Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 120 The Desperate Situation of the Nine-Headed Snake

Chapter 120 The Desperate Situation of the Hydra
"I'm sorry to interrupt you, don't worry about me, let's continue." Chen Lu said to Baron Sterak who had stopped, and then turned around to continue studying the vault door that he had punched hard just now.

Baron Sterak suddenly felt like he was being teased, and he said viciously with veins on his face: "Your effort is in vain, do you still think you can escape now?"

"Escape? I'm coming to find you..."

Chen Lu's arm turned into a long knife glowing with silvery cold light. The moment the blade was formed, it stretched and vibrated at a very high frequency. Makes a buzzing sound like swinging a lightsaber.

"You think it's just this kind of rotten knife..."

Under the stunned expression of Baron Sterak, Chen Lu raised the scorching knife point and easily pierced into the vault door as if cutting into tofu. With just a random twist, the lock structure inside was stirred into a puddle of molten iron.

The sealed vault door loosened all of a sudden, and broke open again with a "click".This is a natural result. How can a mere alien technology alloy be able to stop the high-frequency chopping that even Adamantium alloys can't withstand?
"Stay there and don't move, I'll talk to you, face to face." Chen Lu smiled and said to Baron Sterak on the screen. Of course, his smile at this time was completely like a god of death to Baron Sterak. Scary as a smile.

Chen Lu stepped out of the gate of the vault, where several Hydra soldiers were already waiting for him.Their equipment is slightly better than the ordinary soldiers outside, but their number is pitifully small. It seems that they are the only remaining members of Baron Sterak's personal guards.

In the next second, a large amount of laser bomb rain poured down like Chen Lu, and was easily blocked by the round shield transformed by his left hand, leaving only a few pitted scratches on it.If you want to injure Chen Lu with this kind of weapon, dozens of laser guns will be useless!
It's a pity that this is the last man Baron Sterak can spare in the fierce battle with S.H.I.E.L.D.

These Hydra gunmen were all blocked by Chen Lu with his fists in less than 10 seconds. This time, he did not use the weapon of SHIELD, but directly killed them with the metal needles transformed from his arms. Inject the virus.

This also means that these Hydra soldiers will be resurrected as zombies after 3 hours of death, just like the gangsters in Queens.

Didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. come to find research data on zombie viruses?Let them see the real zombies first.The Hydra organization at the end of the road released the zombie virus experimental body in their experiment. This situation is quite understandable.

There are still a large number of helpless scientific researchers in the base, which can further expand the group of zombies.The S.H.I.E.L.D. attack outside the castle was fierce, but after all, the Scarlet Witch was still guarding there. Even if she was in a relatively weak state due to overdrawing her ability just now, the emaciated camel was bigger than a horse. Can't rush in.

After helping S.H.I.E.L.D. for so long, it's time to make trouble for them. In addition to the zombie virus control helmet, there must be something to prove that zombie virus research has been carried out here.

In the deal between Killian and Baron Sterak, some insignificant information about the zombie virus has already been transmitted. The S.H.I.E.L.D. law prepared in advance.

Let Hydra really take the blame, and after S.H.I.E.L.D. gets the zombie virus control helmet, it will give Chen Lu the opportunity to implement the next plan.

However, it would be too boring to just produce a few ordinary zombie soldiers. Chen Lu quickly set his sights on another even more shocking thing in the basement—the giant biological battleship Leviathan.

Wearing an alien steel carapace, with ferocious and dense fangs, this half-biological, half-mechanical behemoth can theoretically also belong to the category of creatures that can be infected with zombie viruses.

Worth a try.

Chen Lu walked up to the unconscious Leviathan's hard skull covered with a steel shell, transformed his arm into a high-frequency knife, and stabbed it until it sank to the root.Then he used the blade to explore indiscriminately inside, and after a while, he found the flesh tissue of the monster.

The trigger of the virus was successfully triggered, and then Chen Lu slashed up again, cutting open the comatose Leviathan's brain tissue, turning it from a deep sleep to a complete death.The time to mutate into a zombie has been shortened from 48 hours to 5 hours.

The speed of mutation is a bit slow, maybe it will be too late in terms of time.

Zombie Leviathan may be a great surprise to the S.H.I.E.L.D. team who thought they had won a complete victory.

Then, it's time to clean up the battlefield and completely erase the traces of his presence.

Chen Lu put away the blade and walked step by step towards the Hydra combat command center where Baron Sterak was.

At this time, Baron Sterak was still looking at the empty vault that Chen Lu had escaped in disbelief. He had let the Scarlet Witch test this trap, and even she couldn't escape it easily!
Why does the black-haired demon, who is sneaky all day long, hide such terrifying destructive power?
Recalling the last sentence Chen Lu said to himself before he left, in fact, even without those words, he would have realized that he was about to face a catastrophe.Baron Straker pulled his confidant nervously, bent his ears and whispered:

"Doctor, take all the materials, we must leave here immediately."

This kind of words cannot be heard by his subordinates. Even in such a critical moment, Baron Sterak still maintained a trace of calmness.

"But Mr. Baron, the Scarlet Witch is still there..." the doctor looked worriedly at the smoky battlefield outside the castle, and responded in a low voice.

Baron Sterak looked at the Scarlet Witch who was fighting hard in the surveillance screen, and to be honest, he couldn't bear to give up on this powerful mutant.But if no one cuts off at this time, he really has no hope of escaping.

"The information we have is much more important than a mutant, especially about Loki's scepter! The Russian branch will need these things, pack them up quickly!"

"But Mr. Baron, the Loki scepter has..."

"Don't mention that thing again, don't talk about that person again!"

In the end, Baron Straker had acted a little hysterically, and he had already regretted it.From the moment Chen Lu appeared on the battlefield, the situation continued to develop out of control. At this moment, Baron Sterak was truly cornered.

(End of this chapter)

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