master of the deep

Chapter 65 Yushixuan

Chapter 65 Yushixuan

——————————————— Thank you for rewarding 200 points for the "Cat Cat and Panda" brother. ———————————————

"It seems that you are looking for trouble here on purpose. Who is looking for you?" Lin Fan didn't talk to them much, his face darkened and he shouted coldly.

"Why, you are so arrogant and domineering after bumping into someone, you really don't know what to do." Huang Mao said with a cold snort.

"Little brother may not know, we are all Brother Long's younger brothers, and we live together in Pudong. I think we should be private about today's matter, and it won't look good if it becomes big." The bald head made a gesture. With a wink, the little bastards next to him surrounded him one after another.

"What do you want to do? If you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude." Lin Fan was not afraid, but took a step forward.

"Get down on the ground for me." At this moment, a little bastard who was close to Lin Fan took a step forward and grabbed Lin Fan's shoulder. At the same time, he kicked his feet, trying to knock Lin Fan to the ground.


Lin Fan let out a soft drink, his voice already carried a hint of shock of spiritual power, which made the little bastard slow down.At this moment, his body slammed forward, directly into the arms of that little bastard, and then he leaned hard on his shoulders, immediately pushed the little bastard out, and hit another little bastard hard On the child, the two rolled into a ball.

"If you dare to hit someone, come to me."

Seeing that Lin Fan knocked his two brothers over as soon as he made a move, the bald head and the yellow hair rushed forward at the same time, grabbed Lin Fan, and shouted loudly for the subordinates to besiege Wang Biao and Zhou Xiaolin.

"Stand back and be careful yourself."

Lin Fan was worried that the two of them would be injured, so he let out a low shout, and pounced on those little bastards like a tiger. At the same time, he increased the strength of his hands and feet, kicked out a few times like lightning, and grabbed the bald head and the yellow-haired arm at the same time. twist.


Anyone who was kicked by Lin Fan flew several meters away and couldn't get up, and the worst were the bald and yellow-haired two. Their arms were dislocated by Lin Fan's twist, and the severe pain made them He screamed, scaring the other little bastards from stepping forward.

"Fourth, beautiful."

"Good job, fourth."

Wang Biao and Zhou Xiaolin cheered up from the side. They rarely fight with others. They just found out that they met the little bastards in the society, and their hearts were beating drums. With two fists and two kicks, the group of people were neatly knocked down to the ground.

"Get out of here."

Lin Fan glared at those little bastards and yelled, and they hurriedly picked up their bald heads and yellow hairs and left. They were so frightened that they didn't dare to look back at Lin Fan, and they didn't even dare to say a word about the scene.

"Go away."

"Don't let us see it in the future, or we will fight once we see it."

Zhou Xiaolin and Wang Biao immediately jumped up and yelled. Of course, they both felt a little pretentious, and finally returned to Lin Fan's side, and extended their thumbs towards him with admiration.

"You guys can do it. If you beat someone every time you see them, can you beat them?" Lin Fan looked at the two of them with a half-smile.

"Of course we can't beat it, don't we still have you, the fourth child?" Zhou Xiaolin said with a smile.

"That's right, we are gentlemen who use our mouths but not hands." Wang Biao nodded, but after he finished speaking, he realized that he had used the wrong words, and quickly added, "Of course, you are also a gentleman. It can be defended legitimately."

"Where are we going to play next?" Lin Fan asked with a shrug, ignoring the two live treasures.

"I heard that the Yushixuan over there just shipped a batch of rough jadeite from Myanmar a few days ago. Recently, many people have come to gamble on stones. Are you interested in seeing it?" Wang Biao immediately pointed to the antique street.

"I heard that gambling on stones is very risky and requires capital. One stone costs tens of thousands." Zhou Xiaolin hesitated because neither he nor Wang Biao had much money.

"Not all of them cost tens of thousands. There are rough stones ranging from a few thousand yuan to hundreds of thousands or even millions of tens of millions, which can satisfy the interests of customers of different levels. Besides, isn't our fourth brother rich? ?" Wang Biao looked at Lin Fan and said with a smile.

"Go, I also want to learn more." The main purpose of Lin Fan's visit today was to see the gambling stone, so of course he would not refuse.

Gambling stone or gambling goods means that when the jadeite is mined, it is wrapped with a layer of weathered skin, and it is impossible to know whether it is good or bad. The quality of the jade can only be known after cutting.

Generally, the true face of "Mount Lu" cannot be seen at a glance only from the appearance.Therefore, trading is very risky and "exciting", so it is called "gambling".Gambling won a lot of profit, so this kind of business has been enduring since ancient times.

Stone gambling is a contest of experience, strength and luck. The value of rough stones ranges from hundreds of yuan to tens of millions of yuan.The so-called "one knife is poor, one knife is rich" is to describe the entertainment and investment of "gambling stones".

The three of them came to Yushixuan with excitement. From the outside, they found that the grade of the store was not low. After entering the gate, they felt that its scale was huge, because the whole store was a huge yard, about five or six hundred The square meter is large, and there are several bluestone slab paths in the middle of the courtyard in the shape of a well, and in the open space outside the path, there are large and small stones scattered.

These stones are arranged without any rules at all, big and small, just like laying on the ground.Some are only the size of a football, while others are as tall as a person and as tall as a rock.

However, what they have in common is that each stone has a price tag attached to it. Lin Fan looked at the prices of several stones and found that they cost several thousand yuan, as well as tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

When the three came in, no one greeted them. They only saw two or thirty people in the small courtyard, some with two or three together, and some alone. Everyone was watching carefully among the stones.

"If there are so many stones, if there are emeralds, wouldn't it be crazy?" Zhou Xiaolin's eyes lit up.

"You have a good idea. It would be nice if one-fifth of these stones have high-quality jadeite. There is a saying in the jewelry industry: Gambling with stones is like betting your life. If you win the bet, you will earn ten times and a hundred times. Rich man; if you lose your bet, you will lose everything.” Wang Biao shook his head and said.

"It all depends on luck." Lin Fan concluded. He knew that his mental power could scan out the emeralds inside the stones, so he was not in a hurry, but slowly looked at the stones one by one.

After such a scan, Lin Fan really found out that among the hundreds of stones in the courtyard, although [-] to [-]% contained emeralds, only about [-]% contained high-quality emeralds.

Even these dozens of rough jadeites with high-quality jadeites are mostly clear materials, that is, green ones are seen through the window, so the marked price is also very expensive, so stone gamblers have to see if they can be cut out. rise.

For example, there is a piece of rough jadeite weighing 760 kilograms, with a diameter of more than one meter and a price tag of 1200 million yuan, and there are five or six people watching it.This rough stone has a large fracture, the fracture is pea green, and it looks "old and full of water".

"Unprocessed raw jadeite is called "wool". In the jadeite trading market, wool is also called "stone", and green wool is called "colored goods"; green uneven wool is called "flower brand material" , Large pieces of wool without high emerald green are called "brick materials".

The whole is covered by the leather shell, and the jadeite wool that has not been cut or opened (also known as the door) is called "gambling stone", or "gambling goods".

The outer skin of the gambling stone is covered with thin or thick original stone skin. Different gambling stones have different colors, red, yellow, white, black, and mixed colors.The most profitable, the most tempting, but also the most risky in jade trading is stone gambling. "

When the three of Lin Fan approached the stone king, they heard an old man introducing a young girl. The girl turned her back to Lin Fan, with her long hair draped over her shoulders, which made him feel a little familiar. a feeling of.

"Ah, Guo Yuer."

At this moment, Zhou Xiaolin who was walking beside saw the girl's face, hurried over to pull Lin Fan, then pointed at the girl and whispered.

However, even though his voice was low, the girl heard it, turned her head to take a look, and immediately met Lin Fan's gaze, and both of them stared at each other in a daze.

Although Lin Fan's mood was a bit complicated, his mental strength had undergone earth-shaking changes now, so he instantly caught the surprise in Guo Yu'er's eyes.

Afterwards, Guo Yu'er just took a deep look at him, nodded slightly and turned away, which made Lin Fan feel lost.However, he was a little puzzled by the surprise hidden in Guo Yuer's eyes.

"The jadeite produced in the old factory has skins, but the water stone jadeite produced in the riverbed is also the old factory jade, with thin skin or no skin. Most of the jadeite produced in the new factory has no skin, but the jadeite produced in the slope deposit has skin.

The thickness and thinness of the skin mainly depend on the degree of weathering, and the higher the degree of weathering, the thicker the skin.A piece of raw jadeite has a colored skin and a very good surface. It is common to see green in the first cut, but it may disappear in the second cut.

Just like this stone king, from this window, there must be emerald inside, but how big the emerald is and how the water is planted, these need to be carefully observed and deliberated by experienced people.

But even so, it is still a question of whether spending 1200 million to buy it can increase the price, so it is called gambling stones, and the word gambling in it represents a kind of uncertainty. "The old man next to Guo Yuer continued.

"Mr. Li, you are a jade expert, but you are not sure whether this rough stone will rise sharply?" At this time, a middle-aged man next to him asked respectfully.

"The so-called experts are just a little bit more experience, they are not gods, so even experts will sometimes drill holes. Even in today's prosperous science, there is no instrument that can quickly judge through this shell. Does it contain "Baoyu" or "Baoxu"?" The old man shook his head and said with a smile.

"Then Mr. Li, didn't you come here today to gamble on stones?"

(End of this chapter)

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