master of the deep

Chapter 428 Space Battlefield Volume Leaving the Alliance

Chapter 428 Space Battlefield Volume Leaving the Alliance
"Don't worry, Mr. Chen, I will definitely ask for you. It's just that they have just entered the cave, and it's not good to ask them to come over immediately. How about this, I will send someone to send them over tomorrow. I guess they just came here, so I dare not You don't obey the alliance's arrangement." Elder Liu thought for a while and said.

"If you can help me with this matter, I will naturally thank you." Chen Hongcai laughed and led his men away.

After thinking for a while, Elder Liu went to the back to find a young man, gave some instructions in a low voice, and then went to work as if nothing had happened.

In the evening, a young man came outside Hao Ren's cave, saying that he was giving him some supplies for the past three months, and at the same time quietly handing him a sound transmission jade talisman.

After a while, Hao Ren's face became gloomy. He had heard the message from Elder Liu in the sound transmission talisman, and told him the matter in detail, telling him to quickly find a way to find a big man in the alliance to help them .

"Brother Lin, I didn't expect that the alliance would become like this now. I have been in the alliance for 300 years. In order to make the human alliance stronger over the years, our older generations are all consistent with each other. Unexpectedly, I have only been away for a few months, and such a situation will appear.

Brother Lin, I heard that Chen Hongcai's father, Chen Tianlei, was a powerhouse at the third level of the original level. Ten powerhouses, including more than a dozen second-level powerhouses, are now important forces in the alliance.

I guess, in order to win over Chen Tianlei, the top management of the alliance will turn a blind eye to this matter. Unless you, brother Lin, can show the strength of the third level, otherwise, we will have to leave the human alliance.Regardless of Brother Lin's decision, I, Hao Ren, have decided to follow Brother Lin and never return to the alliance. "

"It seems that the so-called unity of the Human Alliance is only a relative term. If you have no strength, you will be treated unfairly everywhere. If this is the case, let's leave the alliance. In the future, we will build a real alliance and control our own destiny." Lin Fan laughed.

After making the decision, Lin Fan immediately left the Human Alliance with a group of people. Everyone has a small world, and ordinary supplies can be stored in the small world, so there is nothing to pack.


"Mr. Chen has long thought that you would escape, so you should stay obediently."

Unexpectedly, they were intercepted by five people outside the gate of the Human Alliance, two of whom were second-level at the original level, and the other three were first-level powerhouses.

"Do it, rush over."

Lin Fan shouted directly, he didn't want to expose his strength now, so he didn't want to confront them, and Hao Ren was the first to rush to a second-level strong man, and Princess Yuhua also faced another second-level strong man without fear. , the other three also greeted their opponents.

Only Lin Fan stood there without moving, but his spiritual power had already enveloped the entire human alliance, and he sensed more than a dozen powerful auras, all of which were third-level powerhouses in the human alliance, and the fourth-level powerhouse seemed to be absent. .

He didn't move, just wanted to see how these strong men of the Human Alliance would deal with this matter. If someone came forward to stop him, he would still consider himself a member of the Human Alliance, otherwise he would be completely disappointed.

The other party never expected that Hao Ren would fight them recklessly, and even though the woman next to Lin Fan was only a first-level powerhouse, her explosive strength was not weaker than that of ordinary second-level powerhouses.

Lin Fan stood there quietly, and found that among those third-level powerhouses, a few auras seemed to rise, but immediately another aura appeared, confronting the previous aura.

Lin Fan sighed. He knew that there were still some strong people in the human alliance, but there was also some conservative people, so no one would stand out now.

"In that case, let's just teach you a little lesson."

Lin Fan's body flashed, and instantly transformed into five figures, which slid past the five strong humans like the wind, and the five strong humans screamed at the same time, and each of them lost their left arm.

Afterwards, Lin Fan walked forward first, and the other five people followed him and left the Human Alliance, leaving only five strong human beings covered in cold sweat, five left arms on the ground, and blood all over the place.

It wasn't until Lin Fan and his party walked away that the aura in the human alliance subsided, but the fighting power that Lin Fan erupted instantly caused some people to have various thoughts in their hearts.

"A bunch of trash, you two second-level powerhouses, and the opponent has only one second-level powerhouse, but they can't even stop them. What's the use of raising you?"

At this time, Chen Hong rushed over with a group of strong men, pointing at the five people and cursing non-stop, and at the same time his heart was a little beating, because everyone only knew that Lin Fan had a first-level cultivation, but he cut off his body in an instant. The explosive power of the arms of five people is probably not weaker than that of the third-level powerhouse.

"My lord, they went to the hotel in the neutral area, should we still chase them?" A subordinate who had found out about Lin Fan and his party asked beside him.

"Invite a few underground assassins to deal with them. We don't have to come forward in person, so the matter will not be completely unsolvable." Chen Hongcai is indeed smart, and has always put himself in a safe position, which is why he was able to live for such a long time.

Lin Fan and his party lived in a hotel owned by a native race. This is a neutral zone. According to the agreement of various forces, wars cannot be waged in the neutral zone, otherwise they will be attacked by all races.

"Let's retreat in the hotel for a while, I feel like I'm about to break through." After checking into the hotel, Lin Fan and the others only needed a big suite. He, Princess Yuhua, and Hu Mei practiced in the inner room, while the other three were in the outer room. Practice, decided not to go out for the time being, to avoid some troubles.

However, what they didn't expect was that several native races came to their door before dawn, including two second-level native races and four or five first-class native races.

They were originally underground killers. After receiving a high reward, they bought off the waiters of this hotel, quietly put them in, and gave them the room keys.

However, Lin Fan's spiritual power has been covering the entire hotel, so when these native race killers came in, he had already notified everyone and set up an ambush.

Moreover, Lin Fan killed a second-level native race in an instant, scaring the other native races to run away.However, everyone had already set up a formation in the room, besieging all the original races, and they were all killed by Lin Fan in less than half a stick of incense.

(End of this chapter)

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