Chapter 195 Cruel Development

"So, they regard us as traitors?" Captain America couldn't believe his ears. The superheroes fought with their lives in New York for the survival of the United States, and in the end they were regarded as a premeditated rebellion, the culprit of the destruction of New York. ?
"Based? Because they are the government, other people believe it?" Captain America asked unwillingly. How could superheroes have made so many contributions to the United States because of a sentence from the government spokesperson? Vanish!
Blink sighed, and explained helplessly: "They intercepted the communication audio at the scene as evidence, and your voices confirmed that you, who were listed as rebels, were all on the battlefield in New York at that time."

"Of course it was at the scene! But we are assisting the U.S. military in fighting as a friendly army. Didn't anyone think of it?" Of course, he also guessed that the audio testimony must have been edited to conceal the most critical information.But even if this is the case, the people of the United States should also think that superheroes are fighting side by side with the US military rather than fighting against each other. How can it be that the superheroes are definitely the ones who launched the rebellion?
Regarding this question, Blink hesitated to speak, but looking at Captain America's earnest eyes, she could only hold back the discomfort and said truthfully: "Part of the audio shows that you, as the leader of the rebel army, bewitched the American soldiers present to disobey orders and join the treasonous army." The lineup was successful, leading to a large number of troops rebelling and surrendering to the enemy. American general Wilder left a testimony on the spot, the person who led the rebellion was you..."

Captain America immediately understood what was going on. Indeed, he disobeyed orders without authorization and led a large number of US troops into Queens, New York to start a war.But the reason for disobedience is definitely not to carry out treasonous actions as the government spokesman said, but to save the United States on the contrary!

"They actually did such a thing!" Captain America punched the bed board angrily, smashing the wooden bed under him to pieces.A patriotic blood is regarded as an act of treason. No matter what the reason is, this kind of practice is impossible to tolerate!
"But many people have already believed it." Twinkle said sadly, telling Captain America the reason for her leaving the academy.

"Not long after that press conference, someone launched an anti-superhero parade, gathered a large number of enthusiastic people who did not know the truth, and smashed the home of the Fantastic Four into rubble. At that time, American soldiers were watching, and there was no The meaning of stopping. Then this group of people ran to our academy and asked us to hand over all the people involved in the rebellion. Captain Cyclops went out to reason with them, but was besieged by angry people..."

Captain America took a deep breath. He didn't expect the matter to develop so seriously in such a short period of time. Combined with the existence of Magneto King that Blink said before, he felt that the follow-up matter might be even more terrifying than he had guessed. .

"So, what happened to Cyclops?"

"He was beaten badly by a mob, but he never fought back. The classmates tried to help him, but he was ordered to stop him as the captain of the X-Men. So he just stood there and let them Punching, kicking, and even sticks and knives were used in the end, and finally one person took out a pistol and pointed it at the forehead of Captain Cyclops..."

Hearing this, Captain America squeezed his fist until he bled. As the captain of a superhero group, he understood the decision made by Cyclops very well.At that time, once he used his mutant ability to subdue everyone on the scene, it would undoubtedly be equivalent to letting the X-Men and the US government, no, the entire American people declare war, and the blame for the rebellion would be considered true.

Cyclops, as the captain of the X-Men, can only choose to compromise, hoping that the sanity of this group of people can come back.However, this large-scale riot was not spontaneously organized by the people, but was exploited by people with intentions. The person who took out the pistol was obviously one of the instigators of this parade.

"Did he get hit?" Captain America knew that Cyclops' ability is a typical high attack and low defense, and his ability to carry hits indiscriminately is probably not as good as his own. If he was directly shot in the head by a pistol, he would definitely be seriously injured if he didn't die.

"Alas..." Twinkle sighed sadly, as if recalling some tragic scene, "Magneto stopped that person and killed all the participants present with the metal weapons they brought over. The parade. As the X-Men we were supposed to stop them, but... none of the mutants made a move."

Captain America gasped. He had long understood Magneto's vicious methods, but his help at such a critical moment would undoubtedly push the matter into another even more terrifying abyss.

"So, Cyclops cooperated with him?" Although he understood that Magneto saved Cyclops' life, Captain America still didn't think that Cyclops would drag all the X-Men and Magneto for this reason. The madmen who mutants rule over all humanity cooperate.

"No, Cyclops had already lost consciousness at that time, and Magneto also left after killing the rioting crowd." Blink shook his head and denied, it seemed that the matter was not over yet.

"After Magneto killed all the demonstrators at the scene, the newspapers immediately issued an urgent news with the headline Mutant Rebellion. Now, the whole of the United States thinks that the X-Men massacred the demonstrators. This time Congress reacted extremely quickly In less than an hour, the "Superhero Registration Management Act" was promulgated, requiring all superheroes stationed in the United States to report to the government military department within 24 hours and accept military control that temporarily restricts personal freedom, otherwise they will be sentenced to treason .”

Captain America's eyes widened, and even someone as politically insensitive as him could sense something was wrong: "All of this was premeditated. The government is trying to divert domestic conflicts. That parade was planned by Congress!"

Blink nodded in agreement: "Yes, after waking up, Captain Cyclops also told us that the X-Men have been abandoned by the US government. Now the only way out for mutants is to overthrow the United States that is determined to treat mutants as enemies Government, otherwise no matter what actions the X-Men take in the future, they will not be able to avoid being hostile by the military."

"Damn it, the American people must know the truth, now!" Captain America impulsively wanted to run out of the room and tell the ignorant people everything he knew, but the moment he opened the door, He was completely taken aback by the person who appeared behind the door.

Standing there was the figure of Chen Lu with his hands in his pockets and an indifferent face.

(End of this chapter)

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