu followed the other students back to the underground base to rest, but when he was walking in the underground passage, he stood up and stopped everyone and said, "Everyone, listen to me, regarding what happened today, I don't think I did anything wrong. Neither have you. You have also seen what the outcome of this attack would be if the X-Men were the only ones to solve it. I will not write the review report requested by Cyclops. I hope everyone can strengthen their beliefs What do you think, Katie?"

The phantom cat Katie who was named was stunned for a second, not expecting that Chen Lu would ask her opinion.Although she was actually more supportive of the X-Men, but this time Cyclops was indeed a little restless, and replied after hesitating: "I agree."

Now that the two most outstanding mutant students in the battle just now expressed their attitudes, the other students naturally understood what to do.In fact, it wouldn't be a big problem to teach one less review report, but when Cyclops' leadership position was seriously challenged, any small act of resistance would have a butterfly effect on future power confrontations.

Although Magneto has extraordinary strength, he is not a person who is good at leading a team, at least far worse than Professor X's means.Fortunately, Professor X's whereabouts are still unknown, Chen Lu can just take this opportunity to help him.

And by the way, he pushed him into the fire pit.

During the time when the mutant school was attacked and was busy repairing, the US government, with Captain America as its president, was not idle, using Captain America's appeal to actively carry out various public opinion rescue operations.

The most obvious change in the proposal discussed and decided by Captain America is the "Superhero Registration Act" that caused the Avengers to split and superheroes to kill each other in the movie "Captain America 3: Civil War".Today, this bill still requires all superheroes in the United States to disclose their true identities and personal information to the government, and to act as government employees. This is what Captain America, who advocates freedom and human rights, hates the most.

But now, there are two additional clauses in this bill, which have completely changed the nature of the whole bill, that is:
[-]. All personal information registered by superheroes participating in the "Superhero Registration Act" will be classified as a fifth-level security authority, and only the President of the United States has the right to view and call it. Any other use will be regarded as an illegal act.

[-]. All superheroes participating in the "Superhero Registration Act" are government employees and directly under the President of the United States. They are only responsible to the President of the United States, and are not subject to the control of other government agencies except under the order of the President.

The current president of the United States is Captain America himself. That is to say, superheroes participating in the Superhero Registration Act need to be managed by the US government in name, but in fact, only Captain America has the right to know their true identities and issue orders. one person.To put it simply, isn't that the same as joining Captain America's team, so what's the difference from before?

In addition, Captain America also made an additional explanation on the validity period of this bill, promising to try to abolish it before he stepped down as President of the United States, not to mention whether he can finally do it, at least his promise is very weighty.

The superheroes who have no worries about the future expressed their support for the bill. Maybe the actions of superheroes really need to be supervised, but Captain America is the only person in the United States who is qualified to supervise their actions.

(End of this chapter)

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