Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 111 The Earth Surrounds Strike!

Chapter 111 The Earth Surrounds Strike!
Before reaching the top speed, Kuaiyin took out a small metal ball from his pocket and held it in his palm.It is a fist-sized alloy sphere with a silvery luster throughout. It is not sure what material it is made of. The extremely smooth surface seems to indicate its purpose.

Facing Kuaiyin's quick attack, Thor, who knew that he couldn't dodge the blow with his own speed, simply straightened his body frankly, and was ready to take the attack hard.He knew from the previous tricks that although Kuaiyin's speed was amazing, his destructive power was far from comparable to his own. Instead of trying to dodge or counterattack, it would be more effective to directly resist with his body!

"You can't beat me!"

After Thor was ready to take the attack, the incandescent thunder light wrapped around his armor, waiting for Quicksilver's heavy blow to strike.However, seeing Thor's conscious behavior, Kuaiyin smiled lightly, and instead of swinging his fist at him, he passed him at a very high speed.

That's right, Kuaiyin didn't make a sneak attack from behind, nor did he create a whirlwind of afterimages, but he really ran past Thor, as if he hadn't seen him at all!
Thor hurriedly turned his head, and the blue streamer of Kuaiyin had already run thousands of miles away and disappeared at the other end of the horizon.Quicksilver is like a rocket that can't stop and can't turn. After leaving behind Thor, he never came back from this direction.

That's right, not coming back from the direction he left.

At this time, everyone was also at a loss. Did Kuaiyin run away with oil on his feet?The Scarlet Witch was still blocking the lightning that Thor was summoning for him, why did this guy get away with it instead?Moreover, he still has an absolute advantage, doesn't he?

There is only one person present who knows the answer to these countless questions, and that is the only Scarlet Witch who understands Kuaiyin's super speed ability.Kuaiyin's seemingly never-ending move is not to escape, but this is his attack method.

Quicksilver's ability is super speed. He can move flexibly at twice the speed of sound. This does not mean that his speed limit is twice the speed of sound, but once he crosses this limit, his actions will It becomes less retractable, just like the air steering of a high-speed fighter will become difficult.

The higher his speed is, the simpler the route he can walk will become. The easiest way is of course to go straight ahead and only walk in a straight line.At the same time, another condition is that Kuaiyin needs a long enough straight-line distance to keep accelerating. For him who can step on almost any surface to move, the terrain is not a problem. The only problem is—— At his top speed, it takes a very, very long distance to reach.

If Kuaiyin wants to make his speed reach sub-light speed, then he needs to run about 4 kilometers in a straight line.For Kuaiyin, which can continuously accelerate, it only takes a few seconds to run the 4 kilometers.

After the afterimage of Kuaiyin disappeared, his voice came late. This was a cruel sentence he threw to Thor before leaving. The meaning of the words made everyone who heard this sentence shudder .

"Thor, speed is power. Have you ever been hit by the speed of light?"

On the detectors of the military satellites of various countries in the world, another object was detected to be moving at a super high speed on the surface of the earth at almost the same time. Observers thought it was just a mechanical failure.

Something is moving across the surface at ever-increasingly fast speeds approaching the speed of light?What are you kidding?
Yet this is exactly what is happening!

After passing Thor's side, Kuaiyin continued to accelerate all the way, desperately increasing his running speed to the limit he could achieve.His steps have crossed mountains, crossed tall buildings, stepped on water and crossed major oceans.One second he was setting off a violent sandstorm on the desert, and the next second he was running fast on the polar glaciers.

From Eastern Europe south across the Mediterranean Sea to Africa, ran across the barren Sahara Desert, flew on the ice of the Antarctic continent, saw today’s moon on the other side of the earth, ran across layers of ice floes on the Arctic Ocean, and finally from the front Returned to the battlefield in the direction of Thor.

All this happens in mere seconds!

Even Kuaiyin himself couldn't bear the consequences of colliding with Thor at sub-light speed. He didn't want his fist to be scrapped, so the countermeasure he chose was to let go of the metal ball in his hand.

Under the effect of inertia, this alloy sphere still maintains the same sub-light speed state as Quicksilver in a short period of time, rubbing against the air and producing a large number of sparks, burning itself red like a meteorite falling to the ground and rushing towards Thor's heart.For the fast-moving Kuaiyin and the metal ball, everything on this battlefield was as slow as standing still, and no one could even notice that Kuaiyin had returned.

This is the impact force around the earth!
Switch to a normal person's perspective, and time begins to flow again.

Thor was completely unaware of the impending super meteor-like impact, and before he could make any reaction, he was ruthlessly rushed into his arms by the metal ball, taking him up into the sky with him.Such a result is already due to the blessing of his extraordinary godly physique, or the fate of a weaker person will definitely be a fist-sized blood hole in his chest by this ball. Lost consciousness before any attack.

But no matter how strong Thor's physique was, he couldn't completely resist this unreasonable terrorist attack. At the moment his heart was oppressed by the alloy sphere, his vision went dark and he lost consciousness, only his body was carried to the sky.

The speed at which he was sent flying was really too fast, he escaped the gravitational force of the earth and rushed into the atmosphere in a short while, his whole body caught fire during the friction with the air, and fell into the outer space with his whole body scorched black.Unconsciously, he kept moving in this vast space, constantly rolling and drifting, not knowing where he would drift.

And none of the other people present could clearly see what happened just now. Everyone only knew that after Quicksilver disappeared for a few seconds, Thor's figure also disappeared suddenly. When he realized it, Thor's body had already flown Into the snow-flying sky, disappeared into the gray sky like a rocket.

And Quicksilver?He's got another round of Earth to slow down so he can stop.

(End of this chapter)

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