master of the deep

Chapter 397 Cosmic Battlefield Volume Different Cosmic Life

Chapter 397 Cosmic Battlefield Volume Different Cosmic Life
The huge body of the blood mandala king fell down slowly, and the breath on his body dissipated quickly, while the surrounding blood mandala flowers woke up from that crazy state, and began to back away in fear.

The morale of the army suddenly rose, and they began to attack with all their strength, killing a large number of blood mandala flowers along the way, driving them fifty kilometers away, and then sprinkled thunder locust powder, and began to consolidate the defense line and build various large formations , treating this area as a military camp for the army.

Five days later, the barracks were basically established. Nearly 40 troops were distributed in various buildings, and at the same time they built a very strong and powerful defensive front.

At this time, Lin Fan finally finished refining the blood mandala king's honey milk, which raised his spiritual power to the peak of the third level of the universe. If there is such a mass of blood mandala king honey milk, then he can use it The spiritual power has broken through to the fourth level of the universe.

At this time, Lin Fan's domain has evolved into a prototype microcosm, and it is formed by the combination of his deep sea domain and Da Yan space. Below is the rough sea, and above is a piece of suspended land, floating on the sea.

Lin Fan found that his prototype microcosm was very powerful, and the power it radiated was much stronger than the real microcosm of the blood mandala king he killed a few days ago.

Moreover, Lin Fan has a feeling that once his rudimentary small universe evolves into a real small universe, it will definitely be different from the small universes of other cosmic-order powerhouses. As for the specific differences, he is not yet clear. Only after the microcosm has truly evolved can it appear.

"Lin Fan, the construction of the barracks has basically been completed, and various defensive formations, warning formations, monitoring formations, and attack formations have also been established. What shall we do next?"

Three days later, the eldest prince Gan Yuming, who was in charge of supervising the construction of the military camp, ran over to report to Lin Fan. After seeing Lin Fan kill a blood mandala flower king with his own eyes, Gan Yuming had already had a crush on Lin Fan. A heartfelt respect.

"Nearly 40 troops are gathered here, and this cannot continue like this. Starting tomorrow, the army will be divided into three legions, and each legion will take turns to go out to kill blood mandala flowers, collect various useful materials and food, and use blood Manduo honey milk improves the strength of the army. We need to become stronger as we fight to make up for the losses that the army may cause during the battle.

At the same time, organize some late-stage powerhouses to conduct divergent searches around, looking for the residence of life in other universes. I guess life in other universes has also entered the blood mandala battlefield, but it is still far away from us, so it has not yet appeared. But we have to be vigilant against them, their harm is much more serious than blood mandala. "

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Fan made arrangements for the next step. Since the life from the other universe has not yet appeared, he will increase the combat effectiveness of the army while looking for life from the other universe.

The nearly 40 army was divided into three legions. It took two days for each legion to go out and kill the blood mandala. The other two legions were responsible for defense and training, and they took turns.

At the same time, Lin Fan selected more than a dozen late-stage powerhouses, led by Hu Mei, to form a special search team. They conducted a spiral search centered on the military camp and continuously expanded the search scope.

And Lin Fan will go out alone, and act together with Humei's search team, specifically looking for the blood mandala flower kings of the cosmic rank, and kill these blood mandala flower kings to obtain their honey milk, some for his own use, and some for his side The strong ones can help everyone quickly improve their spiritual strength, thereby improving their cultivation strength.

Time passed day by day, half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and the search team had not found any trace of life from another universe. This made Lin Fan feel a little incredible, because the search team had already searched nearly [-] square kilometers.

After searching continuously for half a month, Lin Fan asked the search team to temporarily stop, preparing to practice for a few days before continuing the search. He didn't believe that these beings from other universes could go to heaven and earth.

But only one day later, a distress signal suddenly came from a fortress hundreds of miles away from the military camp.In the past half a month, the three legions have swept across a hundred miles around, established some fortress bases, and arranged for some troops to garrison them.

Now, a distress message was sent from a fortress, claiming that life forms from other universes had appeared. Lin Fan immediately ordered the legion fighting outside to send people to help, and then he rushed there with a search team.

After about half a stick of incense, Lin Fan arrived at the station with a search team, and found that the station had been breached, most of the troops in the station had been wiped out, and now they were joining the aiding legion to fight against the alien life.

Lin Fan observed the alien life forms in mid-air and found that they had pointed heads, a metallic luster on their bodies, and a long tail.

These alien life forms are not only fast, but also have extremely strong defense capabilities and powerful attack power, and their parasitic ability is stronger. After killing an opponent, they immediately lay eggs in the opponent's body, and soon Can give birth to young alien life.

When Lin Fan arrived, he found that his army was at a disadvantage, and some soldiers died every moment, mainly because there were a large number of late-stage powerhouses in the alien life.

Lin Fan immediately ordered the later strong men of the search team to meet the strong men of the alien life and contain their offensive. Then his eyes fell on the leader of the alien life, which was an alien dozens of feet tall. Life, the whole body is shining with golden light, the surface of the skin is covered with golden lines, and the aura exuding from the body is the cultivation level of the third level of the universe.

Lin Fan knew that in order to repel the attack of this wave of life from another universe, he had to kill this leader, so he took the initiative to meet the other party, which also attracted the other party's gaze and attention.


Seeing that Lin Fan was only a half-step cosmic-level practitioner, the alien leader immediately showed disdain, roared at Lin Fan, and then rushed over like lightning.

"Time stands still."

Lin Fan snapped his right hand, and immediately issued the secret technique of the origin of time that he had comprehended, stopping the time around him, and also stopping the body of the alien leader.


Afterwards, Lin Fan launched the attack of the original mother energy, which instantly broke through the body of the alien leader, defeated its soul, instantly killed it, and swallowed a large amount of original energy at the same time.

As soon as the leader of the strange-shaped life died, the other strange-shaped life suddenly became confused, and they all showed expressions of fear. Lin Fan took the opportunity to move quickly, killing the late-stage alien life, devouring all their original energy.

(End of this chapter)

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