Chapter 200 X-Men Academy
Cyclops is not really a person who is afraid of powerful enemies, he is just dissatisfied with Magneto for recruiting people at will regardless of his own opinion.After all, he is different from Magneto and Professor X. Compared with these two predecessors who have grand dreams, Cyclops is just a young man who has just learned about his abilities. He desperately needs a chance to prove his abilities. Now, he urgently needs a chance to prove his majesty, otherwise the dominance may completely fall into the hands of Magneto, so the so-called cooperation is meaningless.

He didn't have to drive Chen Lu out, but he just hoped that Magneto could seek his own opinion before making a decision.Therefore, after a brief debate, the two reached an agreement smoothly, allowing Chen Lu to join the Mutant Academy smoothly.

Chen Lu's plan has successfully completed the first step, and the next step is to cause trouble for them.

"Qin, take him to visit the school first. I need to talk to Magneto about something." After deciding on Chen Lu's enrollment, Cyclops ordered a long-haired girl beside him.This good-looking, weak and lovely girl is the super mutant who hides the strongest power here—Jean Grey, who has the power of the phoenix sealed in her body.Of course, she hasn't liberated her power yet, otherwise she would definitely be the most terrifying enemy Chen Law Firm will face.

"Please come with me." Qin greeted Chen Lu with her pleasant voice, stretched her waist lightly and walked in front to lead him the way.Cyclops and Magneto went to the other side, apparently going to the X-Men's underground secret base.

"We are here to provide services for those who have special talents, you know, people with special talents..." Qin led the way and explained the situation inside the Mutant Academy to Chen Lu, while Along the way, the surrounding students also showed various superpowers very cooperatively.There are girls who can float water polo on their palms like in outer space, boys who can walk up and down on the ceiling as if walking on the ground, and the boys who are playing football outside forcefully turn the game into Shaolin football, colorful The rays of light danced in every corner of the academy.

If Chen Lu had just entered the Marvel movie world, he might be a little surprised, but after seeing many big scenes caused by superpowers, he is no longer surprised by this place.

After turning a corner, a large group of people suddenly appeared in front of the TV in the square, discussing as if they were discussing some serious event.Seeing this, Qin also stepped forward to check what was going on, and saw that Captain America, who had only been listed as the leader of the rebels yesterday, appeared in the center of the TV screen, and was delivering his inaugural declaration in front of a large group of reporters.

"Hello American people, I am Steve Rogers. You have heard a lot about me these days, and some people were ordered to hunt me down, calling me a traitor..."

Qin hurriedly asked the other students around, "What's going on? Shouldn't he be arrested by the US government as a criminal? Why did he suddenly become the spokesperson of the government?"

"Qin, we are as confused about the situation as you are." A student who was watching the live broadcast said helplessly, "Yesterday they listed Captain America as the most wanted criminal with great fanfare, but today they said they would He is listed as a candidate for President of the United States, and even served as interim president first!"

"Damn, what kind of joke are they watching? I thought Captain America was on our side!" Another student who looked like a fan of Captain America shouted angrily. At this moment, he was an enemy of the US government. There was definitely a sense of betrayal.

Qin hurriedly comforted everyone and said, "Don't worry, everyone, let's listen to what Captain America said first."

So the students continued to listen to Captain America on the TV screen and said: "Now you should know the truth. I am not a rebel, but my identity has been used. I can't tell you who is planning It's a cover-up, but at least the superheroes are innocent!"

At this time, another government spokesperson also assisted Captain America in explaining: "We re-analyzed the battle traces on the scene and determined that the Captain America in the New York War was disguised by someone else, so in fact we misunderstood him before. , I hope you can place your trust in Captain America as always..."

The reporters below immediately burst into flames. They certainly didn't believe what the government said. A large number of questions were fired at the spokesperson on the stage like bullets.

"Why were you so sure that the culprit was Captain America before, but now you can be sure it's not?"

"If the culprit wasn't a superhero, what was the U.S. military dealing with in the Battle of New York?"

"Please don't hide anything from us anymore, the people need to know the whole truth!"


With Captain America's majestic roar, the noisy scene suddenly fell silent.In this place in the United States, the name of Captain America has more credibility than the government. It can make these media who are afraid of chaos in the world settle down. The government officials on the side can't help casting envious glances at him.

"Everyone, I know you have many questions now, but the problem is that there are many things that even the survivors who participated in the war have not figured out, so it is difficult to tell you the truth with certainty. Now I just hope that everyone, put aside Prejudice caused by previous misunderstandings, let’s overcome the current difficulties facing the United States together.” Captain America was also vague about the details of the New York War, choosing to divert the attention of the public, which is not like the one who shouted to let the public know the truth A man of justice.

If there is no accident, the condition for the U.S. government to cooperate with Captain America is to conceal the truth of the New York War. There is no way to do this. If the public knows the existence of the zombie virus and that it is the U.S. government that decided to launch the nuclear bomb, then the situation will become very serious. not optimistic.

The reporters who should have continued to chase here miraculously settled down and did not seriously question Captain America's words.After all, as mass media, they also understand that the trend of public opinion today will undoubtedly lead to Captain America. Even if the other party conceals something, the people have no one else to choose to trust.

Seeing that the reporters stopped asking questions, Captain America put his hand on the Bible in front of everyone, and read out his oath as the interim president of the United States:

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of Interim President of the United States, and to do my best to uphold, preserve, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

(End of this chapter)

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