master of the deep

Chapter 33 Ransom

Chapter 33 Ransom
—————————————————————Thank "Xuanyuan Elder Zhenghua" for rewarding 100 starting coins again, and continue to ask for collection and recommendation. ———————————

"No, of course not. For the happiness of our brothers, we will fully support it." Wang Biao jumped out immediately, making Zhou Xiaolin and Hong Yan blush at the same time, but they looked at each other, their eyes intertwined, and their hearts There was a kind of happiness.

An hour later, everyone gathered at Zheng's Seafood Restaurant and ate a lively meal. Although it was not as good as the seafood that Lin Fan and the others got, all of them were authentic seafood, which made them suffer for ten days. Excited.

At the same time, Tianlong clubhouse welcomed uninvited guests. Three black-clothed men wearing sunglasses walked in and asked the scantily-clad service lady at the bar in a very arrogant tone: "Where is Li Zhilong? Ask him to come out and meet us."

The service lady's expression darkened immediately, and she called out, "Someone is making trouble."

In an instant, more than a dozen young men in different clothes surrounded them. Some of them were bare-armed, some had dyed yellow hair, some wore earrings, and some were bald. breath.

"Who are you? Dare to call Brother Long by his name."

"Don't care who they are, let them lie down and go out today."

"If you dare to come to Brother Long's territory to make trouble, we will abolish them."

A group of people didn't say much, and rushed up one after another, some with rubber sticks, golf clubs, nunchakus, etc. in their hands, some with nails on their fists, and some with steel sleeves on their arms.

However, something unexpected happened. The three big men in sunglasses didn't talk nonsense at all, and rushed out in three directions at the same time, and then screamed again, and the group of people in the Tianlong Club fell to the ground one after another. Again and again, the vital parts of his body were hit and lost his combat effectiveness.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the waitress instantly pressed a button under the bar, and then a shrill alarm sounded on every floor of the Tianlong clubhouse, and it was the highest standard alarm, which meant that someone had forcibly broken in. And the menacing people downstairs couldn't stop it.


At this time of night, it was the busiest time in the Tianlong clubhouse. People from all walks of life were playing here, almost filling up the five or six floors of the Tianlong clubhouse, so after the alarm sounded, the clubhouse became a mess.

"Bastard, who has the guts to break into my Tianlong clubhouse and abolish them for me."

And in the luxurious room on the top floor of the Tianlong Club, the naked Li Zhilong was lying on top of a yellow-haired girl and was working hard. He was startled by the sudden sound of an alarm. roared.

"Brother Long got angry and hacked everyone who broke in to death."

"No matter who it is, kill them directly, and let them come and go."

On every floor of the Tianlong clubhouse, there are many thugs maintaining order. After receiving the order, they rushed downstairs one after another, carrying long sabers, sharp military stabs, sharp switchblades and other controlled knives in their hands. .

"Say, where is Li Zhilong?" At this moment, a big man in sunglasses kicked the waitress to the ground, stepped on her high chest and asked coldly.

"Yes, on the top floor." The waitress felt that she was about to lose her breath, and struggled to say.

After hearing this, the big man in sunglasses ignored her and rushed upstairs, and soon encountered those thugs rushing down from upstairs, and immediately started a fierce fight, throwing the thugs downstairs one by one, struggling all over the floor , screaming in pain.

These three big guys in sunglasses are very terrifying. No matter how many people are blocking them, they can't stop them at all. No matter how fierce those thugs are, they are as helpless as children in their hands.

Their movements were so fast that it dazzled people, and it was impossible to see their movements clearly, while the person blocking them had already been thrown behind, and they were in severe pain, unable to get up.

In less than 10 minutes, the three of them broke into the top floor of the Tianlong clubhouse, and at the door of Li Zhilong's room, more than a dozen thugs were guarding there nervously. They were frightened by the terrifying speed and skill of the three of them, but Don't dare to retreat.

"Don't be afraid, give it to me."

"Go up, we will support you from behind."

There were two bald heads next to the door. They held pistols in their hands, so they were full of confidence. They urged the thugs in front to come forward, giving them a lot of courage, and rushed up with shouts.



It's just that, after rushing up, he was subdued in an instant like everyone else, and then threw it on the ground, screaming in pain and unable to get up, which made the hearts of the two bald men with guns in front tremble, and they raised their pistols and shouted: "stop."

The three big men in sunglasses really stopped, which gave the two bald heads confidence again. As the saying goes, no matter how good your martial arts are, you are afraid of kitchen knives, and no matter how fast you are, you are not as fast as guns. I don't believe that you can still be afraid of guns.

"Who are you? How dare you break into Brother Long's place, who ordered you to come here?" The two of them yelled immediately after their courage grew stronger.

"Li Zhilong is inside?" However, the three people were not as scared as they imagined, and one of them pointed to the inside of the room and asked.

"Bastards, I asked you something, and you dare not answer, do you think I dare not shoot?" A bald man raised his gun and shook it.

"Hmph, if you want to see Brother Long, you should kneel down, maybe Brother Long will meet you." The other bald man proudly gestured with a gun, wanting to see him kneel down and beg for mercy.


However, the front one of the three big men in sunglasses moved, and his body was like a shadow, and he was behind the two bald heads in an instant. Just as the two were about to shoot, they found that their wrists seemed to have been broken due to severe pain. Of course, the guns in their hands It has already been in the hands of the other party, and now it has become a mess.


In the astonished eyes of the two, the big man in sunglasses kicked up, kicking the door of the room away with a huge force, making a loud sound.At the same time, there was a muffled sound in the room, and the body of the big man in sunglasses took a slight step to the side. A hole the size of a finger appeared on the outer wall, but it was Li Zhilong who was inside the room who fired a shot.

However, before Li Zhilong had time to fire the second shot, the big man in sunglasses had already dodged to his side, cutting his palm on his shoulder. Suddenly Li Zhilong felt his right arm was completely numb, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground.

"Who sent you? Dare to fight against Brother Long, don't you want to live?" At this moment, a naked yellow-haired girl next to her screamed.

"Shut up." Before the three big men in sunglasses could speak, Li Zhilong jumped up, kicked her to the ground, and stomped on her twice before cursing: "You bitch, you want to hurt her!" kill me."

Afterwards, he turned around, with a smile on his face, and asked the three of them: "Three big brothers, please forgive my blindness, I don't know which department you are in? And what did I do wrong, please point it out , I will definitely compensate you and make sure you are satisfied.”

Li Zhilong could tell that these three people did not kill him, otherwise not only him, but also his younger brothers might all be killed.As for the person who has such skills and can even dodge bullets, except for some special departments of the country, he has never heard of that force, so he asked with confidence.

"You are Li Zhilong, Tianlong Fishery Company is yours?" asked the big man with dark glasses who came in first.

"Yes, yes, did Tianlong fishery offend someone? Brothers, I really don't know, but I am willing to make up for it. As long as you tell me the amount, I will pay you immediately without saying a word."

"Hmph, did you send three fishing boats yesterday, Feilong, Tianlong, and Jianlong, to rob a fishing boat?"

"Ah, brothers, this was all done by my subordinates. I didn't give an order. Could it be that this fishing boat was on a secret state mission? I really don't know. Please let me go, brothers. What do you want? I agree."

Li Zhilong broke out in a cold sweat when he heard it, and scolded Chen Chaoguo's eighteenth generation ancestors in his heart, secretly thinking that he was killed by this turtle son, and even asked him to deal with people who were carrying out state secret missions.

"Look at these people, they are your people."

Another guy with sunglasses miraculously took out a tablet computer, and when he opened it, more than 60 people including soldiers, yellow hair, and bald heads appeared, and they seemed to be able to see this side, and when they saw Li Zhilong, they all shouted: "Brother Long, Help, help us."

"Big brothers, they belong to me. Tell me, how can we let them go?" Facing the expectant eyes of everyone, Li Zhilong had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask.

"Pay the ransom, the three of them are 20 yuan each, and the others are [-] yuan each. You can figure out how much."

"Three 60, 300 people 360 million, a total of [-] million." Li Zhilong knew how many people were sent without counting, and instantly calculated the total amount of ransom.

"Let's pay the ransom first, and then you can send someone to pick them up." The man in sunglasses asked Li Zhilong to transfer the money by computer. Li Zhilong had no choice but to transfer 360 million to the designated account immediately.

"That's enough. All of your subordinates are on a deserted island eighty miles away from Dongzhou Fishing Port. You can send someone to pick them up yourself. Now, let's talk about another thing."

(End of this chapter)

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