master of the deep

Chapter 90 Auction

Chapter 90 Auction

Back at the headquarters of Shenhai Co., Ltd., Lin Fan took a short break after eating, and went directly to the auction venue with Lin Shaner at around nine o'clock. The auction venue is on the 28th floor of the Tokyo Grand Hotel, the most luxurious place in Japan.

This is an international top-notch luxury auction house, which consists of an auction hall and VIP boxes. Only those with sufficient status or sufficient deposit can enter the box, and others can only stay in the hall.

However, the current auction hall is different from the old one. Even the auction hall is divided into small cubicles, and each cubicle has a computer inside. The difference is that it is not sealed.

At the same time, the auction also uses computer bidding, and the auctioneer introduces the auction items on the stage, which is played on the computer in front of the guests, and there are all-round photos of the items, as well as detailed introductions.

When Lin Fan and Lin Shan'er arrived on the 28th floor of the Tokyo Hotel, they found many well-dressed men and women.Among these people were yellow-skinned Asians, white-skinned Europeans, black-skinned Africans, and some Arabs with headscarves.

Some are old people with gray hair, some have young faces, some are gorgeous women with beautiful flowers, and some are tall and burly men in their prime.Although there are people of all colors, men, women, old and young, one thing they have in common is that these people are expensively dressed, very elegant, have extraordinary temperament, outstanding looks, and an aura of nobility about them.

Needless to say, Lin Fan also knew that all of these people were from the rich and noble families of various countries in the world. I am afraid that the family power behind any one of them could attract the attention of the world.

Just like himself, Lin Shaner put on a white suit worth millions today, a white top hat, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses worth hundreds of thousands of dollars on the bridge of his nose. Noble, very elegant and generous, people can tell at a glance that he is a child of a big oriental family.

"Do you know anything about these people participating in the auction? Do you know which rich guys are coming to participate?" When they sat down in Box 28, they could see other boxes surrounding them through the window. The people inside could also see the people in the cubicles in the hall below. Lin Fan asked Lin Shan'er casually.

"I know a few, such as the eight oldest families in Europe, such as the top six families in Asia, such as the family of the Arabian oil king, and the Diamond King family, etc. The five imperial families of Huaguo.

These families basically include the most powerful families on this planet. Not only do they control 90.00% of the wealth in this world, but they also control the ultimate force in this world.

Although in terms of personal force, the strongest human beings in this world barely reach the first level, but there are some ancient inherited abilities that can amplify some of their abilities, allowing them to surpass ordinary people in this world .

Even in every country in this world, there are shadows of these big families behind every country. The leaders of those countries are just their spokespersons, and what they protect is their fundamental interests.

Captain, take a closer look at the dozens of people sitting inside, basically they are the people from the families I mentioned.As for the cubicles in the auction hall below, there are representatives of some second-rate families, and their wealth determines their positions. "

Lin Shaner talked eloquently. After they left the mothership of the Alias, they quickly mastered the languages ​​and characters of various countries in the world, and then quickly understood the historical conditions of each country, and even many hidden behind the world. You can't hide everything from them, and these things are completely unknown to ordinary people.

"They're all rich people. If I had some wealthy nobles behind me, then I wouldn't develop so slowly." Lin Fan couldn't help sighing.

"Captain, don't underestimate yourself. Based on your foundation, you are developing fast now. As long as our base is established, then you will know how powerful your background is. It is definitely better than this world. All the rich and nobles combined are even stronger." Lin Shan'er comforted him with a smile.

"By the way, who are the five major families? I really don't know what kind of family they are?" Lin Fan then asked Shan'er again, and he was still more interested in the affairs of Huaguo.

The family is arranged in the order of their rule in history, namely the Liu family, the Yang family, the Li family, the Zhao family, and the Zhu family. The corresponding historical dynasties are the Han Dynasty, Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty. "

"In addition to these families, there should be some ancient families in Huaguo. Maybe their power is not as powerful as these five big families, but there are also many who ruled briefly in history." Lin Fan asked after thinking about it.

"That's right, based on the information we have, there are many other families that are even more glorious than these five families in history.

For example, the Ji family, whose ancestor was King Wen of Zhou and King Wu of Zhou, established the two-week dynasty during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods in history; there is also a winner, a descendant of the Qin Dynasty's first empress who unified six countries and established China's first unified regime; There is the Cao family, who are the descendants of Cao Cao who founded the Wei State; others such as the Huang family, the Chu family, the Qu family, and the Sun family are all descendants of the imperial families.

In addition, some ancestors were not emperors, but merchants, counselors, warriors, and hermits. The family forces established by their descendants were also quite influential, such as the Fan family, Hu family, Zhuge family, Wu family, Bai family, Tao family, Wang family, Zhang family, Xue family, Guo family and other families.

As for the families in the middle and lower classes, most of them are the most active merchant families today. Although they are more well-known, their family power and background cannot be compared with those big families that have developed from history. "

Lin Shan'er was not bored, and slowly explained these things to Lin Fan, so that Lin Fan had a clearer understanding of the current situation, and these were things that he had never thought of, because the previous him had no access to things at this level. .

At 09:30, the auction started on time. A total of 360 five auction items appeared on the computer in front of the bidders in categories according to their value and level.

It's just that, depending on the location and the amount of guarantee paid, the number of auction items that appear on the computer is different.For example, the computer in the box has detailed information of all 360 auction items, while in the auction hall, the number of auction items displayed on the computer varies according to the location.

Participating in the auction requires at least a deposit of 100 million US dollars, and the computers in front of this type of guests only have information on more than 20 auction items, and the value of these auction items is basically around 100 million US dollars.

If you pay 500 million US dollars, you can have more than 50 auction items in the computer in front of you; if the deposit is 1000 million US dollars, you should be able to have 150 auction items; if you have 5000 million US dollars, you may get about [-] auction items product information.

And if you want to get the information of all the auction items, you must enter the box, and to enter the box, you must either be a member of a recognized big family, or a distinguished guest who commissioned an auction worth more than 5000 million US dollars, or A deposit of [-] million US dollars is required.

Lin Fan looked carefully at the auction items, and found that there were precious antiques from all over the world, including calligraphy and painting works, statue ornaments, ancient utensils, fragments of tribal civilization, and top-quality pearls, jade, diamonds and other items. , dazzling.

Even though Lin Fan didn't intend to auction anything, after seeing these auction items, he couldn't help but want to take a few pictures, especially when he saw some items with obvious Chinese cultural characteristics, his feeling was even stronger. strong.

But in fact, apart from the Sun Scepter that Lin Fan entrusted to auction, the cash he can take out is only more than 1000 million US dollars, and he can almost only participate in the competition for the middle-level items in these auctions.

So he thought about it and decided to forget it for the time being, because there are obviously some people from the big Huaguo family in the auction venue, and he believes that they should take down those precious items from Huaguo.

If someone from another country took a photo, Lin Fan could at most let people remember who took the photo and send a few escorts at night to get those things back without any effort.

As for going to the auction house to snatch it now, it's not that Lin Fan doesn't have the ability, but he knows that the auction house must be heavily guarded, and it's impossible to snatch those auction items without killing people.

However, if there is a massacre, people from the major families of the auction house and the forces behind the auction house will definitely be involved, and the storm that erupts may shock the whole world.

Lin Fan has not yet made any plans to become an enemy of the whole world, and the earth will be his base camp in the future, so he does not want to cause too many killings on the earth, which will arouse the resentment of the major families of all countries in the world. The power will expand to the vast universe beyond the earth, and he still needs someone to serve him.

Therefore, if Lin Fan really wanted those Chinese antiques, he could wait until others took pictures of them and then send people to snatch them back at night, so that there wouldn't be too much of a fuss.

(End of this chapter)

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