Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 173 Prelude to the Decisive Battle

Chapter 173 Prelude to the Decisive Battle
After confirming that the superheroes led by Captain America escorted the truck loaded with nuclear bombs to attack Queens, New York, Nick also took the maglev fighter back to the command room of the sky carrier.

"Sir, we can't get in touch with Hawkeye." As soon as Nick came back, Hill anxiously reported to him.

"Have we lost another excellent agent?" Nick's first reaction was that Hawkeye died in battle like other superheroes. After all, they have lost too many brave fighters in this war. .

What's more, more superheroes will be sacrificed in the future, and it is too late for him to feel sad for Hawkeye alone.

He gave an order to Hill: "Understood, continue to arrange manpower to escort the heavy truck team to the city center. This operation cannot make the enemy respond, nor can our people have doubts..."

"Yes, sir." Hill said with a gloomy expression. Even though she was extremely unwilling, she still wanted to serve S.H.I.E.L.D. and would do whatever it took for the interests of the US government.

"And sir, Dr. Helen just contacted us, saying that she has just received a new structural formula for the regeneration cradle, which may be able to bring some help to our battle."

"Construction formula? Can her regeneration cradle produce creatures out of thin air?" Nick heard of this for the first time. Before that, he had always regarded the regeneration cradle as a quick way to heal injuries.

Hill also said in a daze: "Dr. Helen started testing this matter not long ago. It is said that it was carried out under Chen's suggestion. No definite results have been obtained yet, but I just received it from a fellow biologist. The construction formula obtained is the information related to this matter."

"Chen suggested it? Did he also do some research on biological science?" Nick felt a little puzzled when he heard Chen Lu's name suddenly, but in the end he didn't think too much about it and continued to ask about the formula: "Since you need to ask us for instructions, That means this research is dangerous."

Hill nodded affirmatively: "Yes, according to Dr. Helen, this construction formula may create a very powerful creature, but the control is still uncertain. Therefore, she asked us to provide her with a zombie control helmet for her research, and use the zombie With the characteristics of mind control, she might be able to control the created creatures."

This may be a feasible method, but the problem is that the enemy also has a way to control zombies, so who will have the upper hand in the competition of zombie creatures is a big problem.After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. currently has only one zombie control helmet, and the enemies in Queens, New York may have tens of thousands of helmets. It may not be possible to compete for the control of zombies.

Nick quickly came up with a more cautious plan, and ordered Hill: "Upload the data of the zombie control helmet to Area 51, and then provide it to Dr. Helen for theoretical research first. But first prohibit her from doing practical research." I don't want us to mobilize troops to solve the biological structure test. The current defense on the sky carrier is unprecedentedly empty."

"Okay, I'll tell her right away." Hill also felt that there was nothing wrong with Nick's actions, so he organized follow-up research work according to his order.Helen Zhao has always cooperated with S.H.I.E.L.D., and usually strictly obeys the orders given by Nick.

As for what was written on the structural formula, and which colleague of Zhao Helen's hand it came from, Nick hoped that he would study it after the New York War was over.Now he must focus on this battle that will determine the life and death of the United States.

In the surveillance camera footage in front of him, the last of the heavy-duty trucks rolled slowly from the landing beach into the foggy Queens borough.Behind the truck, there are several superheroes in charge of escorting and a dozen first-generation sentinel robots floating in the low air.As long as you enter this fog, all subsequent actions can only be guessed through the communication channel.

In this white fog, there are many satellite jamming devices installed. No matter which satellite channel you switch to, you can only see a mass of dark things in the end, and you can't get any useful information.As for the drone camera, don't expect to be able to see clearly, at best you can see the blurred outlines of buildings and heavy trucks.

Even if Chen Lu stood on the roof of a tall building, he looked at the black military truck line in the distance.They are the last round of attack on New York by the human coalition forces. Regardless of success or failure, the United States will be the loser.

And Chen Lu's task is to make it lose more thoroughly.

Winter Soldier: Sir, according to your order, most of our zombies are evacuating.

Chen Lu: Got it, how long will it take to evacuate?

Winter Soldier: (with a wry smile) Sir, no amount of time is enough. You have to know that there are millions of zombies. Even if there is a thick fog as a cover, it is still a big problem to evacuate without the enemy being able to detect it.

Chen Lu: Well, I will try my best to buy time.Let's preserve the vitality of our army as much as possible. I don't want these troops and superheroes to be buried with them.You assign the team to stop the enemy, and give them a little sweetness to paralyze them to move on.

Winter Soldier: I know, sir.But, sir, is it really okay for you to stay and fight the enemy?Those who are responsible for the divorce are all abandoned sons, aren't they?
Chen Lu: Even if you want to treat me as an abandoned child, it's useless. I won't die so easily.Get on with your work, Winter Soldier, I have my measure.

After finishing the mental link call with the Winter Soldier, Chen Lv turned around. Standing behind him were several mutant infected as the assault team, and Hawkeye, who had just been reported by Hill as having lost contact. Impressively also in the queue.

"Welcome back, Hawkeye." Chen Lu smiled and stretched out his hand to Hawkeye, but Hawkeye just gave Chen Lu a cold look and didn't take Chen Lu's hand.

Hawkeye knew what Chen Lu was going to ask him to do next, and unless Chen Lu gave a clear order, Hawkeye would not show any kindness to him.

Chen Lu's resistance to Hawkeye was no surprise. He had been lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. before, but now it's time to play the most critical role.It doesn't make sense to keep Hawkeye lurking in the future, because after today, there will be no S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now it only needs Chen Lu to issue an order, and the mutant infected team led by Hawkeye will set off to the sky carrier, bringing the deadliest sneak attack to S.H.I.E.L.D.

 Happy New Year!In the past few days, I will come back drunk from time to time during the Chinese New Year, and the update is a bit weak. Please forgive me. After the Spring Festival, I will take time to express my apologies.As for some readers asking when the Marvel chapter will end and when the Naruto chapter will start, there is an article "About the length of the work" in the work related, and you can basically know it after reading it.

(End of this chapter)

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