master of the deep

Chapter 446 Cosmic Battlefield Volume Maze Battle

Chapter 446 Cosmic Battlefield Volume Maze Battle

However, regarding the native races, the Celestials are as vigilant as the Three-eyed Race, because they also have nine fifth-level powerhouses, including an old-fashioned fifth-level powerhouse, who are probably about to reach the peak of the fifth level now. It cannot be underestimated.

However, even if Lin Fan knew about it, he wouldn't have any worries. After his mental strength broke through to the seventh-level peak, he had already faintly felt the core of this chaotic cave.

This chaotic cave is probably left after the death of a strong man of the ninth level of the original level. Time has passed for so long. Although there are some chaotic rules in the chaotic cave, without a master, it will always decline and die. The secrets contained within it gradually became unable to stop Lin Fan's spiritual power.

Lin Fan believed that if his spiritual power could break through to level eight, he could completely invade the core of this chaotic cave and even refine it.

Everyone rushed all the way, and about half a day later, they followed the white mist passage to the top of the mountain, where a white mist vortex appeared again, and it was probably the last level, so everyone plunged into the vortex without hesitation.

After everyone's body fell to the ground, they looked around one after another, only to find that there were no other people around them, only a few passages leading to unknown places.

Lin Fan's heart moved, the third level turned out to be a maze, and he didn't know where the way out was.But it was not difficult for Lin Fan, his spiritual power gushed out and spread in all directions.

As expected, this maze has a strong suppression of spiritual power. It is estimated that those strong men of all races whose spiritual power is only at the fifth level can only scan to a range of about [-] meters around at most.

However, Lin Fan's spiritual power has reached the peak of the seventh level, so his spiritual power can actually scan a 500-meter radius around him, so his advantage is extremely obvious.

When Lin Fan's spiritual power surged out, he immediately found several beings within 500 meters around him, one of them turned out to be Humei, and there was also a Celestial Human Race, a native race.

Lin Fan quickly headed towards Humei's direction, because he found that Humei's channel was connected to the channel of that native race, the distance between them was only about [-] meters, and they would meet soon.

When Lin Fan walked around Humei's passage, he found that Humei met that native race, and there was a fight. It turned out that the native race saw Humei alone, and wanted to kill her.

However, Humei's innate ability is also very outstanding, and now the charm ability and psychedelic ability she uses are getting stronger and stronger. Relying on these mysterious abilities, she can still deal with the original race in a short time.

Lin Fan quickly appeared near the battlefield and then rushed into the battle group. At this time, Hu Mei had discovered him and couldn't help but be overjoyed. She deliberately exposed a flaw to attract the native races to attack her.

When the original race came close to her, it realized that it had changed, and it turned out to be Lin Fan. It immediately wanted to escape, but Lin Fan didn't give it a chance.

Facing a native race that had just been promoted to the fifth level, Lin Fan didn't even use his ultimate move. He killed it directly, absorbed the original runes, devoured its original energy, and transmitted it to Humei.

Although Hu Mei was rescued, Lin Fan became worried because Princess Yuhua didn't know if she would encounter enemies, and even though her strength was not weaker than the peak of level five, she was also afraid of being besieged.

"Master, how did you find me?" Hu Mei was very happy to see Lin Fan coming.

"My spiritual power can scan a range of 500 meters around, which happens to be within 500 meters of you. Let's go, there is a Celestial Human over there, let's call him together."

Lin Fan took Hu Mei to the front quickly, and after half a stick of incense, he met the strong man of the Celestial Human Race. When he saw Lin Fan and Lin Fan, the other party was unwilling to go with them, but turned and ran away.

"Master, it seems that he regards us as villains." Hu Mei covered her mouth and smiled.

"Forget it, our good intentions have been treated as donkeys. Since he doesn't want to go with us, let's find our own people. Of course, if we meet the original race, we will kill them without mercy." Lin Fan said helplessly. nodded.

Afterwards, the two left together. Under the scanning of Lin Fan's mental power, they were like turning on a radar, quickly moving towards the place where there were strong men from various races. If the Celestial Race or the Three-Eyed Race were willing to fight with them Together, they will take them together, and exchange information with each other if they don't want to, to see if they have met their own kind.

An hour later, Lin Fan and the others met Chiyan Renwang, but at that time he was fighting with a three-eyed tribe, and the cause was that the three-eyed tribe attacked him unexpectedly.

After Lin Fan's interrogation, he found out that before entering the third level, the leaders of the Celestial Human Race and the Three-Eyes Clan had secretly told the strong men of the two races that if they encountered a single human or native race, they would look for opportunities to sneak attack and kill them. One is less than one, and the two races form an alliance to deal with humans and native races together.

Lin Fan didn't say much after hearing this, and directly killed the three-eyed family.Then he changed his strategy and decided that as long as he encountered strong men from the other three races, he would kill them all.

Not long after, a strong Celestial-human race was found in front of him. Lin Fan asked Hu Mei to walk in front with Chiyan King, and he followed a hundred meters away.

Sure enough, after discovering that Chiyan King was wounded, the Celestial-Human powerhouse approached them, while still carefully watching the surroundings.

However, Lin Fan is located [-] meters behind Humei and the others. Even if the strong Celestial-human race came in front of Humei and the others, they would not be able to sense Lin Fan. Therefore, after the Celestial-human race pretended to ask a few words from a distance, they learned that the Chiyan people Wang was injured by the original race, so he came over.

However, just when the Celestial-human strongman was about to sneak attack on the two of them, the two separated to both sides as if they were prepared, and the aura from Chiyan King's body burst out, and the injury was not as serious as the other party had sensed before.

The battle broke out in an instant, and the strong man of the Celestial Race desperately sensed the aura of another strong human being approaching rapidly, and when he finally appeared in front of him, it turned out to be Lin Fan, whom he was most afraid of.

"We have never had any enmity with human beings. Why do you want to besiege me? King of the deep sea, we king of heaven and man have made an agreement with you. Are you humans going to break the oath?"

"Don't be wordy, do you think we don't know about the conspiracy of your Celestial Race and the Three-Eyed Race? You want to take the opportunity to weaken the power of us humans and the native races, and then put the blame on others and let us fight to the death with the native races. Hello, everyone. Is there such a good thing as picking up a bargain next to you?"


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