Chapter 175 The Eye of Judgment
This move is the signature move of the Ghost Rider——The Eye of Judgment, which is the ultimate use of the fire of hell. Through the eyes of the ghost knight, he directly burns the soul of the opponent with the fire of hell, and the opponent will always experience the past. The suffering caused by the crime committed by the victim.In addition, even Daredevil, who is blind, is not immune to the gaze of the Ghost Rider, so it is not a simple move that can be dealt with by blindfolding his eyes.

The principle of the eye of judgment is that the ghost knight looks directly into the eyes of the wicked, so that the ghost knight can see and make the target recall all the crimes he has committed before, so that his soul can feel all the pain he has done to the innocent. , so as to achieve the effect of judgment and punishment.Those with serious crimes will be judged to death, while those with lesser crimes will have other effects, that is to say, the level of power is related to the size of the opponent's crimes.

And since the Eye of Judgment is a move that directly affects the soul, no matter how good the physical ability is, no matter how high the anti-strike ability is, it is impossible to prevent the soul-punishing effect of the Eye of Judgment.So unless the hands are really clean without any innocent blood, the Eye of Judgment is an invincible move that kills on hit.

For the more than one million victims in Chen Lu's hands, it is completely impossible to escape the lethal effect of the eye of judgment.As long as Ghost Rider glared at him, the game could be declared over immediately.The body may be able to regenerate super fast, but the soul cannot!
We must first find a way to get rid of this tricky character!This is the current thinking of Chen Lu, who is secretly observing everything.

Fortunately, after Ghost Rider showed his invincible judgment eye, his necessity as a lone ranger was also reflected.

The mere glance of his hellfire-burning skull over the shoulder caused a great deal of discomfort among most of his fellow superheroes.Although they are all doing good deeds of punishing rape and eliminating evil and defending the United States, they still have a few lives in their hands, and they will inevitably hurt some innocent passers-by in the battle with the evil forces, so the eyes of judgment are also for them. Same works.

Although the sins committed by these superheroes are not enough to cause the Eye of Judgment to have a direct lethal effect on them, a little discomfort in the soul is a matter of course.Now that Ghost Rider just stood with the guards, it would cause the combat effectiveness of others to plummet.

"Ghost Rider, it's not your fault." Captain America, the moral sage who hadn't been punished by the Eye of Judgment, stepped forward to comfort him. irrational.

Ghost Rider also understood this truth, he pushed Captain America away, and said indifferently: "Stay away from me, I will cover you from the side."

After finishing speaking, Ghost Rider stepped onto his soul chariot with strides, causing the motorcycle wheels to burn violently with soul fire, lifted the front of the motorcycle vigorously, followed by increasing the horsepower to drive the rear wheels, and the chariot actually leaped away. He jumped onto the wall of a nearby building, and galloped on the vertical high wall like walking on the ground.

After a while, the ghost rider's voice and shadow withdrew and disappeared from the sight of many superheroes.Without the restriction of the Eye of Judgment, the large-scale zombie tide around immediately made a comeback, launching a new round of desperate attacks on the heavy truck team.

And the superheroes also recovered from the punishment of the Eye of Judgment after the Ghost Rider left, raised their spirits again, and teamed up with a large number of first-generation sentinel robots to fight against a large number of zombies charging from all directions.

Now is the best time to deal with Ghost Rider!
Seizing the opportunity of the Ghost Rider being forced to be alone, Chen Lu first used his metalized ability to completely cover his head, and then followed the thick fog to chase after the Ghost Rider.

Just a few seconds later, the Edman alloy samurai sword wrapped in bloody flames collided fiercely with the ghost rider's iron chain burning with hellfire.Chen Luna's sneak attack from the air was easily spotted by the Ghost Rider, and the fight immediately turned into a head-on confrontation.

"How dare you appear in front of me, sinner!" Ghost Rider warned Chen Lu while spouting strong flames from his skeleton mouth.However, Chen Lv didn't respond at all, he simply withdrew his knife and launched a series of stormy slashing attacks again.

The Edman alloy samurai sword, which was already extremely sharp, became even more invincible under the blessing of electric shock and blood flames. It collided with the chains used by the ghost knight for blocking several times. Every knife seemed to kill the ghost. The knight cuts both the man and the chain into two ends!
However, the chains attached to the hellfire still had no intention of breaking under Chen Lu's fierce pursuit, and even if there were occasional cut marks, they would be quickly repaired under the burning of the hellfire.

The Ghost Rider's chain has magical properties and cannot be completely destroyed. It can be infinitely restored from damage just like the Ghost Rider's constitution.Ghost Rider often uses it to grab and strike opponents, and can even attach soul fire to it to burn the enemy's body and soul.The length of the chain is entirely at the Ghost Rider's will.

In front of this mysterious magical weapon, even the high-tech Adamantium alloy katana in Chen Lu's hands seemed like a mortal thing.After fighting for a few rounds, Ghost Rider seized a loophole and threw Chen Lu away with a chain and a whip, and instantly tied his neck.

"Do you think you can escape the trial with a mask on?" Ghost Rider pulled the chain hard, pulled Chen Lu's head with the helmet in front of him, and stared at him with the big hole on his skull. A pair of strange green pupils.

"look into my eyes!"

The eyes of judgment showed their power again, and a skeleton shadow formed by faint flames opened its teeth and claws behind the ghost knight, showing a ferocious face. At this moment, he was like a messenger from hell, vowing to kill the sinner in front of him. Drag into the deepest depths of purgatory!

And yet—nothing happened.

Ghost Rider's eyes instantly changed from vicious to suspicious. Generally speaking, even ordinary people who have never killed anyone will commit one or two crimes worthy of shame. Unless it is a moral saint like Captain America, the eyes of judgment Judgment will surely come down.

But the guy in front of him, who is obviously a hydra killer, is actually immune to the effect of the eye of judgment?

Taking advantage of the moment when Ghost Rider was confused, Chen Lu grabbed the chain with his left hand and pulled it violently, loosening the chain that was holding his throat slightly.Immediately afterwards, a counterattack slashed to Ghost Rider's body, drawing a huge gap in his black jacket.

The ghost knight who was forced back pulled the chain forcefully, and the chain with the fire of hell was tightened around Chen Lu's neck like a noose——


The helmet hit the ground with a crisp sound.

(End of this chapter)

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