Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 106 The Battle of the Giants

Chapter 106 The Battle of the Giants
"Someone is calling Hulk..."

The Hulk raised his head and looked in the direction of Sokovia City, as if he could sense his old enemy's call to him.Before anyone else could react, Hulk had already sprinted towards the city of Sokovia on his own. His shocking steps caused earthquake-like tremors on the ground, and he jumped up forcefully at the moment when he reached the highest speed. , falling like a meteorite to the city center where the abomination is located.

"Hulk, wait!" When Captain America shouted, the huge green figure had already flown into the air.

Regarding Hulk's self-assertion, Nick didn't have much complaints, but instead defended him: "Let him go, if the abomination destroys Sokovia and runs over to act wildly, with his destructive power, maybe it will kill the zombie virus." If the data are destroyed, then it is useless for us to resist long-range bombing."

During the time they talked, there was an earth-shattering roar in the city, and the pair of terrifying monsters, also created by gamma rays, met in the center of Sokovia.One is a tall giant with a green body and extremely inflated muscles.The other one is a grey-skinned hideous monster with exposed joints and thorns.Just the moment when the eyes of the two of them intersect, one can feel the intense murderous aura that can freeze the surrounding air.

"I'm back, Hulk!"

"Hulk is going to crush you!"

For the long-time foes, what happens after their meeting is already predetermined.The two stepped on the concrete floor, which was as fragile as a biscuit to them, and their huge bodies collided violently when accelerating to the extreme——

Just listening to the loud sound of "BOOM!", the storm blown by their collision alone can lift nearby vehicles, and the underground natural gas pipeline was directly detonated, and the flames of the explosion engulfed the two people in the fierce battle .After the sparks dissipated, Hulk and the Abomination were violently fighting, and the surrounding buildings collapsed like building blocks between fists and feet, leaving only ruins wherever they went.

The shock waves generated by the confrontation between these two giants can be felt even by everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. on the mountain.The terrifying lethality produced by this pure power is no less efficient than the indiscriminate bombing of modern weapons.If this continues, the city of Sokovia will soon be reduced to a ruin.

Seeing that there are still many innocent Sokovia residents around the fierce battle center, Captain America couldn't sit still anymore, and ordered the soldiers around him: "Team C immediately went down the mountain to evacuate the people, take them away from the Hulk and the abomination, As far as you want!"

The Black Widow on the side pressed Captain America's shoulder to dissuade: "Captain, it's too late, we can't save many people."

"Even if there is only one person, it is worth all our efforts. Wars should not hurt innocent people, especially when we start them!"

Captain America, full of a sense of justice, stubbornly wants to rescue, but he also knows that it is not wise to divide his troops at this critical moment, especially for the hero who helped everyone kill this area all the way.

"Chen, please forgive me." Captain America said in the communication channel. Under Chen Lu's hard work, the soldiers who finally pushed forward retreated a quarter because of his own order, and Captain America also had to feel guilty.

"Just do what you want, Captain." Chen Lu gave a generous response. In fact, his actions were not as difficult as Captain America imagined. It was just a simple use of abilities. No threatening enemies were encountered.As for the matter of sending troops to the city of Sokovia below the mountain for support, since Captain America has already decided, it doesn't make much sense to express his opposition.

"Thank you, Chen, you are a true hero.",

Chen Lu shrugged helplessly.hero?From the moment he was forced to inject the stock solution of the zombie virus, he was doomed.All the actions he takes now are only for his own benefit.How would Captain America react if he knew that the war and the coming of the Abomination were to blame for this new hero he was grateful for?

It's a pity that now is not the time.

"Go ahead, I don't think Hydra will surrender just yet." Chen Lu dropped this sentence and disconnected the communication with Captain America.Looking up, the Hydra's castle is close at hand. At this time, Baron Sterak is also in a state of desperation. How will this fight between the snipe and the clam end?
In the combat command center of Hydra, Baron Sterak put his head in his hands and fell into deep distress.He originally thought that the biggest threat this time should be the Avengers, and based on the collected information, he made a perfect countermeasure.However, I never expected that such an unidentified black-haired demon would come out halfway. It doesn't matter if he is powerful and elusive, and he only picks on the weakness of his own troops to fight. One person is more difficult than the entire Avengers combined. .

At the beginning, it was just destroying the bunker secretly, then it was to guide the long-range artillery to hit the friendly army, and then to occupy the command branch to issue false orders to make the whole army mess up, and finally an avalanche sent the entire Hydra army to hell.The series of actions are simple and effective, each time the loopholes are accurately grasped and a fatal blow is delivered. By the time the Hydra army reacts, it is too late.As a result, the Hydra troops of thousands of people were manipulated by him, but he couldn't even figure out his real body and abilities.

On the screen of the laptop in front of Baron Sterak, Chen Lu's file was marked with the highest threat level, and there was a lot of speculation about Chen Lu's ability, but in the item of prevention and countermeasures, it was blank and nothing could be written. go up.

An opponent who disdains to fight head-on can defeat you, and no precautions can make you take the initiative.Capability analysis without any evidence will only lead to a greater disadvantage for one's own side.

"Ahhhhh!" Baron Sterak raised his laptop manically and smashed it to the ground. Since he was the leader of the Hydra organization for so long, he has never seen such a sinister superhero!Identity, strength, abilities, maybe even gender are all mysteries. Should this kind of person really be an admirable superhero?
"His Royal Highness, the enemy army is approaching the castle, please give the next step instructions." Seeing Baron Sterak's angry appearance, the logistics staff on the side timidly reminded.

Baron Sterak tried his best to restrain his anger, looked directly at the big screen showing the strategic map and said: "Get my immediate troops ready. Also, let the mutant brothers and sisters come over, they should play a role It's time."

 Thank you Crazy for a reward, thank you very much for your support.Today, I have been focusing on the archived manuscripts that were put on the shelves on New Year’s Day. I was too focused and realized that the normal update time had passed. I’m really sorry that I’m reissued now.

(End of this chapter)

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