Chapter 52
"Everyone, be careful, this net must be raised quickly, lest the sea net be bitten off."

"Sea puffer fish have to be fed in a freshwater pool. The toxins in the dead blood will enter the meat, and it will be a disaster when they go back."

"Everyone should also be careful not to let the sea puffers bite themselves."

Zhang Zhide directed the people on the four fishing boats through the walkie-talkie. He had caught sea puffer fish two or three times before, so he was very experienced. He immediately told the crew members the precautions related to the location to avoid everyone making mistakes.

Lin Fan was also a little nervous, because he knew the value of the river dolphins, so his mental power surged out crazily, covering the surrounding sea area, just enough to observe the movements of the group of river dolphins under the sea.

He found that most of the sea puffers in this group were adults, and most of them weighed more than ten to tens of kilograms. Only about one-third of the sea puffers were smaller, weighing only a few kilograms.

The deep-sea coarse net used this time is aimed at those big fish weighing more than ten kilograms, so after the four fishing boats surrounded them from all sides, the entire sea puffer group was caught in the net, except for those small puffer fish weighing less than ten kilograms. The nets were blocked, and the other two-thirds of the sea puffers were all caught by the nets.

Sure enough, the river dolphins have sharp teeth. After they found themselves caught in the nets, they bit into those sea nets one after another.It's just that these sea nets are made of special materials that feel very soft, but are actually very tough.

Although the teeth of the sea pufferfish can leave marks on the thick net, it is not possible to bite off the net cable in a short time.At this time, the four fishing boats began to collect the nets at the same time, and it was the fastest way to collect the nets, directly pulling the nets to the deck.

At this time, Wang Biao and Zhou Xiaolin were also nervously watching the progress. At the beginning, Wang Biao didn't know the value of sea puffer fish, but after hearing what Zhou Xiaolin said, his eyes were about to light up, because he knew that this net It may be tens of millions of income.

"Pay attention, the net is up." Zhang Zhide yelled loudly, reminding everyone.


Amidst the loud sound of water, the sea nets of the four fishing boats were pulled out of the sea one after another, each caught a large bag of sea puffer fish, and quickly fell to the deck.Although the action was fast, each of the four sea nets still had some marks of being bitten by sea puffers, and even a few places were bitten off, allowing a few sea puffers to fall into the sea and escape.

At this time, Lin Fan saw the legendary sea puffer fish, and found that their bodies were cylindrical, round and round, with blunt front and tapering tail.The body length is about 100-300mm, and the large one can reach more than 600mm.

The snout of sea puffer fish is short, round and blunt; the mouth is small, terminal and transversely split.The upper and lower jaws each have two plate-shaped incisors, with a prominent midline.The lips are well developed, and the ends of the lower lip curve upward on the outside of the upper lip.

The sea puffer has small eyes and small gill openings, which are an arc-shaped slit located in front of the pectoral fins, and the body surface is densely covered with small spines.The dorsal fin is located very posteriorly, opposite to the anal fin; no pelvic fin; the rear end of the caudal fin is truncated.The back of the body is grayish brown, the sides of the body are slightly yellowish brown, and the ventral surface is white; the markings on the back and side of the body vary with the species.

Puffer fish muscles are as white as frost, and the meat tastes plump, tender and delicious. It contains very high protein and is rich in nutrition.Only the liver, gonads and blood contain toxins and can only be eaten after treatment.After pickling, it is commonly known as "black wolf fish".Tetrodotoxin crystals can be extracted from the ovary for medical use.

RB, North Korea and Huaguo in Asia all love to eat puffer fish; everyone who has tasted it praised: "If you don't eat puffer fish, you don't know the taste of fish." Eating puffer fish not only tastes its deliciousness, but also lowers blood pressure , cure waist and leg soreness, restore energy and other functions.

"Wow, this is the sea puffer fish, it looks so cute." Wang Yuyan shouted from the side.

"That's right. Why do I feel that they are similar to dolphins? Are they the same kind?" Hong Yan asked in confusion.

"Sea puffers are not the same as dolphins. Sea puffers are actually a type of puffer fish. Although they live in the sea, they are in shallow waters, so they are still a type of puffer fish. Dolphins are small to medium-sized cetaceans.

The largest sea puffer is no more than ten meters long, and the heaviest is no more than a hundred catties; however, dolphins are about 1.5-10 meters long and weigh 50-7000 kilograms, much larger than sea puffers.

Most dolphins have distinctive head features, with a raised forehead due to lenticular fat that helps focus echolocation and foraging sounds.

Although some dolphins have frontal protuberances, their beaks are relatively short, and the protruding forehead only outlines the appearance of a square head. Most dolphins have a sleek and smooth body shape, with hooked and curved dorsal fins; some dolphins have eye-catching colorful patterns on their bodies, and others Some are consistent pattern colors. "

Zhou Xiaolin explained to her the difference between puffer fish and dolphins, and the others listened carefully. This is a matter of gaining knowledge.

"Lin Fan, why don't you get some puffer fish meat for us to try. I heard it is very expensive, but we have never tasted it." Gao Xiao asked Lin Fan from the side.

"Forget it, sea puffer fish are poisonous. Without a professional cook, I am afraid no one would dare to eat the sea puffer fish produced. If it is poisonous, it will be terrible." Before Lin Fan opened his mouth, Zhou Xiaolin had already refused for him. .

"If you want to taste the sea puffer fish, I invite you to go to Zheng's Seafood Restaurant after returning to Dongzhou. They have professional puffer fish cooks, so you can eat the sea puffer fish with confidence."

Lin Fan smiled and said to Wei Jiacheng and Gao Xiao that now both of them have shown kindness, including to Zeng Xiaotong, so Lin Fan is also willing to make friends with them, and maybe he can do Zeng Xiaotong's father a big favor.

"Okay, then it's settled. We will call you two days after we go back. We will definitely go at your invitation." Gao Xiao said with a smile, and Wei Jiacheng also nodded with a smile.

Everyone was busy dealing with the sea puffers on the deck. They took out the sea puffers one by one, cleaned them up, weighed them, and put them into the freshwater pool for feeding.This freshwater pool is not the one used by the crew, but it is specially used to feed some marine fish that are only valuable if they are alive. However, most of them are saltwater pools, and only sea puffers need to use freshwater pools.

"Boss, after statistics, the total amount of river dolphins on the four fishing boats is more than 600 kilograms, which is still a lot less than [-] kilograms. Do you want to catch another net? Maybe there are some river dolphins below. Well." Zhang Zhide didn't report to Lin Fan after making the statistics, and then suggested to play another net, trying to round up a whole number of [-] jin.

"Uncle De, I just asked the control room, and they detected that there are no more sea puffers in the sea below. Besides, don't be too greedy, it is a great joy to catch these sea puffers by accident.

By the way, you told everyone that after returning home, everyone will be given an extra [-] bonus, which is considered a hard work for everyone today. "Lin Fan had already scanned the sea area below with his mental power, so he shook his head and said to Zhang Zhide.

"Yeah, I'm too greedy. The two times we went to sea, we caught more than the previous one, so what's not to be satisfied with. Thinking about the past, sometimes we went to sea for a year, and we didn't have these two times." There are a lot of catches in the sea.

Boss, you are lucky. We have gone to sea three times together, and the catches these three times were very good. It seems that the boss is lucky and should eat this bowl of rice. "Zhang Zhide sighed, he has helped many bosses in the past 20 years, but no boss is as lucky as Lin Fan.

"Uncle De, it depends on you. You have such rich experience. With you on my fishing boat, it is impossible to get much. By the way, I will see if I have a chance to get a large ocean-going boat when I go back. Fishing boat, when the time comes, let you be the captain and go to various seas around the world, I believe the harvest will be even greater." Lin Fan replied with a smile, which made Zhang Zhide very happy.

The crew members on the other four fishing boats were also equally happy, because today they received another [-] bonus, plus the previous few times, their income was more than that of other crew members in a year after they went to sea for ten days. , how can you not be happy.

The harvest of thousands of catties of sea puffer fish made Zhu Zicai and Liu Bin even more jealous.After searching the Internet with their mobile phones, they found that a catty of sea puffer fish can be sold for 800 yuan, and more than 7000 catties is 500 yuan.

"Damn it, these boats have caught too much, you can't just take advantage of Lin Fan." Zhu Zicai suddenly said viciously.

"That's right, with those tuna, plum flower ginseng, snail jade, red coral, grouper, etc., Lin Fan's boats are probably worth 5000 to [-] million Chinese dollars. Tell me, what should we do?" Liu Bin He was also short of breath, and he was even more envious of Lin Fan, so when Zhu Zicai said it, his heart was moved.

"This Lin Fan comes from an ordinary family, his hometown is in a poor mountainous area, and he has no background at all.

I guess that the origin of his fishing boats is not very legal, so he can first have his deep-sea fishing company sealed, and then send fishery administration ships to intercept his fishing boats at sea, and arrest them on any charges they find. A fishing boat was seized.

Of course, they will be released after a few days of detention, but naturally all the catches on the fishing boat will be ours by then. "

Zhu Zicai said while thinking, wishful thinking, which made Liu Bin admire him again and again.However, they didn't know that ever since Lin Fan learned that Zhu Haifeng's subordinates and some of Liu Shibo's groups were secretly investigating him, he specially sent an armed soldier to hide and keep an eye on Zhu Zicai and Liu Bin all the time. All the actions and remarks were recorded, and then passed to Lin Anan, and Lin Anan informed Lin Fan after Lin Anan chose.

(End of this chapter)

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