Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 118 Disappeared Again (More Explosions Completed)

Chapter 118 Disappeared Again (Ten More Explosions Completed)
The Scarlet Witch's angry blow knocked Chen Lu out of sight, but she also paid the price for her recklessness.Due to the consumption of too much mental power, the magic barrier protecting Hydra's last line of defense gradually disappeared due to lack of ability.She herself is also temporarily in a relatively weak state due to overdraft of ability. It has to be said that she is in a state of confusion because of concern. The defeat of Kuaiyin has had a great impact on her.

Seeing that the enemy had lost the tricky magic barrier, the S.H.I.E.L.D. troops of course would not give up this opportunity. Angry at the loss of Chen Lu and Thor, they launched a final charge towards the Hydra soldiers.Under the leadership of Captain America, this team of mourners fought fiercely with the Hydra warriors, full of tragic heroism.

For a while, gunfire roared in front of the entrance of Hydra Castle, and gunpowder smoke was everywhere. This was the action of the S.H.I.E.L.D. The snake-headed soldiers fought head-to-head.

And in SHIELD's Sky Carrier Combat Command Center, Nick also looked at the current monitoring screen with an incredulous expression.Although he also knew that Scarlet Witch's abilities were higher than Chen Lu's, but this super rookie who had just joined the Avengers and made great achievements repeatedly, really left them here?
The easiest way is to send someone to patrol the place where Chen Lu disappeared to see if he can find the body.But now that almost all the manpower is sent out to fight, there are really not enough resources to complete this operation.

"Hill, check the GPS device in Chen's communicator again, at least we need to explain to Tony... We already owe him too much."

Hill looked at the screen and shook his head, regretfully said: "Sir, we have tried our best. Neither Chen nor Thor received any signal response."

The entire S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau was filled with a sense of sadness, but each of them still stuck to their posts, continuing to work with trembling fingers.This is war, and they've been through it more than once since joining S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's just that the price this time is too high.

Of course, Chen Lu did not die. The moment the scarlet witch lost his mind when the ice pick bombed and exploded, he took Kuaiyin into the ground, and continued to drill deep underground until he avoided the attack. Until the great avalanche.

And the communicator will lose the signal, which is actually the ghost of him using the metallization ability.Relying on Tony Stark's mechanical knowledge, Chen Lu used the metallization ability to form a tiny tool in the ear, and performed a minor operation on the communicator, causing it to temporarily fail.After all, the biggest goal of Chen Lu's trip is to take away Loki's scepter silently. Now the biggest obstacle - Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, one is already in his hands, and the other is held by S.H.I.E.L.D. Outside the castle, this is a good time for him to disappear from the sight of both sides.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra continue to fight if they like to fight. At this point, their combat power has reached a balance, and there is no need for Chen Lu to continue to intervene.

Then it's time to do your own thing.

Chen Lu first found a hidden cave, hid Kuaiyin, and blocked the entrance of the cave with metallization ability and rocks to avoid being plundered by others.Then, he looked at the Hydra castle that was caught in the artillery fire, and it was time to find a way to sneak in.

This was not a problem for Chen Lu, relying on his extraordinary physical fitness and metal abilities, he could easily climb up the extremely steep cliff behind the castle.At this time, the Hydra troops guarding this place were also short of manpower to an outrageous level. Many soldiers on the outposts on the cliff were sent to the front line to resist the attack of S.H.I.E.L.D.It just happened that Chen Lu climbed all the way to the wall of this ancient castle without hindrance.

It can be seen that this is an Axis castle built during World War II. The exterior walls of the building are all in the unique wall painting style at that time, and even some Chinese swastikas have not been erased, and they have been preserved until more than 70 years later.

This is a very exaggerated building complex, but the central building is protected by some kind of blue energy shield, so the US military satellites have not discovered this place.Needless to say, this black technology must also come from the mysterious technology of the Chitauri alien army brought by Loki.Even Loki's scepter fell into their hands, no wonder their technology developed so rapidly.

It's a pity that this energy shield is used to prevent artillery fire rather than intruders. In silence, Baron Sterak and the demons that everyone under him feared entered the almost unguarded castle. .

In a certain room inside the castle, a group of scientific researchers are doing their work in front of the high-tech supercomputer. Although the entire castle has been filled with shouts and killings from outside, these Hydra scientists Still concentrating on continuing to study.With such dedicated scientific researchers, it's no wonder Hydra's technological development is so smooth.

In an instant, Chen Lu knocked down the group of unarmed scholars. In order to prevent the S.H.I.E.L.D. from suspecting that he was still alive, Chen Lu knocked them all unconscious first, and then used the silenced pistol he had seized. Repair the wounds, so others will think that these people died in the scuffle rather than assassination.Anyway, S.H.I.E.L.D. is also running out of time. It is impossible to conduct autopsies on corpses one by one. It is enough not to give people a sense of disobedience.

Spirit Possession Tony Stark!
Chen Lu came to their computer for scientific research work, and skillfully called up documents one after another to check where they hid Loki's scepter.There were only fragmented clues in the computer, but Chen Lu quickly came to the result as he observed the surrounding environment, and found the secret of Hydra.

One of the walls in this room has an extra layer of steel reinforcement in one place than in other places, and a slight draft can still be felt near that place.Chen Lu put his hand on this position and pushed gently, and it turned out to be a secret door leading to the underground.

As soon as you enter this secret door, it immediately gives people a sense of wonder. The surrounding walls are no longer monotonous and unpainted gray, but a metal structure passage full of alien civilization sci-fi.This modeling style is quite similar to Chen Lu's alien army in the movie "Avengers 1". There is no doubt that this is at least an architectural style imitating the Chitauri.

It also means one thing - Loki's scepter is just ahead!

 Fossil's ten-hour guarantee with all-out efforts is over. I hope you all enjoy watching.Next, please look forward to the addition of monthly tickets, rewards, and subscriptions. Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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