master of the deep

Chapter 56 Conspiracy

Chapter 56 Conspiracy
"However, I do know the owner of a large ocean-going fishing boat. I can consult him about purchasing a large-scale ocean-going fishing boat." Lin Fan thought of Zhong Huayan, and he might be able to learn about the purchase of a large ocean-going fishing boat through him.

However, there is not much money in Lin Fan's card now, because neither Wang Huailin nor Zhou Deyi has dealt with Lin Fan's treasures so quickly, so they can only settle the bill with him after they are busy.

Lin Fan decided to wait a few days before talking. It is now August 8rd, and he promised Lin Shaner to go to RB Tokyo to participate in the international auction on August 23th. He also wanted to see the specifications of the international auction. How, what price can my French Louis XIV sun scepter be auctioned for?

As for these few days, Lin Fan is going to have a good time visiting the scenic spots in Dongzhou City. Speaking of which, he has been studying in Dongzhou for three years. Basically, he is familiar with the surroundings of the school, and he is very familiar with other places in Dongzhou City. unfamiliar.

Especially those famous scenic spots in Dongzhou City, he had never been to them before, it was very simple, he had neither the time nor the money.Because he usually works as a tutor on weekends and earns some money to subsidize his tuition and living expenses. He never spends weekends at all, and he has no money to go to those scenic spots.

Just when Lin Fan was planning what attractions to visit in the next few days, Zhu Zicai and Liu Bin had already returned to their home.Although the Public Security Bureau was unable to convict them for the time being, they listed them as suspects. If it weren't for their family background, it would definitely be impossible to release them on bail.

However, even if they were released on bail, their movements were restricted and they were not allowed to leave the area of ​​Dongzhou City. When they went out, they were followed by people arranged by the public security 24 hours a day, so their whereabouts should be known at any time.

In the evening, several of their friends heard that they had come out and organized to meet them.And they had just been locked up by the police for a day, and they also wanted to indulge, so they agreed.

And when a group of young men and women ate and sang, the police arranged by the Public Security Bureau were guarding them in the car outside.

"Brother Zhu, I heard that Zeng Xiaotong wants to break off the engagement with you, is this true?" asked a son.

"Damn it, this **** Zeng Xiaotong dared to falsely accuse us of raping and killing Hu Qingyan. She is crazy. I don't want such a stinky ****."

Zhu Zicai said viciously that after he came out, he heard that the Zeng family was going to dissolve the engagement, and Zeng Xiaotong testified that he saw them rape and push Hu Qingyan into the sea, otherwise they would have nothing to do now.

"Brother Zhu, speaking of it, Zeng Xiaotong is still a top-notch girl. You have been engaged for more than a month. I don't know if Brother Zhu has tasted her before?" The other son laughed lewdly.

"Bah, that stinky bitch has always pretended to be aloof and never been alone with me, so I had no chance to force myself even if I wanted to. It's a pity now that I think about it. I have been her fiancé for more than a month and I haven't even kissed or touched her yet. But I swear, one day, I will make her kneel down and sing Conquer, which will make her want to die."

Zhu Zicai shook his head regretfully, but then his eyes shone with a faint green light, and he gritted his teeth and said to everyone.

"Brother Zhu, don't think about those unpleasant things. If you have an accident on an overseas cruise ship this time, you can come back safely. As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a good fortune. Today we specially welcome you, everyone is happy Let's drink and sing."

Someone changed the subject and raised his wine glass to tell everyone. Suddenly, a group of young men and women shouted excitedly. Everyone clinked glasses and drank wine, which was very lively.

"By the way, Brother Zhu, I heard that a fishing boat rescued you. The owner of the fishing boat was lucky to meet you, Brother Zhu. I'm afraid life will be much easier in Dongzhou in the future." After a while, a The girl suddenly interjected and asked, in their minds, it was really lucky to save Zhu Zicai and Liu Bin, the second generation of officials and riches.

"I'm pooh." Who knows, just as soon as she mentioned this matter, Zhu Zicai's face changed drastically, and after a heck of a pooh, he slammed down the wine glass in his hand, and it shattered with a bang.

"Brother Zhu, what did I say wrong? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." The girl turned pale with fright, because they often played together and knew that Zhu Zicai had a very bad temper.

"Speaking of the fishing boat owner, Lao Tzu was so angry that he dared to throw us on another fishing boat and not let us be on the same fishing boat with Wei Jiacheng, Gao Xiao and Zeng Xiaotong. He deliberately wanted us I don't know what kind of heart he has settled?" Zhu Zicai didn't explain, but Liu Bin said bitterly from the side.

"Lin Fan, I swear against you. Do you think that if you escape the inspection this time, you will be safe? I will not let you live in peace." Zhu Zicai stood up abruptly, and grabbed the The girl's wine glass fell to the ground again with a bang, and then said with a gloomy face.

"Brother Zhu, is Lin Fan the owner of the fishing boat? Who the hell is he who dares to offend Brother Zhu? Does he not want to hang around in Dongzhou?" The young master next to him immediately chimed in.

"Lin Fan is just a student at Dongzhou University. His family is in a remote mountainous area and he has no background at all. But he happens to be the owner of four medium-sized offshore fishing boats. This time we went to sea and we saw with our own eyes that his fishing boats had a huge harvest. I am afraid that four A 5000 million catch."

Liu Bin explained Lin Fan's identity to the crowd. When they heard that Lin Fan was just an ordinary college student, everyone showed disdainful eyes.

"How can he, a college student with no background, own four medium-sized fishing boats? And he still has such a big harvest. Isn't he afraid of others' jealousy?" someone asked.

"Hmph, which one of us doesn't have a strong family background, but none of us has become the owner of several fishing boats like him. Why is he more capable than us?" Some people were dissatisfied.

"That's right, I think he must have done something shady, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to own several fishing boats?" Some people doubted.

"Huh, what we can't do in Dongzhou City, he, a poor college student from other places, can never do it. Could it be that he is secretly selling drugs, or smuggling something, or should we ask someone to check him ?” Someone came up with an idea.

"Don't rush to investigate him." Someone interrupted the previous one, "Didn't he just earn tens of millions? Let's find someone to get his money out first, and then find someone to investigate him and confiscate it." His fishing boat, what can he do?"

This one's idea is even more ruthless, to find someone to ask Lin Fan to hand over the money first, then he must be someone from the underground forces; and then find someone to investigate him and confiscate his fishing boat, so naturally he is looking for someone from the officialdom , This is to suppress Lin Fan through black and white, and let him have nothing.

"Yes, I know the bald brothers under Brother Long. I can ask them to come forward to find Lin Fan. If I don't believe that Lin Fan dares to compete with the people in the police, let him hand over the money when the time comes, and we will pay it. "Someone said with a wolf-like light in his eyes.

"Yes, I also know Brother Long. He is the underground king in Pudong. He controls the underground forces in Pudong. Not only is he strong, but he also has many masters under his command. If you can recruit his men, there will be no problem."

"Okay, then go and invite Brother Long's subordinates, Liu Bin, follow up on this matter, I believe that Brother Long will sell our face. Of course, you can promise that after the matter is completed, we will take out Lin Fan's account The first third of the huge sum will be paid to them, and the remaining two thirds will be shared equally among those present today." Zhu Zicai slammed the table heavily, and then settled the matter.

Of course, Lin Fan didn't know that he was being tricked again. He didn't go to Zeng Xiaotong's house that night, but asked Zhou Xiaolin and Wang Biao to go to Da Pai Lan for a big meal, and then drank beer until midnight.

"You, you are such a big boss, why are you so stingy about inviting guests?" Wang Biao said very dissatisfied, but there was a smile on his face.

"These days we eat seafood at sea, including yellow croaker, lobster, and plum blossom ginseng, but I still think this big row of food is delicious, and it's really delicious with beer." Lin Fan said Disapprovingly said very intoxicated.

"Yeah, although it's fun to go to sea, it's a bit too monotonous. All you see is blue water every day. How can it be so lively and prosperous in the city? Drinking beer like this while watching the comings and goings This is one of the great pleasures in life." Zhou Xiaolin said while looking at a beautiful woman in a short skirt passing by through a beer glass.

"You guys, I really don't want to talk about you. By the way, fourth child, how are you and Zeng Xiaotong doing? Could it be just for fun?" Wang Biao asked in a low voice.

"How could Lao Si be that kind of person? Do you think Lao Si is the same as you? Lao Si, you two are sleeping and flying together on the fishing boat. Let me tell you how it feels?" Zhou Xiaolin despised Wang Biao while But the fire of gossip is burning.

"Third brother, don't you have Hong Yan? Why do you still ask me this question? As for Biaozi's question, it's very simple. As long as she doesn't dislike me as a poor boy from a poor mountain area, I will recognize her as a woman." Lin Where there is no hiding his thoughts.

"What about Guo Yu'er? You have been secretly in love with her for so long, and last time you took pictures of your own tuna meat and passed it on to her father. Is that the way to go?" Wang Biao asked.

"Biaozi, why are you so stubborn? Who is the fourth child? How could he give up the forest for a tree? I think Zeng Xiaotong is no worse than Guo Yu'er, and Zeng Xiaotong's figure is even hotter." Zhou Xiaolin He quickly retorted.

(End of this chapter)

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