master of the deep

Chapter 364 The Vast Universe Volume Enters the Secret Realm

Chapter 364 The Vast Universe Volume Enters the Secret Realm
"Everyone, don't forget that we still have a genius here. He can easily kill even the ninth-level powerhouse of the Gan family in Xianyuan civilization. Master Ziyun, you must be able to deal with half-step cosmic level, right? "Suddenly, Demon King Battelle turned his eyes on Lin Fan, with a faint smile on his face, it was hard to tell whether he meant well or was mocking Lin Fan.

"Let's talk about it when we meet, maybe there is no such thing as a half-step cosmic step." Lin Fan said with a slight smile.

After hearing Lin Fan's words, some strong men were thoughtful, while others scoffed, thinking that he was pretending to be profound, but Long Miles and Ables of the Addis family looked at each other, both There was a hint of vigilance.

"According to the reports from the people I sent, after entering from the entrance of the secret realm, they may appear in different directions. Now that everyone's opinions have been unified, let's split up and move towards the highest mountain in the middle no matter where we are after entering. The highest mountain is the core of Sanshengmen." After everyone calmed down, the eldest prince Gan Yuming stood up and said.

Afterwards, the First Prince led the crowd to the square outside, and the crowd dispersed, returned to their respective forces, and began to arrange various related matters.

But Lin Fan noticed that there are three late-stage powerhouses beside the eldest prince, one of which is level nine and two level eight. They are obviously his hired helpers or bought subordinates. They should be the strongest among all the forces. one of.

However, Lin Fan didn't think so much. He brought the master of Baiyun Palace, He Zijing, and several palace masters back to the Yuhua Palace. He told everyone that after entering the secret realm, they should not rush to the highest mountain in the middle, but Through the special induction jade plaque of Yuhua Palace, you can first join the surrounding fellow sects, and then move forward while exploring the treasures in the secret realm, especially the main ones.

Everyone nodded in agreement, because although everyone said well outside that the opportunities they got belonged to each other, but it is estimated that if someone between the various forces placed an order and got the treasure, I am afraid that other forces would kill and seize the treasure.

"Master Ziyun Palace, this king has already ordered that his subordinates and the forces of Yuhua Palace not to have any grievances. After all, everyone is a talent from the Leonblon Empire, and Yuhua Palace is the painstaking effort of my younger sister, so I hope that Yuhua Palace will Everyone can also be of one mind with us." At this time, Lin Fan received the sound transmission from the eldest prince Qian Yuming.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, everyone in Yuhua Palace is part of the Leonblon Empire, so naturally they won't kill each other." Lin Fan immediately responded and agreed. After all, among the many forces, the power of the eldest prince is the most worthy. trust.

"Master Ziyun, my family of elves is willing to form an alliance with you, what do you think?" Afterwards, the elf king Hua Mantian also asked Lin Fan through voice transmission.

"I believe that the elves are a peace-loving life race, so I am willing to form a friendly alliance with the elves." After receiving Lin Fan's reply, Hua Mantian nodded to him from a distance.

"Master Ziyun, our angel family hopes to advance and retreat with your forces. I wonder if you are willing?" Immediately afterwards, the archangel Jia Bohua, a ninth-level powerhouse, also sent a voice transmission to Lin Fan. He felt a special aura from his body, which made Lin Fan extremely mysterious in Jia Bohua's eyes.

"It's my pleasure." Lin Fan replied.

Afterwards, Lin Fan told his disciples that in case of danger, they can ask for help from the eldest prince's subordinates, elves and angels, and they can also go with them, but they must not be harmful to others. None, all with care.

After everything was ready, two or three thousand practitioners from more than a dozen forces rushed towards the black hole vortex in the starry sky.When Lin Fan was still nearly a hundred miles away from the black hole vortex, he felt a strong suction force, trying to suck him into that secret realm.

With Lin Fan's cultivation strength, if he doesn't want to enter, he can easily resist the black hole's suction and won't be sucked into it at all.But after he spread the deep sea domain around his body, he walked towards the black hole vortex like a leisurely stroll.

Those practitioners with low cultivation and strength, such as beings at the star level, basically cannot break free after entering a hundred miles, and their bodies rush into the black hole vortex like lightning. Only the strong at the star level can do it a little bit. Resist, approach the black hole vortex at your own speed.

When they entered about fifty miles, the practitioners in the early stage of the astral level could no longer resist the suction of the black hole vortex, and rushed towards the black hole vortex like gluons, while the beings with stronger cultivation were still able to remain unmoved.

However, when they were twenty miles away from the black hole vortex, all the mid astral stage powerhouses struggled and were sucked into the black hole vortex, with the exception of Lin Fan.

Although Lin Fan also felt the strong suction force, his deep sea domain was able to remain unmoved, crushing the suction force from the black hole vortex around his body, making him feel like he was always in the void.

When they reached the land of ten miles, those ordinary seven-level astral-level powerhouses, even though they were also late-stage powerhouses, also accelerated towards the black hole vortex with a sudden increase of more than ten times the suction force. Only the eldest prince was able to hold on. But Lin Fan still acted as if he was fine, and walked quickly towards the black hole vortex.

When one mile away from the black hole vortex, except for the ninth-level powerhouse, all the seventh-level and eighth-level powerhouses could not resist the suction of the black hole vortex, and Lin Fan's expression was only a little dignified.

When it came to the edge of the black hole vortex, the suction force suddenly increased a hundred times, making all the powerhouses of level nine blushed, and Lin Fan also felt an irresistible suction force.

He relaxed his body, and entered the black hole vortex with a bang, because he was going to go in, and he was just testing the strength of the black hole vortex before.

Although he can resist the suction force of the black hole vortex if he resists with all his strength, but he is already close to the black hole vortex, so there is no need to persist any longer. That may attract the attention of those ninth-level powerhouses, so he grabs all The ninth-level powerhouse rushed into the black hole vortex before.

A sense of weightlessness came, and Lin Fan's body appeared in midair, and then he controlled himself to slowly fall to the ground, and found that the spatial rules in the secret realm were different from those of the outside world, and his consciousness was severely suppressed. The consciousness that could scan tens of thousands of miles away can only scan hundreds of miles away now.

Moreover, one must know that Lin Fan's current consciousness strength has reached the half-step cosmic level, which is higher than those nine-level powerhouses who came in together, so he is sure that the other nine-level powerhouses' consciousness can only The scan is about eighty miles, the eighth-level strong can scan about sixty miles, the seventh-level strong can scan about forty miles, the mid-term strong can scan about twenty or thirty miles, and the initial strong can only scan ten miles. Domain-level ones can only scan a few miles.

(End of this chapter)

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