Chapter 152 The Assault Begins

This supersaturated bombing attack lasted for more than half an hour before the last bomb fell and completed its mission.The New York beach was bombed and sunk more than ten meters deep, and all the buildings around the beach were blown up to the ground. A vast open space below sea level was forcibly opened up by the US military with artillery fire.

"The landing area has been cleared, and the landing of ground troops will begin!"

"The early warning aircraft continues to scan the ground to ensure the safety of the landing area!"

The air-cushion landing craft filled with soldiers, tanks, and armored vehicles started one after another, and sailed steadily towards the beach on the rough sea.The American flag on the landing craft was flying proudly, but the soldiers it carried were all worried expressions.

What kind of formidable opponent is it that deserves such a terrifying firepower bombardment?

At the edge of the landing area, a small ordinary zombie staggered into the burning open space near the beach.Both of its arms had been blown to pieces by the artillery fire just now, and its scorched body could not be called combat power, but the loyal and responsible US early warning aircraft still found it.

"Landing on the edge of area B and finding the enemy invasion, request fire support!"

"Position received, Tomahawk missile launched!"

Just after the little zombie staggered and continued to walk for more than ten seconds, it looked up at the sky as if it suddenly felt something.Just at this moment, a Tomahawk cruise missile whose warhead was more than ten times larger than him hit him impartially, and the physical impact of the collision had already flattened his entire body into pieces. Meatloaf again.


The strong explosion turned the place where the little zombie stood before into a large pit 15 meters wide and 6 meters deep.

Of course, this scene was captured by Chen Lu, who was sitting in the operational command center of the new Umbrella company building. He smiled and said, "It seems that the U.S. military did not care about the cost this time, regardless of all costs. This kind of fighting method is really like Tony, If something can't be solved, just throw money at it!"

"This is a stop that concerns the survival of the United States in the international community. Of course, the U.S. military will not hold back anything." The Winter Soldier standing next to Chen Lu echoed, and he pointed to the U.S. troops displayed in blue dots on the map. Draw an arrow to indicate the opponent's marching route. "According to their plan, the U.S. military will divide into three routes and advance to the center of Queens. After establishing the front-line defense base, we will continue to clean up the zombies."

"Very well, properly arrange some ordinary zombies to paralyze them, pay attention to hiding the effect of stimulating adrenaline, and give them a surprise when the time comes. Let them be arrogant for a while, and then let them go forever!" Chen Lv tilted his head. Smiling, he looked at the U.S. military and superheroes on the beach, tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table and said.

In the monitoring screen in front of the two of them, six superheroes including War Machine, Black Widow, Ant-Man, Hawkeye, Black Panther, and Falcon have all landed on the ground, followed by tens of thousands of American soldiers With a large number of tanks, artillery and armored vehicles slowly advancing towards the city of Queens.

The superheroes showed their weapons one after another, and War Machine unfurled a lot of barrels and muzzles from the mech; Black Widow took out the Destroyer laser gun BFG that Chen Lu also used before; Eye is equipped with the latest high-tech compound bow and quiver; the panther is still wearing an invulnerable battle suit and sharp claws;This guy who can freely change his size has long since disappeared, and he probably went to play with his army of ants.

After entering the street fighting stage in the city, the human coalition forces were attacked by a small number of zombie groups one after another.These slow-moving ordinary zombies can't do anything to the human coalition forces who have been vigilant for a long time.Most of them were torn into pieces by the powerful long-range firepower. Even if they could charge up, they could withstand the 1 mm thick composite armor of the M7 Abrams main battle tank at the front. , will only be burned to ashes by the Pyro behind with a flamethrower.

The human coalition forces that perfectly maintain their formation can be said to be invincible, leaving no corpses wherever they go. The gunfire of the m16 assault rifle has been ringing non-stop, and the grenade fired by the 1mm gun of the M105 tank can easily destroy any bunker. No matter how bad it is, the fire wall burned by the flamethrower serves as a close line of defense.Except for the soldiers who were accidentally injured by their own people, the zombies could not cause any casualties to the US military.

The fighter units hovering in the sky have nothing to do, and the superheroes are heavily protected by American soldiers. I really don't know who should protect whom.This was a one-sided massacre, and the elimination of these zombies felt as easy to the American soldiers as it was to deal with unarmed civilians.

This is also a matter of course, and it is not a movie now.Even if "Resident Evil" keeps introducing new viruses to transform new types of zombies, there is no existence that the bazooka can't solve. Now the firepower of the US military is not comparable to that of the bazooka. Is there any zombie that they can't solve?

In front of the U.S. military that has set up its front and is ready to fight, no matter how many ordinary zombies charge forward, it will be a waste of strength.There are tanks and armored vehicles that can rampage in the tide of zombies, flamethrowers that can alternately go into battle to avoid zombies getting close, and various long-range firepower weapons that can be effective at ultra-long distances. It is really easy to deal with ordinary zombies.

The human coalition forces advanced almost unimpeded all the way, calling for air firepower to level the obstacles in front of them if they couldn't get through. The early warning aircraft detected more than four zombies gathered in front and let cruise missiles launch precision strikes.The journey down was not smooth, most of the soldiers fired several empty rounds, and all the zombies who dared to appear in front of them were turned into charred pieces of flesh.

It didn't take long for the coalition forces of the three routes to approach the predetermined location.Only a few soldiers were accidentally injured by their own weapons, otherwise the operation could have declared no casualties.The whole advance is like walking on the street, but the sound of explosions can be heard all the way.

General Wilder, who watched all this in the command room of the sky carrier, said triumphantly: "Look, I will say that you have made a big fuss. With this kind of firepower, we can capture any country in the world, but you are worried about it. The casualties brought to us by the small zombies. Isn't this going well, so what's so scary about it?"

Nick shook his head solemnly and said: "Don't be too happy, General. I'm sure this is the joint stronghold of Hydra and the scientist organization AIM, but it seems that none of them have shown up yet... "

(End of this chapter)

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