master of the deep

Chapter 460 Cosmic Battlefield Volume Guessing the Truth (You can keep the new book first)

Chapter 460 Cosmic Battlefield Volume Guessing the Truth (You can keep the new book first)

"The most important thing is that their cultivation base is improving too fast. Yesterday, the number of this legion was only a few thousand, and today it has reached tens of thousands. And yesterday they did not have an eighth-level powerhouse at all, except Those two men in black robes, but there are already so many eighth-level powerhouses among them today."

"Could it be that they have mastered some secret method that can quickly improve their cultivation and strength, or are they using this Chaos Supreme Treasure?"

"Have you noticed that there are basically no fighters of level [-] and below in their legion, as if all the fighters broke through from the peak of level [-] to level [-] in an instant. Don't you find this situation surprising? And It’s a situation we’re very familiar with.”

"What did you say? Could it be that their leader's small world can accommodate fourth-level powerhouses? But according to the rules and habits of each of our universes, the small world can only start to accommodate life after the original level four, and it can't be until the seventh level." To accommodate the powerhouses of the first level of the original level, now that we are at the eighth level, the small world can only accommodate the second-level life. Calculated in this way, can it be said that their leader will be a half-step supreme? Otherwise, how could the small world accommodate What about the fourth-level powerhouse?"

"Although I don't know if this is the case, but this is the only way to explain it. Otherwise, why are the people behind their army constantly breaking through from level [-] to level [-]?"

"I don't think the leaders of these human beings are half-step supreme beings. First of all, half-step supremes may not be interested in such a chaotic treasure, and if a half-step supreme treasure refines a chaotic treasure, it will only be a short-term thing. Maybe it hasn’t been refined for so long. It’s possible that this human leader got some heaven-defying adventure, so that his small world can accommodate life in advance, and it can accommodate more powerful life in advance.”

"That's right, it's entirely possible that this is the case. Have you found out that in the human legion, although the vast majority are human beings, there are also a few other races, such as the blood mandala family, the blood demon family, and the alien family. , as well as various life races in the universe where human beings live, and even the Celestial Race and the Three-eyed Race."

"If this is the case, it seems that the adventure that this human leader got was not simple. He has collected so many species of life. Could it be that he wants to become the Supreme? After all, only the small world of the Supreme can evolve into a big world. It can accommodate many cave worlds, does he really have such potential?"

"No, we must unite to eradicate this human leader, and we cannot allow him to become supreme. For billions of years, human beings have always been cannon fodder on the cosmic battlefield. It is impossible for them to stand up. We absolutely cannot Give them a chance."

No matter whether it is the various races in the universe where human beings live, or the various races from different universes, they do not want to see a supreme powerhouse appearing in human beings, so at this moment, their thoughts unexpectedly coalesced.

Some races sent people to quietly leave the chaotic cave, and sent the news back to the Hunyuan star. As long as they received this news, those life races that were at odds with humans might send nine-level powerhouses to kill them. This human leader.

Afterwards, more than a dozen eighth-level powerhouses each led a team and rushed towards the human defense formation. They had a premonition that they could not give humans any more time, otherwise there might be some bad results.

However, there were also more than a dozen level-[-] powerhouses on the human side, who rushed out of the legion one after another, blocking all the level-[-] powerhouses of various races, and then many level-[-] powerhouses led the powerhouses of level-[-], The super fighters took the initiative to attack and surrounded the teams of the life races one by one.

At this time, Lin Fan's two avatars did not join the battle to help, because they had already returned to Lin Fan himself, and now it was the most critical time to refine the Life Altar of Chaos Roulette.

Not only that, refining the chaotic roulette is also a good fortune for Lin Fan, because he can feel various scenes of the birth and death of the universe from it, and can understand the origin of various avenues.

Lin Fan had a premonition that as long as he refined the Chaos Roulette and got this Chaos Cave, his cultivation could directly break through to the peak of the eighth level, and his mental strength could even break through to the peak of the ninth level.

You must know that when the cultivation base is low, the improvement of spiritual power can be faster than the cultivation base, but after reaching the original level, there are very few opportunities to quickly improve spiritual power.

For the vast majority of powerhouses, their spiritual strength is basically the same as the realm of cultivation, which is the spiritual strength that is improved when they break through the realm of cultivation.

But Lin Fan was different. Not only did he have more opportunities, but he also practiced the supernatural powers of the God Seal Labyrinth, which is extremely rare in the entire universe.

The battle was very fierce from the beginning, but the battle between the eighth-level powerhouses fell into a stalemate, and the eighth-level powerhouses on both sides could do nothing to each other for a short time.

But on other battlefields, it is the strong human beings who have the upper hand, because the human army is not only strong in cultivation, but also larger in number, and a reserve team is left behind to guard against it.

All human warriors who are seriously injured will retreat, and then the reserve team at the back will take over, so basically there are very few casualties, unless a strong man of a certain race suddenly casts a devastatingly powerful skill and fights with a human warrior. They all died together, otherwise basically there would be no battle dead.

But the situation of the teams of various races is different. Not only do they have some low-level fighters, but every death means one less. Therefore, in less than half a day, the teams of all races were retreating steadily.

However, the human race has not been wiped out. Most of the foreign warriors were seriously injured and captured alive. If they are willing to surrender in the future, Lin Fan will accept them.

If they are not willing to surrender, then I'm sorry, they will become the training resources of Lin Fan's subordinates, and their original energy will be captured by Lin Fan and sent to other human fighters.

In addition, behind the human army, there are some fifth-level fighters appearing almost every moment, making the power of human beings stronger and stronger, and the number of human fifth-level fighters is also increasing. The victory has basically fallen to the human race party.

At this time, within the chaotic roulette, Lin Fan had already stood up with a happy face. The entire chaotic cave had already formed a close relationship with him. As long as he wanted to, he could immediately take the entire chaotic cave into the small world. .

(End of this chapter)

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