master of the deep

Chapter 38 Depot

Chapter 38 Depot
Lin Fan ignored the few extra people on board, as if they didn't exist at all, and handed them over to his subordinates. He hid in the room to practice when he had time. Captain authority is the most important.

Lin Fan had seen the scene where the three guards broke into the Tianlong clubhouse, they were masters who could even dodge bullets.And Lin An'er told Lin Fan that as long as he can reach the first level, he can also be unafraid of ordinary pistol bullets.

Of course, if he reaches the first level of strength, then his captain authority will reach 20.00%, which is one-fifth, so he can get the support of all the escorts and half of the armed engineering wing, and he can also mobilize The light space patrol ship on the Aliasai.

In the evening, Lin Fan received the news from Lin Shan'er that she had established a foothold in RB Tokyo with a team of guards and an armed engineering team, and the deep-sea fishery company was also successfully established, and some special means were used Acquired three medium-sized fishing boats and eight small fishing boats from an underground force, and began to fish for precious seafood in large quantities off the coast of RB.

Lin Fan chatted with her for half an hour, and after clarifying the direction of future development, everything was handed over to Lin Shaner and the others. As for the fishery resources in the offshore of RB, what Lin Fan meant was to plunder, not to worry about their future development. It's best to catch it clean first.

The next morning, the aircraft detected a shallow sea island full of coral reefs. It was estimated that there would be relatively good red corals below, so Lin Fan took everyone to dive.

Of course, on the current fishing boats, not only is each fishing boat equipped with engineering soldiers, but also an additional armed soldier. With them guarding the fishing boats, even a special force can't do anything to Lin Fan's fishing boats, so those few Lin Fan didn't worry about throwing someone on the boat, not to mention that each fishing boat still had a few crew members to take over.

Lin Fan ignored the others and went straight down. His diving suit was specially modified. It not only had a miniature oxygen converter, but also a miniature freshwater processor, allowing him to stay on the bottom of the sea for a few days. Night is not a problem, as long as one's physical strength can afford it.

In addition, there is a micro-scanning system on Lin Fan's diving suit, which can scan the surrounding area within a radius of 500 meters and discover treasures on the seabed in advance.At the same time, a micro propeller is installed on the back of the diving suit, which allows him to reach a speed equivalent to 18 knots of a fishing boat in a short time.

Therefore, as soon as Lin Fan entered the sea, he turned on the scanner, and instantly discovered a huge coral reef island below, which was only about [-] meters away from the sea surface, like a small hill, and connected to a deeper seabed land below.

His body sank, and he quickly came to the reef island in an instant, and found that it was indeed a naturally formed pure coral reef island, with a radius of about one square kilometer, and then tilted down, stretching for a hundred meters before reaching the bottom of the sea.

Lin Fan saw that not only various coral fish lived among the coral reefs, such as redhead fish, zebrafish, coral fish, angelfish, and butterfly fish; there were also many algae, and even clusters of sea anemones in some places ; There are also some marine creatures living here, among which he knows big horseshoe snails, hedgehog snails, flame shells and so on.

Lin Fan turned around quickly and found that there was nothing valuable on the top of the reef, so he immediately began to dive down, spiraling around the reef and searching downwards. If there is any valuable treasure, trust him It can be found immediately.

Sure enough, when he dived down to more than 80 meters, Lin Fan discovered that there were many sea crabs living in the coral reefs. The clamps fought fiercely.

Lin Fan approached them quietly, and found that they were completely unmoved. Although they raised their pliers vigilantly, none of them attacked actively.One of these crabs has a light red or bruised shell, six spines on the forehead, eight legs from top to bottom, and two large pincers. It looks very powerful.

Lin Fan knew that this kind of crab was called safflower crab.The safflower crab has a red body with dark patterns and a white abdomen. The male and female are easily identifiable, and the meat tastes very delicious.They use two large pincers to catch food. The safflower crab is a carnivorous animal, but it is very timid. The other function of the two large pincers is for self-defense.

The safflower crab meat is fresh and sweet, full of meat, and has an excellent taste.Safflower crab is rich in protein and trace elements, which has a good nourishing effect on the body.Safflower crab also contains anti-tuberculosis effects, and eating crabs is of great benefit to the recovery of tuberculosis.The price of large crabs over 1.5 catties for this crab species is slightly higher than that of small crabs, and the meat quality is also better.

Another kind of crab has a strange shape, and the carapace is round, indicating that there are granular bulges that are particularly prominent in the front and middle.Each gill area has a dark purple round spot, like a tiger's eye, and they are called tiger head crabs.

The tiger head crab has a narrow forehead, a larger middle part and a slightly longer protrusion than the width.The forehead has 3 sharp teeth, the middle one is larger, the front side margin has 2 warty protrusions and a strong spine, the rear side margin has two strong spines, and the rear margin is blunt.The chelicerae are asymmetrical, larger on the left and smaller on the right.The fourth pair of gaiters are paddle-shaped, with flat oval knuckles.The abdomen is short and triangular in males and oval in females.

Lin Fan was overjoyed, because he knew that no matter whether it was safflower crab or tiger head crab, the production volume was very rare nowadays, and they were basically extinct in offshore areas, so the market value was high, and the wholesale price was more than 100 a catty. .

And as he dived down around the coral reef island, he found that from the area below 70 meters to about 80 meters on the coral reef island, there are extremely large numbers of crabs living in the reefs, and they are not small in size, just a few catties. size.

However, Lin Fan didn't stop to catch these crabs, because he alone couldn't complete the job, and he had to wait until the other crew members got down before they could catch these crabs, and they couldn't run away either.

Lin Fan felt that he should continue to search down first. If there is a treasure below, he should definitely pick it up first.Although these crabs are valuable, if you can find some treasures, they will be even more valuable.

The depth of the coral reef island is more than ten meters down, which is actually more than 80 meters below the sea surface. Divers on fishing boats can reach here, but they can dive a few meters at most. If there is no treasure, they will just I can go up to catch tiger crabs and safflower crabs.

Lin Fan continued to dive, and found something after more than ten meters. Some red corals began to appear sporadically among the coral reefs in these places, but they were only a few centimeters high. Put it in your eyes.

Because he detected more and more red corals appearing further down, and the color is darker, and the individuals are bigger, and those places are basically more than 500 meters above the bottom of the sea, and other crew members can't reach them at all, so he put the above The small red corals were kept to give the crew some hope, so they didn't fight with them.

Sure enough, after Lin Fan dived down, someone followed him. First they found the crabs between the coral reefs, and then they found the red corals below, and they started picking them one after another.

After arriving at this location of the coral reef island, the radius is several square kilometers, so although there are not many red corals here, and they are scattered, it just satisfies Wang Biao and the crew's treasure-hunting mood and makes them search around. Over and over again, in the end, almost everyone has gained something.

However, it was Wang Yuyan who gained the most. She knew more about jewelry than Wang Biao, so she chose only the larger red corals. She didn't waste time picking the ones that were too small, so she finally got Three red corals were found, the largest one was seven or eight centimeters high and weighed forty or fifty grams.

Red corals are group animals, coral individuals living in groups.The skeleton of the red coral is a dendritic complex, and each branch center has a horny skeleton axis, and the soft body surrounds the skeleton, and many polyps grow around the axis.These cylindrical shafts are up to 20 cm high and 3 cm in diameter.The soft body of the red coral polyp has a mesoderm, an endoderm and an ectoderm.

(End of this chapter)

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