Chapter 132 Another Use

"Honestly, Tony, maybe Jarvis gave you the illusion that there's nothing wrong with making computer programs smarter. But you also understand that Ultron and Jarvis are completely different things, Jarvis Only perform tasks you have written in, but Ultron, it's another you, Tony."

"You mean I just cause trouble?"

Chen Lu shrugged and smiled irrefutably.

"Anyway, Tony, don't rush to manufacture Ultron until you find a way to control it. This is an order." When Chen Lu said these words, no matter how much Tony wanted Ultron to be born, he couldn't make it ahead of time. It's made.

"Okay, but the intelligent program of this thing is very complicated, and I don't know how much time it will take to prepare the control system in advance. Well, to be frank, even I have no clue about it."

It is certain that there is no clue. If Tony really knows that much about Ultron, the plot of "Avengers 2" will not need to develop at all.However, Chen Lu is not worried that Tony will really be unable to find a solution in the end. After all, in the original plot, it was the artificial intelligence Jarvis created by Tony that prevented Ultron from stealing the military's nuclear bomb code.Jarvis can restrain Ultron's actions to a certain extent, so Tony must be able to do better.

Ultron will eventually be produced, but at that time it must appear in a posture of complete obedience to Chen Lu, which is what he should pursue.

In addition to being used to create Ultron, Chen Lu also needs the Rocky Scepter to complete another function.

"Tony, as a consultant of S.H.I.E.L.D., you should be able to find the information that S.H.I.E.L.D. used to study the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. Refer to those data to study how to use the Loki scepter to remotely control the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to open a small space portal. The same as when Ki came to Earth."

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube, one of the six infinite gems, has been brought back to the hometown of Tony the God of Thunder, and locked in the royal palace of Asgard, a planet that is light-years away from the earth. It can be said that the current technological level of the earth is It is impossible to reach this place called God's Domain.

Fortunately, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, as a gem that controls the power of space, can open a small teleportation for the holder of the Loki Scepter at the storage location of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube no matter how far apart it is under the control of the Loki Scepter. Doors that allow at least one person to pass through.In "Avengers 1", Loki used this method to come to the earth from the distant Chitauri territory to steal the Rubik's Cube. Since the Loki scepter has this function, Chen Lu can't Going to waste.

Tony also understood what Chen Lu's intention was, and he said with a wry smile: "Boy, don't tell me you're planning on Asgard. Finally, being able to bring the Rubik’s Cube back to Earth is different from our human army’s inability to go to Asgard, their army can come to Earth.”

"Bring it back to Earth? It's ridiculous. Why should I bring the Cosmic Rubik's Cube back?" Chen Lu's eyes exuded greater ambition. He looked at the shell of Loki's scepter that glowed with the same blue light as the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and said: " I mean, let's lead an army and take Asgard down!"

After finishing the research work on Loki's scepter, Chen Lu left Tony's laboratory. Next, it was time to see Alex's transformation results on the Extremis zombie virus.

The actual combat training site for the desperate zombies that Alex mentioned is located in a large building vacant lot in Queens. This place was bought by a real estate developer, but the zombie virus broke out before it could be built.After removing other common zombies that got in the way, it became a good training ground for a new breed of hopeless zombies, and Alex arranged it into a square similar to a training ground.

When Chen Lu arrived here, several Extremis Thunder Beasts were wandering around the training ground. It seemed that the mass production of Extremis Thunder Beasts was also proceeding smoothly.Alex was waiting for Chen Lu at the entrance of the building, and Winston, the zombie gorilla, was also waiting beside him.

"Alex, how many Extremis Thunder Beasts have been produced so far?" Chen Lu asked, looking at the huge monster with vicious giant pincers beside him.

"Twelve of them have been manufactured so far, and it is estimated that adding tomorrow, we should be able to manufacture 26 of the Extremis Ultralisks. At present, our production capacity is still slightly insufficient, and the follow-up production can be faster."

26 Desperate Thunder Beasts is already a very terrifying force.Let this group of behemoths, which are bigger than mammoths and covered with powerful carapaces that can withstand shelling, charge up and break up the enemy's formation is no problem at all.So what is needed now is to follow behind the desperate thunder beast to harvest the enemy's key figures, and Alex should have taken this into consideration.

Following Alex to the depths of the training ground, Chen Lu soon saw the new species of desperate zombies in this experiment.

This is a humanoid zombie slightly larger than ordinary humans. It is about 2 meters tall. The nails on the palm of an ordinary human have been alienated and sharpened. The most frightening feature is that the other arm is completely alienated. Evolved huge and extremely sharp claws, which seem to be able to easily slice a human being into six pieces from head to toe.

The skin on the upper body of this zombie is dark black, and it feels like it is covered with some strange skin. The muscles are not very strong, but the strength of the zombie cannot be measured by such things.The soles of the feet have also changed into dinosaur-like soles. The sharp claws on the toes can firmly grasp the ground. Judging from the degree of curvature of the claws, even running on a vertical wall is not a problem.

Alex introduced to Chen Lu: "This kind of zombie is called the Chaser. Its limbs, especially the alienated giant claw arm, are not much different from other zombies. However, its physical fitness is better than ordinary zombies. Much more, the leg joints have been specially modified, so it is extremely good at jumping. At the same time, the sharp claws on the soles of the feet allow it to run on the wall like a spider. If used together with the jumping ability, it can quickly leap back and forth between buildings, It is a unit specially designed for urban warfare."

As if to confirm what Alex said, the pursuer suddenly started to run, rushed out of the training ground at a speed close to that of a sports car, and then jumped up to the nearby tall buildings.Its movement on the wall is exactly as Alex said, and it can walk on the wall like walking on the ground.The pursuer kept jumping back and forth between the tall buildings and moving, quite like the feeling of Spider-Man swinging around with spider silk between the buildings. After a while, it circled around and returned to Chen Lv.

This kind of mobility is completely qualified as a reaper.

(End of this chapter)

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