Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 204 Consequences of Incitement

Chapter 204 Consequences of Incitement

It didn't take long for Chen Lu's figure to completely disappear from everyone's sight, leaving only a group of mutant students looking at each other in blank dismay.Since the establishment of this mutant academy, it is not completely free from any dangerous accidents.It's just that every time they are attacked, these students who have not officially become a member of the X-Men will only obey the orders of Cyclops or Professor X, hide in the shelter and wait for the X-Men to repel the enemy, and then Go back to your daily routine as always.

No one ever broke in here to tell them you should fight too, and made it clear that humans are the mutants' enemies.Under Professor X's concept of harmonious coexistence of humans and mutants, then the attack is really a human army, and no one would dare to convey such a concept.

They always believe that as long as mutants can control their abilities so as not to hurt others, they can avoid being feared by humans.If there are no mutants who will use their superpowers to do evil and all try to benefit mankind, then there will be eternal peace.

However, Professor X got one thing wrong, that is, if human beings are really not afraid of mutants at all, it will only lead to more tragic consequences.Possessing superhuman abilities is an original sin, just like elephant tusks and shark fins. If humans need to wait for humans to spontaneously realize that they should coexist harmoniously with mutants, that is not equality, but protection of rare animals.

Appropriate awe can make both parties realize the importance of peace.

"Hey, what should we do?" A student asked his companion. Although such a philosophy was at odds with the education he had received since he entered the academy, under such circumstances, Chen Lu's decisive actions undoubtedly required More convincing than any language Professor X has left behind.

"How do I know, Captain Cyclops asked us to stay here obediently..." The companion who was asked the question replied, this is also the thinking of most of the people inside, they are still hesitant about whether they should go into battle decision.

At this moment, a young mutant student stood up. He didn't say anything, he just walked out of the refuge door, and ran after Chen Lu's figure.It's just that before he left, he turned around and gave everyone a complicated look.

"Damn it, are we not as good as a freshman?" A mutant student who was irritated and grumpy stood up right after him, bravely rushed out of the shelter and threw himself into the flames.

Led by this example one after another, more impulsive mutant students rushed out of the shelter.They were not brave fighters who were not afraid of death, but under the leadership of others and instigated by Chen Lu's actions, the flames in the hearts of these students were all ignited.Today there is no more honorable act in the world than to fight in defense of their fellow men.

More and more, more and more mutants began to rush out of the shelter with the crowd, thinking that they really had the courage to deal with the human attack.In the end, except for a few mutants who really had no confidence in their superpowers, almost all the students of the mutant academy were thrown into the battle.

The students who ran out took it for granted that Chen Lu was fighting fiercely with the first-generation sentry robot. They saw him holding the X-marked round shield, jumping onto the top of the three-to-four-meter-high sentry robot, and facing it The iron head is a shield and slams down.Under Chen Lu's strange force, the sharp edge of the metal round shield was deeply embedded in the electronic brain of the sentinel robot, and after a burst of incandescent lightning, it turned into fragments and fell down.

After finishing a first-generation sentinel robot, Chen Lu didn't stop. Before the broken copper and iron under his feet fell to the ground, he took advantage of his strength to fly into the air again, and threw the shield in his hand away.The X mark on the shield suddenly rotated so that it could not be seen clearly, drawing a strange arc in the air, precisely cutting the faces of the three sentinel robots, smashing their yellow electronic eyes, making them follow blind flies As if hitting the inner wall of the building, the shield finally returned to Chen Lu's hands accurately after going around the field for a circle, and fell to the ground gracefully with him.

To Chen Lu, this wasn't even a battle, it was just a show.However, the mutant students who witnessed his heroic battle were naturally boosted in morale, and felt that what appeared in front of their eyes was a Captain America-like figure bestowed by God on mutants.

What he represents is not the American spirit, nor the great and upright moral concepts of human beings, but the self-improvement soul of the mutant race!

"Kill them!" The students who were inspired by Chen Lu's actions shouted. At this moment, it seemed that nothing could stop them. At this moment, they were all deeply proud of being mutants.The mutants bravely pounced on the army of sentinel robots that invaded the college building and raged wildly, showing a variety of gorgeous superpowers and fighting them fiercely.

But soon, they understood the cruelty of reality.

Chen Lu's ability to easily kill those sentinel robots does not mean that other people can do it too. The enemy seems helpless in the fight against Chen Lu only because Chen Lu's strength is relatively too strong.Among these mutant students, those who have powerful and practical mutant abilities are a minority after all, and most of them have no actual means of fighting against the sentinel robots that have been transformed by the ark reactor.

Except for the fact that the mutants overwhelmed the robot army due to the high morale at the beginning, all kinds of strange objects were thrown at the sentinel robots with the shouts of the mutants, but the alloy that could really penetrate the sentry robots There are only a handful of items in the shell, and most of them are in vain.

After discovering that his ability was not enough to cause damage to the sentinel robot, the scene suddenly became awkward, just like the atmosphere of being knocked down by a punch after a party in the fighting arena posed for a long time.However, what the mutant students received next was not enthusiastic ridicule, but countless cold bullets and a bloody storm.

The firing of more than a dozen rockets triggered a series of explosion waves, which immediately lifted up the entire floor where most of the mutant students were standing.Then the group of sentinel robots raised their Gatling guns, and under the control of the electronic eyes, they aimed at the students who were thrown into the air, and fired precisely and mercilessly.

With the roaring gunshots and the dense line of fire, the battle scene turned into a massacre in an instant. Blood, broken limbs, and internal organs continued to shatter and fall, which shocked every mutant student present. Only the strong smell of blood can make them understand that the so-called war is not a child's play.

(End of this chapter)

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