master of the deep

Chapter 87 Agarwood Qinan (Part 5, please subscribe)

Chapter 87 Agarwood Qinan (Fifth update, please subscribe)

Lin Fan suddenly discovered that the location of this shipwreck is a bit special, because half of it is buried in the mud on the bottom of the sea, and the other half is hanging in the air, because there is a deep trench next to it, and it looks very dark under the light. how deep.

However, Lin Fan did not explore the meaning of this trench. He commanded five aircraft to fly into the sunken ship from different positions at the same time, directly crashed some things on the sunken ship, and entered the cabin full of seaweed. middle.

This transport ship may have sunk due to strong winds and waves, so Lin Fan saw that its hull was seriously damaged. A variety of aquatic plants and seaweeds.

In addition, some shells and conchs can be seen everywhere attached to the steel frame of the hull, groups of fish swim around, and there are countless jellyfish floating around. Obviously, many marine animals regard this sunken ship as their home.

"Look for the storage room, those gold and treasures will not be placed on the upper deck of the ship." Lin Fan gave orders to the surrounding aircraft, which he knew.

Soon, the location of the storage room was discovered, and five aircraft gathered outside the storage room at the same time.Although it has been immersed in seawater for decades, it is surprising that the storage room on the bottom of the transport ship has not been damaged.

"Turn on the force field device to form a hundred times force field, forcing all the surrounding seawater back." Lin Shan'er connected the five aircraft together, and then sent out a powerful force field from the aircraft, bringing all the seawater around the storage room away. Back away, a huge bubble formed.

Afterwards, Lin Fan and others left the aircraft and entered the bubble.What surprised Lin Fan was that there was still fresh air in the bubbles formed by the force field, but it was a little damp.

"Open the door of the storage room." Lin Shan'er gave an order to the guards next to her.

A guard walked over and hit the door of the storage room with a fist, only to hear a loud bang, the door flew in, and a burst of dazzling light leaked out immediately.

Gold, a lot of gold.

Standing outside the door, Lin Fan looked at the storage room full of piles of gold, and the storage room was sealed so well that the gold inside was still golden after so many years in the sea.

Lin Fan led Lin Shan'er and the guards into the storage room, and found that most of the entire huge storage room was filled with gold, forming several hills, some of which were gold bars, and some were gold ingots. Jinshan.

And in the spare place, there are more than a dozen large brass boxes, each of which is more than half a person tall and two meters long, with a huge copper lock hanging on it.Lin Fan walked over, and the second secret treasure in his hand turned into a sharp knife, and lightly slashed across the huge copper lock, cutting the copper lock in half like peeling tofu.

A guard stepped forward and opened the lid of the box, revealing a box full of treasures, including necklaces and bracelets strung with various pearls, ornaments carved with jade, and jade jewelry, all of which are precious things.

Afterwards, the second big box was opened, and it contained a box full of silver dollars, dazzling white.Although Lin Fan doesn't understand the value of silver dollars, there are a lot of them in a full box. Even if they are all melted into silver ingots, it should be several hundred catties.

However, this box of silver dollars is not the only one here. In the copper box that was opened later, there were indeed eight boxes full of silver dollars, and two boxes filled with pearl treasures.

However, when the last big box was opened, Lin Fan was stunned when he saw the contents inside, because there were only some wooden blocks inside, some were dark brown, some were dark blue-yellow, emitting a faint The cool and sweet breath.

"What is this? It is put together with these treasures and silver dollars." Lin Fan felt strange in his heart, and he found that this box was still located in the innermost position, logically speaking, it should be the most valuable of all the boxes. That's right.

"According to the information I found, this should be a very rare thing on this planet. It's called agarwood." At this moment, An An suddenly appeared beside Lin Fan, and bent down to observe with great interest. Those wooden blocks in the box.

"Agarwood? This box is full of agarwood?" Although Lin Fan has never seen agarwood, it doesn't mean that he has never heard of the priceless agarwood. Every gram is worth as much as gold.

Moreover, that is still the price of ordinary agarwood. If it is a high-quality agarwood, its value is much more precious than gold.Not to mention that there is a kind of top grade agarwood called Qinan, the price on the market is tens of thousands of Chinese dollars per gram.

If this box is full of agarwood, its value has far exceeded the treasures and silver dollars in the boxes next to it, it is simply immeasurable, and Lin Fan is also faintly excited.

"Captain, if I am not mistaken, this box of agarwood is not ordinary agarwood, but all the best agarwood, also known as Qinan's agarwood." At this moment, after careful observation, An An said with certainty Said to Lin Fan.

With Lin Fan's current cultivation base, his heart beat faster and his breathing became short of breath after hearing the news.Because this box of agarwood is at least tens of kilograms, if it is really all Qinan, its value will not be less than all the gold in the storage room.

Agarwood is a rare medicinal material in the history of traditional Chinese medicine in China. It is a rare antibacterial and immune-enhancing medicinal material in nature. Its smell is fragrant.Into the lungs, kidneys, spleen, stomach, and meridians. It is the best medicinal material among qi-promoting medicines. It can regulate the movement of qi in the human body and dredge the internal organs. It is very effective for the lungs, kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines, and heart. medicinal materials.

The ultimate agarwood is also known as Qinan. The origin of Qinan is basically the same as that of ordinary agarwood, but there are many differences in the characteristics and characteristics of the two, so it is customary to separate it into one category and list it as the best agarwood.

Some people say that it takes three lifetimes of yin and virtue to smell Qinan incense, and it takes eight lifetimes of blessings to taste or drink Qinan incense.

Most agarwood has almost no fragrance when it is not ignited, but Qinan is different, it can emit a cool and sweet smell even when it is not ignited, and the output of Qinan is less than that of agarwood.Due to these reasons, Qinan is particularly precious, and Qinan in Vietnam is even more rare.

"Now I've really made a fortune. I've made a fortune. Damn, no matter what kind of company you start or what technology you engage in, it's not as fast as fishing for sunken ships in the sea. The gold and treasures of this ship, plus this box Qinan, at least it is worth more than one billion US dollars, is there anything more profitable than this.

Shan'er, immediately ask everyone to carry these things onto the aircraft. Hurry up, as it will be our own things once they are carried up.Hahaha, this is so cool.When those Japanese people found out that they had salvaged an empty boat, I really don't know what their faces would be like. Immediately Lin Fan waved his hand and ordered the guards and armed soldiers to start moving the gold and boxes inside.

"Captain, you'd better put away this box of agarwood yourself. I just checked the ingredients of this agarwood and found that it contains a kind of natural energy. If you light some agarwood while you are practicing, the natural energy in it can Let you enter the state faster, and the effect of practice will be better than usual."

Lin Fan just noticed that An An projected an instrument on the side, shining on Chen Xiang, and then rows of dense data appeared in front of his eyes, and An An said to Lin Fan very happily after analyzing the data carefully.

"What, these agarwoods are good for cultivation after being ignited, just like the top grade red coral I got at the bottom of the sea. It's really a good thing, it must not be sold for money, and cultivation is the most important thing. "

Upon hearing this, Lin Fan quickly put away the box of agarwood, but fortunately his private space is large enough, otherwise it would not be able to fit this big box.Although this agarwood worth hundreds of millions of dollars can no longer be sold for money, it can speed up his cultivation, which makes Lin Fan even more happy.


Soon, all the large boxes were first loaded onto the aircraft, and when the gold in the storage room was about to be moved, suddenly there was a dull sound outside, and the whole shipwreck seemed to shake.

Lin Fan also felt it. He and Lin Shan'er looked at each other, but they didn't move. Instead, they quickly scanned out with mental power, covering the entire sunken ship, but they didn't find anything unusual.

Just when Lin Fan was about to withdraw his mental power, he suddenly sensed a black shadow more than ten meters long coming out of the trench below the sunken ship, and suddenly pulled onto the hull of the sunken ship, making a dull sound, causing the whole shipwreck to shudder. It was a shock.

Afterwards, Lin Fan found that the tentacled black shadow had retracted into the trench again, and he couldn't help but feel shocked. At this time, Lin Shan'er also looked over: "Captain, there is a huge octopus under the trench. It seems to be Disturbed by the force field of the craft, attacking the sunken ship."

Lin Fan only scanned a tentacle just now, but did not find the giant octopus body. Hearing what Lin Shaner said, he immediately shouted loudly: "Everyone, move faster, there is a big guy attacking us outside, I'm afraid the sinking ship will stick to it!" It won't be long."

Afterwards, there was a violent impact outside the sunken ship. Obviously, the giant octopus was constantly attacking the sunken ship, causing serious damage to the hull of the sunken ship, and many places directly collapsed under the attack of the octopus.

However, everyone moved all the gold in the storage room onto the aircraft within 2 minutes, and then Lin Fan led everyone into the aircraft.The force field disappeared, and all the aircraft flew out of the sunken ship. Under the attack of several huge tentacles, they broke through the barrier like lightning and flew hundreds of meters above the sunken ship.

At this time, due to the attack of the giant octopus, the underwater robots that the Japanese arranged to monitor around the sunken ship were all destroyed, which immediately attracted the attention of the Japanese on the sea.

Moreover, as the giant octopus frantically attacked the sunken ship, the seawater on the bottom of the sea violently turbulent, forming huge waves on the sea surface, and all the ships shook.

"Baga, it's not good, there's something wrong with the monitoring robot under the sea."

"How is this going?"

"The sea water is changing violently. It seems that there is something in the sea. Be careful, everyone, and sound the alarm."

Suddenly, a shrill siren sounded on the sea surface, and the crowd became a mess, but without the monitoring of the underwater robot, they had no way of knowing what happened under the sea surface.

"Quickly, put the spare underwater robot down, we need to know what happened?"

"Could it be Hua Guo's submarines are attacking us?"

"No, the news of the sunken ship has been leaked. We must immediately notify the Defense Agency, and ask the Defense Agency to send a submarine to help."

Immediately, the leader of the Black Dragon Society urgently contacted the officials of the Japan National Defense Agency. Of course, the person he contacted must be someone who is closely related to the Black Dragon Society, even some families in the Black Dragon Society.

 PS: This chapter has a brief science popularization on Chenxiang, so the extra [-] words are not considered money.

(End of this chapter)

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