Chapter 100 The attack begins!
Hydra secret base underground fortress

The roaring cannons shook the gray walls, and a large amount of dust fell down sparsely.The ceiling was also shaking constantly, as if it would completely collapse in the next second.All the objects around seemed to be trembling, and they couldn't stop their trembling at all.

"Return to your respective posts immediately! This is not a drill, we are under attack! We are under attack!"

Loud radio alarms sounded throughout every corner of the fortress, and the soldiers hurriedly took off their guns from the weapon racks, rushing to the battlefield without even having time to check their equipment.In addition to ordinary infantry, rocket pilots equipped with individual combat jet packs and main battle tanks equipped with electromagnetic pulse main guns also started their motors and swarmed out from various exits of the fortress, towards the SHIELD vehicles in the distance The army greeted them.

Hydra's various war machines are operating at full speed to defend this vital research base.This time, it's not a local battle where you punch and kick, but a bloody battle involving a large number of soldiers charging bravely.

The head of the base, Baron Strucker, hurried to the combat command center and asked the busy logistics staff, "Who is launching the attack? How many people are there? How is the current situation?"

"Sir, it's S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers. It is estimated that there are more than 300 people. They are airborne deep in the dense forest. The guards on the periphery are resisting tenaciously. The follow-up troops will be able to support the front line immediately. At present, our numbers are superior, and they It does not appear to be planning to resort to heavy fire."

After hearing the news, Baron Sterak turned to his confidant, Dr. Rubik's Cube, and said in a low voice, "They must be coming for Loki's scepter. Damn it, why is the location here revealed to S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Loki's scepter, which runs through the artifacts of the two "Avengers" before and after, is held by the final villain Loki in the first part, and it is the direct cause of the birth of the final villain Ultron in the second part.And this artifact with inestimable terrifying power is now stored in the basement of the Hydra base.

In fact, Baron Sterak's guess is only average, and it is correct to remove the word "we" in them.Because the only person who came for Loki's scepter was Chen Lu, who could predict the plot. The S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers led by Nick and the Avengers only wanted to get clues about the zombie virus.So according to Chen Lu's plan, Loki's scepter will be in his pocket, and as for the toy-like zombie control helmet, it can be used to make S.H.I.E.L.D. have fun for nothing.

"Everyone stand firm! Hail Hydra!" Baron Sterak, who still knew nothing, raised his arms and shouted to boost morale. At present, he can only do his best to hold this place.

"Hail Hydra!"

Defense line in dense forest area outside Hydra base

The dense rain of laser bullets continuously shot at the S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers, and each shot could punch a bowl-sized blood hole in the human body. Can't get up.In the absence of long-range bombing support, the strong bunkers unscrupulously ejected powerful firepower, and ordinary soldiers had nothing to do with it.

The maglev fighters flying high in the sky were also uncomfortable. A large number of rocket pilots swarmed like locusts. The missiles used for aerial combat had little effect on these cheap soldiers whose quantity overwhelmed their quality. They were basically entangled. Moved, one after another was shot down.

Not to mention the main battle tanks with thick armor and manipulating electromagnetic pulse robes. Once the washbasin-sized laser shells explode in the crowd, they will be wiped out without bones left. Anti-tank rockets are completely ineffective against these steel monsters equipped with reactive armor, and the situation is constantly developing in a one-sided direction.

"The weapon technology here far exceeds any Hydra base we have taken down before. These weapons-we are like fighting aliens!" The SHIELD communications soldier shouted loudly on the communication channel , he reluctantly raised his head to observe the situation on the battlefield, but was immediately pressed back into the bunker by the firepower of the Hydra, and almost lost his life.

"And with at least 1000 people here, we're at a total disadvantage."

Hydra's weapon technology is based on the weapons of the alien army brought by Loki before, and of course it will give people a feeling as strong as aliens.Although S.H.I.E.L.D. also has weapons based on alien technology, they have not yet reached the stage of mass production. From this point on, they are far behind their current opponents.

The two powerful superheroes, Thor and Hulk, are trying their best to bring back the disadvantages for S.H.I.E.L.D. Rampage on the battlefield to destroy those tricky bunkers and tanks.But after all, they are hard to beat with two fists and four hands. They can only win a little local advantage for S.H.I.E.L.D., and they cannot play a decisive turnaround effect on the frontal battlefield, which is lagging behind the enemy in terms of quality and quantity.

Captain America complained in the communication channel: "Nick, we kicked the hornet's nest, this is not a surprise attack at all!"

Nick, who was guarding the aircraft carrier in the sky, also learned about the situation on the battlefield from remote monitoring. He didn't know the existence of the Loki Scepter, and he didn't expect that the opponent's weapon technology had reached such a high level. The comparison is probably only Tony's Iron Man Legion.

The current Hydra has not declined to the point where it is close to decline in the movie "Avengers 2". This time, everyone in the S.H.I.E.L.D. , he ordered in the communication channel:

"Start Plan B, all S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel cover the Avengers members to enter the castle, at all costs!"

Nick's intention is very obvious, let the Avengers team break into the castle to get the required zombie virus data, and then let the S.H.I.E.L.D. If the situation is destroyed, then use the carpet bombing capability of the air carrier to completely destroy this Hydra force.

Of course, this kind of action basically means giving up the lives of all S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers, and letting them hold back the Hydra army at a comprehensive disadvantage is no different from sending them directly to die.A price must be paid for victory. Nick has long realized this, and the same is true for the soldiers who are destined to die.

This is what Captain America said when he mobilized at the beginning, the high price.

(End of this chapter)

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