Chapter 93
Ono said lightly, the fat Japanese was overjoyed when he heard this, but he knew that Yanagawa Ichiro was the number one swordsman in the Yamaguchi-gumi. Although his strength was not as good as Ono's, the gap was limited, and he had cultivated a large number of strengths The tough students are the strongest group in the Yamaguchi group.

"Captain, it seems that someone is following us from behind."

On the other side, on the way out of the Tokyo Hotel, Lin Fan and Lin Shan'er were in the same car, and soon Lin Shan'er noticed that someone was following them, and there was more than one car following them.

"I also saw that there are about three forces following us, and they have changed six or seven cars. Obviously, they have figured out our identity, so we can't hide, why don't we play with them tonight "The corner of Lin Fan's mouth curled up into a smile, he could play with the forces of the Japanese kingdom without any psychological burden.

The motorcade went back to the headquarters of Shenhai Co., Ltd. Lin Shan'er announced to the company's employees that it would be a half-day holiday this afternoon, and even the staff on duty did not need to stay.Although the employees didn't know what happened, they left the company very happily when they had a holiday.

"Let's go too, go find a remote place to celebrate, those people probably won't come here until evening." Lin Fan fell asleep on Lin Shan'er's lap as a pillow, and then got up and said.

"Then let's go to a manor at the foot of Mount Fuji. The environment there is very quiet and suitable for doing some barbaric things." Lin Shan'er smiled coquettishly. Although she is a petite girl now, she is a genuine sixth-order Warriors, once galloped across the universe and killed countless enemies.

Three small cars carrying Lin Fan, Lin Shan'er, and five or six bodyguard-like guards left the company with great fanfare, without concealing their destination, and headed directly to the Sakura Manor.

Behind them, several different types of cars followed them from a distance until they saw them enter the Cherry Blossom Manor, and then the news was quickly passed on to those who cared.

"Captain, the fish has been hooked."

In fact, Lin Fan and the others have discovered all this a long time ago, and An An has invisibly controlled all the electronic monitoring equipment in the entire Cherry Blossom Manor and its surroundings, automatically analyzing everything that happened around him, and analyzing the calls made by those stalkers. All can be heard clearly.

"I didn't expect that the Chilong Club didn't come, but the Yamaguchi group. And those Frenchmen, aren't they reconciled to spending a lot of money? But they hit us with ideas, didn't they find the wrong person ? And the backstage of the auction house is the Yamaguchi-gumi, I never imagined that they would not dare to guard against themselves, and even sell the information of the customers, it is really self-inflicted."

After knowing all this, Lin Fan just smiled faintly, and then started eating and drinking with Lin Shan'er and the escort team members, as if he didn't notice at all, which made the people who were watching secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

After nightfall, many guests came to Sakura Manor one after another. Most of them were Japanese people, as well as some nobles from other countries, including major families in Europe and Asia.

"Captain, besides the Yamaguchi-gumi and the French, there are also many people from major families in Europe and Asia. Could it be that they have all heard the news, do they want to watch the fun or want to get involved?" Lin Shaner quickly Just figure out the identities of all the guests in the Cherry Blossom Manor tonight, she asked suspiciously.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to flood the soil. No matter what they are here for, we don't care about it. But if someone wants to trick us, ask them to pay for their lives if they want money, and ask them to pay for their lives if they want to kill people." There is no return, this may save you a lot of trouble in the future." With Lin Shan'er and those guards and armed soldiers around, Lin Fan was not afraid at all.

At this time, in a box only ten meters away from Lin Fan and the others, several Frenchmen and a group of bodyguards were locked in the room. They were not in the mood to eat or drink, but were discussing.

"Hannibal, we have asked Jeffney to return home with the Sun Scepter. Is it time to take action now?" asked a middle-aged man with red hair.

"Hussein, why are you in a hurry? Since the other party can get the Sun Scepter and put it up for auction, he must still have some strength. We have to observe and observe before we do anything." Another elderly man with gray hair didn't panic. He shook his head hurriedly and said.

"Hannibal, if you want me to say, we have less things to do. Anyway, we have already photographed the Sun Scepter now. Although it cost tens of millions of dollars more, it is no problem for us to pay some each. Wait until After returning home, the family will definitely be rewarded, so why take the risk to get the money back? You must know that this is the Japanese country, not our France." The man sitting next to the third person has a drunken nose, and he can't stop talking. He sniffed his nose, which made people feel itchy and uncomfortable.

"McCaul, if you're timid, don't participate. However, when we get the money back, we won't give you your share." Hannibal snorted angrily.

"If you don't want it, don't. The most important thing is to spend your life and money. Hussein, I really don't want to participate. If you don't leave, I will go." McCall shook his head, stood up and faced Hussein Because, seeing that the other party hesitated, he smiled and directly opened the door and left with his bodyguard.

"This idiot is so cowardly. It's really useless for the descendants of our Louis family. But it's good for him to leave, and we can share more when we get back the money." Hannibal said with a sneer.

Hussein was still hesitating at first, but after hearing Hannibal's words, he gave up the idea of ​​leaving. He was full of greed for the extra money, and regretted it not long after.

In another room, more than 20 Japanese people gathered. All of them were wearing white practice uniforms, and a red Japanese sword was printed on the vest of the clothes. They were the students of the famous sword master Yanagawa Ichiro in the Yamaguchi group. .

Among these students, there was only one person sitting quietly on the ground. His feet were bare and his knees were crossed. There was a slender Japanese sword placed on his knees. The blade was bright and reflected the light, which was a bit dazzling.

This person is Ichiro Yanagawa, about forty years old, with a mustache in the shape of a line above his lips, and his hair is flat, looking extraordinarily energetic.But at this time, he closed his eyes, as if he was adjusting his breath, and seemed to be accumulating strength.

In addition to the more than 20 students in this room, there are two other rooms around. In each room, there are twenty or thirty students. They all have the same attire, hold a long knife in their arms, and all of them have burning eyes. Full of fighting spirit.

Time passed bit by bit, and finally the members of the Louis family were the first to lose their composure.Hannibal looked at the time, frowned, and said to Hussein: "These Japanese people are really calm, but we can't fall behind them, otherwise we might not even be able to drink soup , how can I get the money back?"

He came outside Lin Fan's room with Hussein and more than a dozen bodyguards of the two, pushed open the door, and politely announced his identity, hoping to be received by the owner of the room.

"Come in."

There were only seven or eight people in Lin Fan's room, and Hannibal brought more than a dozen people, and when they all entered the room, the room suddenly seemed a bit crowded.

Except for Lin Shan'er who sat next to Lin Fan, five or six guards stood up and gave up their seats. They stood beside them and were watched by Hannibal's bodyguards, while Hannibal and Hussein sat together. down.

"There are two people who claim to be from the Louis family. Forgive me for my blindness. I don't know either of them, and I have never heard of the Louis family. So I don't know what they are looking for when they come to me? Isn't it because I'm handsome? Want to have a drink with me?" Lin Fan asked seriously, even making a joke.

"Your pretense is real, but we are not here today to act with you, but to exchange information with you. This is information related to your safety. I wonder if you are interested?" Hannibal said. Feeling confident, he said with an aristocratic smile on his face.

"Exchange of information? About my safety?" Lin Fan seemed very moved by hearing this, and couldn't wait to ask, "I am very interested in the information you mentioned. After all, it is related to my safety, but you want to learn from me. What do you get?"

"Don't tell lies in front of Ming people. The Sun Scepter we auctioned at the Tokyo Grand Hotel auction this morning was sent by you, right?" Hannibal asked directly.

"Oh, you all know this too. It's impossible. Didn't the auction house say it will keep customers' information confidential? How could they do this? No, we will have to settle the score with them later." Lin Fan seemed stunned for a moment. , but then admitted it.

"Since you have admitted it, you must also know that the real price of the Sun Scepter is about 7000 million U.S. dollars, and we spent an extra 8000 million U.S. dollars because of some opponents. If you are willing to refund us 8000 million USD, we will tell you the information about your personal safety.” Hannibal said complacently, because he knew that the Yamaguchi-gumi had sent people to surround this place, and the purpose was to deal with these people, and he was not afraid that they would not take pay out.

"Oh, so you want my money. However, the information we want to tell me doesn't mean that the Yamaguchi group sent people to surround here and prepare to deal with me?" Lin Fan nodded, and then said meaningfully ask.

"How did you know? Could it be that you have already discovered the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi?" Hussein did not hold back and interjected, "Since you already know this information, should we refund our money? You must know that if this If we join hands with the people of the Wa Kingdom, you may not be able to get out of here alive today, so you should be obedient and obedient."

"Damn it, didn't you know that I like money the most? You dare to ask me for money. This means you don't want to live. Do it!" What Hannibal and Hussein didn't expect was that Lin Fan suddenly He slammed the table and shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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