master of the deep

Chapter 466 The Cosmic Battlefield Volume Snatch

Chapter 466 The Cosmic Battlefield Volume Snatch


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Human beings wiped out the blood race with lightning speed, occupied the territory of the blood race, and immediately shook the entire Hunyuan star, which attracted the attention of various forces. For a time, there was an endless stream of envoys and secret discussions between the various forces.

However, human beings did not continue to wage wars against other forces, as various forces feared, to avenge the injustices suffered by human beings in the past.

While various forces were watching human beings, human beings were vigorously developing. Groups of low-level practitioners entered Lin Fan's small world, grew up rapidly in it, and established branches composed of six-level powerhouses. powerful army.

Afterwards, a large number of seventh-level powerhouses and eighth-level powerhouses sprung up like mushrooms after rain, quietly growing, and growing into giants that no force could imagine.

And in the depths of the deep sea city, there is a huge underground palace. At this time, there is a huge black and white roulette lying in the underground palace, emitting strong original energy.

Under the black and white roulette, there are hundreds of thousands of figures sitting cross-legged in the underground palace, all of whom are practicing here, using the massive original energy generated by the chaotic roulette to rapidly improve their own cultivation strength.

And above the chaotic roulette, there are four figures, namely Lin Fan, Princess Yuhua, He Zijing and Jin Jianwang. They absorb the original energy at a faster speed, temper their cultivation base, and consolidate their strength. Realm, in preparation for breaking through to level nine.

To be honest, when Lin Fan took out the chaotic roulette for everyone to practice, the Golden Sword King was so moved that he knelt down on one knee, bowed his hands to Lin Fan solemnly, and has been loyal to him ever since.

"It doesn't have to be like this. I think that although there is only one level-[-] powerhouse on the surface among the other big forces, there may be other level-[-] powerhouses in the dark. If we humans can have a few more level-[-] powerhouses, we can unify this planet It should be easier." At this time, Lin Fan revealed his true ambition, which is to unify the Hunyuan Planet and turn this planet into the base camp of human beings.

Later, Lin Fan inquired about the news from the Golden Sword King, that is, in the territory of the aliens, there is a recently discovered Chaos Cave, which may be comparable in level to the Chaos Roulette Cave.

It's just that the alien race is very heavily guarded, and other life races can't get close at all.And now the ninth-level powerhouses of the Alien family are trying to refine this chaotic cave, but they don't have the original mother energy, and it will take at least half a year to refine this cave, but now it has only been two months, and they can refine it at most one third.

Lin Fan was moved immediately, and then left one clone behind, and the other two clones left Deep Sea City together, sneaked into the territory of the alien clan, and found the entrance of the Chaos Cave, which was heavily guarded outside.

Lin Fan imitated the aura of the alien race with the original mother's energy, mixed into the cave, and then came to the core area, and found a huge furnace standing in the center of the cave, surrounded by raging fire, is A flame formed from a special source of energy, that is the supreme treasure of the Chaos Cave, the Chaos Furnace.

And beside the Chaos Furnace, a ninth-level alien emperor is struggling to imprint his consciousness on the Chaos Furnace, but it has only branded a small area of ​​the Chaos Furnace, about one-third of it.

With a thought in Lin Fan's mind, the two avatars came to the other direction of the cauldron of chaos at the same time, and began to use the original mother's energy to quickly refine them, imprinting their own spiritual consciousness at a speed hundreds and thousands of times faster than that of the alien emperor.

With Lin Fan's current mental strength, it may only take three days to completely refine the chaotic furnace. After two days, he refined two-thirds of it, allowing the alien emperor to sense his existence.


The alien king was furious, and immediately summoned a huge army of aliens to besiege Lin Fan, but Lin Fan withstood all the attacks with a clone, and then quickly expelled the brand left by the alien king on the furnace of chaos, and quickly wiped out the chaos. Hong furnace refining.

Half a day later, the alien emperor was in despair. It felt that it had no hope of obtaining this chaotic cave, so it simply gave up and continued to fight with Lin Fan, but freed up its hands to attack Lin Fan's clone with all its strength.

Although due to its strength, Lin Fan's avatar was severely injured, but after finally persevering for a long time, Lin Fan successfully refined the Chaos Furnace, put the Chaos Furnace into his pocket with a buzzing sound, and brought the With the chaotic cave disappeared in front of the alien race.

The ninth-level emperor of the Alien Race roared endlessly, and the roar resounded throughout the Hunyuan Star, but the Chaos Cave and the Chaos Supreme Treasure were lost. This is an indisputable fact.

The ninth-level emperor of the alien race immediately summoned his subordinates to understand what happened on Hunyuan Star in the past two months, because it could sense that the strong man who snatched the Chaos Cave was not the emperor of the major life races he was familiar with. .

"My lord, this person is very likely to be the emperor of human beings. Just a few days ago, an alien human legion came and captured a high-level chaotic cave on a desolate star, and the human emperor also killed Killed the ninth-level emperor of the blood clan.

Afterwards, human beings suddenly descended on the Hunyuan Star, quickly occupied the blood race, cleaned up the blood race, and the rest of the blood race surrendered to humans.

Yesterday, under the leadership of Golden Sword King, the original humans on Hunyuan Planet moved to Deep Sea City, which is the original city of the Blood Race, and announced that they would become one with the alien humans.

If my emperor senses that the guy who secretly snatched the chaotic cave is a strange emperor, then it may be the mysterious deep sea emperor of human beings. "An eighth-level elder of the alien race reported to the alien emperor.

"The emperor of the deep sea, human beings are really hateful. They were only our food, but now they are about to turn around. However, if they dare to steal the emperor's cave and treasure, the emperor will not spare them." The alien emperor roared.

"My lord, the Emperor of the Deep Sea is now the public enemy of all races. When he robbed the Chaos Cave on the barren star, he killed the strong men of most races. Therefore, all major races are extremely dissatisfied with humans, and they are only intimidated by the King of the Deep Sea. Powerful and mysterious, we are still waiting to see. Why don't we secretly unite with other races, and then several emperors will besiege human beings together. No matter how powerful the Deep Sea Emperor is, I am afraid that it is impossible to face many emperors." The alien race The Great Elder suggested.

"This method is feasible, just do as you said." Alien Emperor nodded and said.

Lin Fan quickly sneaked back to Deep Sea City, then entered the underground palace, sacrificed the Chaos Furnace, placed it under the Chaos Roulette, and instantly burned a raging fire around it.

(End of this chapter)

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