Chapter 11
Just when Chen Lu was intoxicated with building his grand blueprint to destroy the world, Tony, who was sleeping soundly on the sofa next to him, seemed to be disturbed by the commotion just now, and sat up straight from the sofa with his eyes closed and stretched. , Woke up slowly with a yawn.

"Well——" Tony let out a groan just after waking up, stared at Chen Lu with sleepy eyes for a long time, and then said as if he was taken aback: "Oh! I just said how could there be Man! Scared me to death...don't tell me what you did to me."

Chen Lu said a little angrily: "Isn't this what I should ask, Mr. Tony Stark who knocked me out and moved to his own house. Logically speaking, should I sleep in a certain prison at this time?" A hospital bed, not your living room?"

"Sorry, but when I can use it, the government's needs come first."

Tony casually stated his incredible power, and then he groped around a few times before taking out a document that looked like a medical record from under the sofa.He patted his head to wake himself up and said:
"Taking care of you is really not an easy task. For this week, I have to inject you with nutrient solution ten times the normal human needs every day, so that all the indicators of your body can show normal. You have to thank me very much , Doctors in the hospital would never dare to do this. Also, in order to make you a little more honest, I also used ten times the amount of anesthesia, and it seems that the effect is not bad."

Chen Lu checked his body. Although all the abilities of the body were sealed due to the restrictions of the anesthetic, the biological energy in the body was indeed replenished to 100%.He went on to ask: "So, have you discovered anything about my body?"

Tony looked at the medical record and replied: "You have a completely abnormal wound recovery speed. I wanted to operate on you, but the wound healed as soon as the incision was made. It is a super troublesome ability. The cell samples taken from your body are the same as those of normal human beings. The structure of the body is completely different, the nucleus is greatly reduced, and the number of mitochondria and centrosomes is ridiculously large. The ratio of various blood cells in your blood is also very abnormal, the platelets completely disappear, and the individual red blood cells are greatly enlarged... To be honest, although I found a lot of strange things, but still don't understand how your body works, which is much more complicated than my Iron Man mech."

Hearing this, Chen Lu finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Tony hadn't discovered the culprit that caused all this—the existence of the zombie virus in his body.Otherwise, even if he loses a good helper to destroy the world, he must kill Tony immediately!The current situation is quite good. Like this, Chen Lu can slowly wait for his skills to recover, and then find an opportunity to use the virus touch to mutate Tony into a zombie hero who obeys his orders.

"Okay, boy, let's stop here for your abnormality." Tony threw away the medical records, found a high-tech transparent mask on a nearby table, put it on, and asked Chen Lv while standing: "Now we should talk about it." Talk about what you did that night a week ago? Why did you kill all those people."

"Because they wanted to kill me." Feeling that there was nothing to hide about this kind of thing, Chen Lu told the whole story about being chased and killed by gang members, and only concealed the original solution of the zombie virus.

After listening to Chen Lu's story, Tony pressed a button on his high-tech transparent mask with one hand and asked, "Jarvis, how's the lie detector reading?"

A synthetic male voice answered through his mask: "All readings normal, no lying reflexes, sir."

Chen Lu shrugged, wanting to use a lie detector for humans to detect if a zombie is lying?Tony really has a naive side.Chen Lu himself can also feel that he is not a human being at all today, but a zombie virus individual with all the memories of the human being named Chen Lu.

But Tony didn't know all this yet, so he had no choice but to believe what Chen Lu said for the time being.As a superhero who created the Iron Man mecha because he was kidnapped and threatened by terrorists, and escaped by wearing the mecha to kill all the terrorists, Tony can empathize with Chen Lu's experience.However, he was still surprised by the cruelty of Chen Lu's treatment of those gang members, so he couldn't help asking:
"I understand that those people deserve to die, but killing them in such a cruel way, don't you have any...fear in your heart?"

This is really a good question, and it can also help Chen Lu to forge a reasonable story about the origin of superpowers. He decided to tell a big lie here.If successful, it might be able to divert Tony's attention to another well-known villain organization, while also allowing the superhero who has become a bit more sympathetic to relax more about himself.

"That's not cruel, Tony." Chen Lu said to Tony blankly, and began to tell the cruel lie he conceived with a nonchalant attitude, "If you were asked to kill with a pistol when you were 8 years old, and you were forced to kill people with a handgun when you were 10 years old, Friends who grew up together killed each other, and when you were 12 years old, you had to carry out an assassination mission independently, and finally escaped from the control of the organization exhausted, but was shot and killed by a group of gangsters on the street, you will understand what cruelty is."

Sure enough, Tony swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and was completely shocked by the terrible childhood in Chen Lu's words. He pondered silently for a while before asking: "Which organization did all this to you? Body modification and killer training, um ?”

"HailHydra. (Long live the Hydra)" Chen Lu uttered a famous slogan in the Marvel world. In this world, no matter what kind of big conspiracy or big black pot, throwing it to Hydra will never be wrong. Anyway, this super villain organization will not run over to tell their mortal enemy Tony Stark that Chen Lu is not one of them.In the future, when Chen Lu used his advantage as a time traveler to reveal the secrets of the Hydra organization in advance, it happened that this identity could also be used as an excuse.In short, this scapegoat hydra is determined.

"Hydra? I've heard of them." Tony touched his chin and said thoughtfully. From here, the timeline of the entire Marvel movie world has not yet progressed to the stage of "Avengers 2". The hero's Tony has not yet made an enemy of this huge organization.Surprised by Chen Lu's magical power, Tony asked him:

"Has Hydra already been able to create such a powerful mutant?"

Chen Lu immediately betrayed Hydra's information without hesitation: "In fact, my superpowers were awakened after I escaped from the organization. Before that, there were two Hydra mutants that I knew better. They are a pair of brother and sister, the elder brother has supersonic movement speed, and the younger sister is able to confuse the minds of others..."

Anyway, everything he said was a genuine movie plot, no matter how Tony verified it, he could only come to the conclusion that Chen Lu was not lying.

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(End of this chapter)

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