master of the deep

Chapter 423 Cosmic Battlefield Volume Original Race

Chapter 423 Cosmic Battlefield Volume Original Race

Hao Ren described the situation of this living planet in detail, and made no secret of his admiration for Lin Fan. He was willing to hand over this wonderful place directly to Lin Fan, and let Lin Fan explore and find the treasure of chaos within it.

"By the way, are all the beings on this planet the powerhouses of the original level?" Lin Fan agreed, and then asked.

"Of course not, not to mention that there are some weak beings in the original race, just some powerful beings in the middle of the original stage, there are some lives in their small world, and the strength cannot exceed the original stage.

And in each city, the lives brought by those powerful beings will become the main components of the city.In the entire planet, life at the original level only accounts for one-tenth, and the other nine-tenths are weak lives. "

Hearing Hao Ren's words, Lin Fan was relieved, otherwise he would not be able to let Princess Yuhua and others come out, and he would not be able to explain why he was able to accommodate life in a small world at the first level of origin.

At that moment, Lin Fan and Hao Ren turned around and flew towards the place where the victory was located. Although their speed was not too fast, it was like lightning, and they were thousands of miles away in an instant.

After a day and a night, the two came to the foot of a majestic and tall mountain range. This mountain range was tens of thousands of feet high, like a huge sword piercing into the sky, piercing the sky, revealing a sense of fierceness.

"Brother Lin, that scenic spot is on a cliff in the middle of the mountain. I also came here to find a blind medicine and found it by accident." Hao Ren led the way, and at the same time he said to Lin Fan via voice transmission.

"Let's go and have a look." Lin Fan smiled lightly, and at the same time, his gaze slightly scanned the void on the left side behind him.

The two flew all the way, and finally found the cliff that Hao Ren was talking about half an hour later. Just when Hao Ren was about to point out the location of the entrance to the scenic spot, Lin Fan stopped him, and then turned around to look somewhere in the void. Said: "Your Excellency has followed us all the way, you should come out now."

"Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack it's my luck."

After hearing Lin Fan's words, the void distorted for a while, and then a life covered in pitch black appeared. Its appearance was unpredictable like a cloud of smoke, and it was impossible to tell what kind of life it was.

It's just that the aura radiating from it was extremely strong, even stronger than those powerful alien races that Hao Ren and Lin Fan killed.

"Original race. A second-level native race. Too bad we're being targeted by a second-level native race. I'm afraid we're going to die today." Hao Ren said tremblingly beside him, his voice full of fear.

Because they are native races, they have some advantages, that is, they are particularly sensitive to the void and can hide in the void, making it difficult for foreign races to find them.

However, fortunately, they cannot attack when they are hidden in the void, so for foreign races, although they cannot be found, they will not be attacked by them. Just be vigilant and don't be afraid of them.

However, when it comes to the original level, the strength of each level is very different, so Hao Ren even felt a little desperate when he saw that this original race life turned out to be a strong person at the second level of the original level.

"Brother Hao, aren't you just a second-level native race? Don't we two even have the strength to fight?" Lin Fan asked in confusion.

"Brother Lin, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have brought you here in such a hurry. If we go back to Tiandi City first, and find a few more companions to come with us, we don't have to worry about it. But now it's just the two of us, it's not this at all. Opponents of the original race, they have some natural advantages in the ancient universe. In addition to being able to hide in the void, they also have stronger original energy. Therefore, an ordinary second-level native race needs at least two of our second-level powerhouses Only then can we suppress it." Hao Ren said in frustration with a grimace.

"I don't believe it. I want to try how powerful this native race is?" Lin Fan shook his head, and walked straight to the second-level native race. He wanted to know whether the original energy of the native race was useful to him, and if so If so, then he really deserves the place.

"Quack quack, it turns out that you are a weak human being who just came here. No wonder you have to know how powerful this deity is. But you humans are indeed good food. I still remember the human being that I ate a few months ago. The taste is extremely delicious , I’m going to have a real treat today.” The strong native race laughed.

"Stop talking, if you win against me, you can eat whatever you want. But if you lose, you will be my food." Lin Fan had an evil smile on his face.


The native race was furious after hearing this. They had always been the only ones to eat from outsiders, and no outsiders had ever eaten from their native race. So it roared and rushed forward, condensing a cloud of mist into chains and heading towards Lin Fan. Coming under siege.

"Time stands still."

Lin Fan didn't try to test the strength of the strong native races, because their shapes were too weird, so he directly used the time-stopping ultimate move to freeze its body, and then cut out the primitive mother energy, striking Hit by a black rune in the mist.


In the blink of an eye, the original race broke free from the stillness of time and let out a miserable cry. Then its original runes were absorbed by the original mother's energy, and a huge original energy was also swallowed by Lin Fan.

In Hao Ren's eyes, this second-level original race powerhouse was killed by Lin Fan in the blink of an eye, and he really devoured it as food because he saw the original race The mist was completely absorbed by Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's eyes suddenly lit up, because he found that the original mother spirit had grown slightly after absorbing the original runes of that original race, and it was growth rather than recovery.

Although it was only a little stronger, it allowed Lin Fan to find a way to strengthen his original motherly spirit.In the past, with the improvement of Lin Fan's cultivation level, the recovery speed of the original mother's energy has also been shortened, but just the recovery time is shortened, which does not mean that the amount of the original mother's energy has increased, but now the original mother's energy can absorb the original race How could Lin Fan not be overjoyed because of his original rune?

Not only that, after devouring the original energy of this second-level native race, Lin Fan estimates that it is equivalent to swallowing fifty ordinary original levels, and the original energy of the original race is even more pure.

"Find the native race and kill a large number of native races. Not only will my cultivation level improve by leaps and bounds, but my subordinates will also have more and more native-level powerhouses."

(End of this chapter)

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