Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 134 Pretending to be Sober

Chapter 134 Pretending to be Sober
Need to strengthen the ability of ordinary zombies, needless to say, it is natural to use the [pathogen gene enhancement system] unlocked by the evolution of the virus mother.There are the following four exchange options that can be used for all common zombies.

【Symptom Effect Exchange List】

[Upgrade Bone Spur LV1: Add mutated penetrating bone spurs to all ordinary zombies to increase their melee combat capabilities.Required DNA enhancement points: 10 points]

[Upgrade Bone Shell LV1: Add mutated bone shells to all ordinary zombies to increase their physical defense capabilities.Required DNA enhancement points: 10 points]

[Metabolism Acceleration LV1: Let all ordinary zombies get faster wound healing, and can regenerate broken limbs in battle.Required DNA enhancement points: 10 points]

[Adrenaline LV1: Enhance the running speed and endurance of all ordinary zombies, and obtain a higher attack frequency at the same time.Required DNA enhancement points: 15 points]

The first thing Chen Lu valued was 【Adrenaline LV1】. Although ordinary zombies can run like normal humans, that running speed is definitely not enough for charging.When the zombie corps fought against the American army on the ground, the most critical thing was how to drag the opponent into close-range combat. In long-distance combat, these ordinary zombies are no different from living targets.

Therefore, the running speed bonus brought by [Adrenaline] is indispensable, and getting a higher attack frequency can be used as a bonus, as the icing on the cake.

At present, Chen Lu has a total of DNA enhancement points: 11 (original) + 10 (prison robbery) + 2 (mutated siblings) = 23 points, which is enough to exchange for [Adrenaline LV1].Considering that boosting adrenaline should not have much effect on the appearance of ordinary zombies, so as not to cause humans to notice that zombies have special evolutionary mutations, Chen Lv directly clicked on this option.

The DNA enhancement points dropped from 23 points to 8 points suddenly, but from the outside, nothing seemed to happen.Chen Lu looked down from the tall building, and all the ordinary zombies were still walking slowly as usual, showing no signs of gaining great strength.

Chen Lu immediately jumped down from the tall building, and casually ordered an ordinary zombie to run. Only then did the effect of adrenaline LV1 appear.This ordinary zombie immediately ran out with the running ability of an Olympic sprinter, and it ran hundreds of meters without any sign of slowing down.It didn't take long for it to come back in a large circle of one kilometer under Chen Lu's command, and it only took more than a minute.

This kind of running ability has already surpassed any ordinary human being. In terms of sprint explosive power, there is still some distance from the human limit, but in terms of long-distance running endurance, it is absolutely impossible for humans to compare with zombies.

In this way, at least you don't have to worry about the embarrassing situation that you will see your zombie army chasing the human army for a long time, especially the American soldiers who are carrying all kinds of equipment. any choice.

If a small number of such zombies charged over, maybe there would not be any scary feeling, but when a million zombies were all charging with an absolute advantage in running ability, then the result would be very scary.

Now Chen Lu's zombie army has another advantage that can be used compared with the upcoming human coalition army.

Then, as long as there are two more DNA enhancement points left, you can exchange for the next ordinary zombie enhancement option, which must be collected before the start of the war.For the base of 100 million, every small change in an ordinary zombie can form a huge advantage, and it is impossible for Chen Lu to give up this advantage.

It seems that tonight is another night of hunting, but if only two mutated infected people are needed, it must be a very easy task.Even Chen Lu himself didn't have to make a move, just let the newly joined super villains practice their hands and feet.

According to the information collected by Hawkeye, Chen Lu learned that the super villain Jin Bin and his subordinate Bullseye had not withdrawn from New York, so he arranged for the newly joined Red Tank and others to hunt them down under the leadership of the Winter Soldier There are two.Although the brains of the newly joined high-level cannon fodder are not very good, under the leadership of the Winter Soldier, a battle-tested killer, there must be no troubles.

So that's about it for what you need to know about this inspection operation, and everything is going on in an orderly manner.Next, it's time to go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. and arrange the next step.

Chen Lu returned to the lounge of the new Umbrella headquarters and lay down comfortably.After doing all the precautions around him, his consciousness shifted back to the S.H.I.E.L.D. sky carrier.

When Chen Lu woke up, he found that he was lying in an instrument similar to a CT detection cabin, and a blue light was sweeping back and forth across his body.Chen Lu knew what it was—the cradle of regeneration, which could use nano-molecules to create simulated cells, and replace damaged tissues with artificial cells to achieve the purpose of healing wounds.

This instrument is also the place where the superhero Vision was born, but the substance that makes up the Vision cells is vibrating gold instead of ordinary nanomolecules.

If he can master the manufacturing technology of this instrument, then Chen Lu can use the mind gem in the Rocky Scepter to create a powerful superhero named Vision. Zhenjin may be expensive, but if Ultron can snatch it , Chen Lu will not fall behind.

It's a pity that the inventor of this regenerative cradle is not Tony, a super inventor, but a world-class genetic scientist, Helen Zhao.

It was true that Cao Cao and Cao Cao were coming. Not long after Chen Lu woke up, a beautiful yellow woman with black hair in a short ponytail and a slim figure covered by a white coat walked in.This plainly dressed long-legged beauty is Zhao Hailun, the inventor of the Cradle of Regeneration.To some extent, she can also be regarded as Vision's mother?
Dr. Helen happily looked at Chen Lv who was awake and said, "You're awake. Let me tell you that the equipment shows that you don't have any wounds on your body. Well...the brain wave is still a little abnormal, but it shouldn't be a serious problem. .Get up, hero, everyone must be very happy!"

"Did we win?" Chen Lu asked knowingly.

Helen's face suddenly became cloudy, but she didn't want Chen Lu to notice it, and she immediately restored a bright smile and said, "Yes, thanks to you, we successfully captured the research base of Hydra, and The information about the zombie virus they studied was intercepted from it. Let’s not talk about these, get up and meet with everyone, Mr. Captain will be worried to death.”

(End of this chapter)

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